16. That Mountain bastard.

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When she opened her eyes, she was in an airlock, hands tied, and gagged. Great. She looked around to see Miller, Harper, Jasper Octavia...well almost all of the group. Sinclair wasn't here, neither were Clarke and Bellamy. Most of them were unconscious, except from the group they were supposed to pick up. They'd been here longer. Who was doing this. Daenerys manged to remove the gag.

"Whoever this is, show your dumb self!" She provoked. Steps came closer and a man appeared. Oh she knew that man too well. The man she had saved unwillingly : Karl Emerson, security detail, Mount Weather.

"Really? Emerson?" She said in a bored tone.

"So, Daenerys. We finally meet again. For the last time."

The others stared at him and at her. "What are you doing?" She demanded.

"I'll answer honestly. I'm proceeding to my revenge."

"On Clarke?!" She sighed. "You think it'll ease up your mind? It won't. Clarke may have killed your kids-" he leaped to her and hit her across the face. She looked back up at him, looking straight into his eyes. "But you killed people's children too. You were ready to kill 45 teenagers to breath poisoned air. You're not better than her."

"Yes! I am!" He said, hitting her again. Once more she met his eyes.

"You're lost, Emerson. You've lost your damn mind."

He was about to respond when Clarke's voice came through the radio. "Emerson. I know you're listening. We need to talk."

He slowly took the radio and spoke. "I don't need to do anything." He replied. "You should've killed me when you had the chance."

Wait. Clarke had a chance to kill him?! Daenerys was so mad at Clarke. Why wouldn't she kill him? If not for revenge then at least out of pity or something.

"And now you're here to kill me is that it?" Clarke asked.

"Something like that."

"Then let my friends go!" She demanded. How naive was she really? "Do that and you can have me."

"You're brave, Clarke. I'll give you that. They're lucky to have a friend like you. Come to the airlock. No weapons. Right now." He ordered.

They waited. Daenerys knew Bellamy was with her. Honestly whatever their plan was it sucked. He had leverage. Right now, he was standing between Daenerys and Octavia. Daenerys sighed in exasperation when she saw Clarke appear, completely unarmed.

"I held out my part of the deal. Now your turn." She demanded. Emerson had a sick smile on his face.

"Tell Bellamy to show himself first."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She began but Emerson knocked out the breath out of Octavia. Bellamy came out of hiding.

"No!" He protested, holding the gun aimed. Emerson moved to Daenerys and held a knife to her throat. She rolled her eyes.

"Good." Emerson said apparently satisfied. "Now take out the clip and throw it down the hall." He instructed.

"He might not do it. I'm nothing to him." Daenerys kind of whispered.

"We'll find out." He said with his evil voice. As Bellamy hesitated, he repeated his instructions.

"You wanted me." Clarke protested. "I'll get inside once you let them go."

"I was talking to Bellamy." He told her and seeing Bellamy wasn't moving he moved the knife on her chest, cutting her and drawing blood. Bellamy reacted.

"Okay! Okay, just stop!" Daenerys frowned angrily.

"For pity's sake Bellamy. We both know you could just shoot me along with him and get the others out. Just freaking do it!" Emerson tightened the knife under her throat, making breathing harder. She gasped and Bellamy dropped all his weapons to the ground, lifting his hands up.

"What the hell, Bellamy." She grunted angrily but he moved to the airlock, hands in surrender. He penetrated the airlock and Emerson showed restrains hanging on the wall, next to Octavia.

"Those are yours." Bellamy glanced worriedly towards the two girls and restrained himself. Emerson moved away and pointed a gun at Clarke. Daenerys was mad at Clarke but certainly not enough to want her dead. She looked nervously at her. "Get on your knees Clarke." He ordered and she said as told, getting on her knees and lifting her hands behind her head. Emerson walked towards the exit, towards Clarke.

"You son of a bitch! Get back here!" Daenerys called. He wasn't letting anyone go. He turned slightly to her, prodding the closing button of the airlock. Daenerys looked at the others who all wore similar expressions. She tried pulling on her restraints, pulling so hard she was bleeding.

"Daenerys stop." Bellamy ordered. She stopped. And looked at him. She shot him a death glare.

"Don't think that saving my life makes up for Lincoln's or the 300 people you killed Bellamy." She snapped and went on with what she was doing. All the others looked worried at Clarke being strangled and hurt.

Daenerys managed to break the restrains and rushed to the panel next to the door to open it. Though as he saw that, Emerson moved to the board and pressed the oxygen button. The alarm went on and the lig g turned red.

"No!" She protested and tried to hurry with the panel but they could all feel the air slowly getting toxic. She couldn't think straight. She tried to concentrate but as she looked behind they were all falling in the last sleep. She was falling but held on to the wall for as long as she could. She took a sharp metal piece and managed to get to the wires. She only had to cut one and it would be it. Though her eyes were deceiving her and she couldn't see perfectly. If she cut the wrong wire, the door would be sealed from the inside.

She rested her head on the wall, glancing at Clarke who was in in a bad posture too. She tried to get going but there was nothing to do.

She couldn't. She felt dizzy and fell on the floor, darkness surrounding her.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now