14. Hannah.

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They reached the dropship and stopped in front of it.

"Who would've thought that it'd be good to see the dropship."

"It's not." Both girls said very seriously, before drawing swords and getting out.

"I'm gonna get the thing." Daenerys said and went in first. She could hear them talking from the inside but couldn't make out what they were saying. While taking the piece, she thought about what she'd do after this was over. She'd probably go live in Polis. Serve the Commander. Why not? Or travel. Go from Clan to Clan. She didn't know yet. Every now and then, she saw her sister, Lexa, her mom, Lincoln but she pushed them away, not wanting to mourn until the war was over. Her face hardened and she grabbed the piece. She met with Monty and gave him the piece to put it in his bag. They walked out of the drop ship.

"We got it, Octavia." Daenerys called as they walked towards the rover but stopped as nobody answered. "There's someone close." Daenerys whispered and right after a branch cracked. They called her name but no one answered.

"I'll go and mind the perimeter, to find her. You stay here." She took off running and not too long after, she heard grunts and sounds of a fight. She turned around. "Monty!" She said for herself and looking in the dark in case she could see Octavia, she took off back towards Monty. She ran and rushed to the person beating Monty. She was about to run her through, but Monty called.

"Daenerys! No!" He shouted and Octavia who arrived then witnessed as a surprised and distracted Daenerys was stabbed in the leg my Hannah. Daenerys elbowed her angrily and Octavia came to her help. They tackled Hannah to the floor but she kicked Daenerys in the chest, knocking the breath out of her. She then grabbed Octavia and held the blade to her throat, getting closer and closer to killing her. Daenerys was catching her breath. Her leg was badly bleeding. It all turned out to be a terrible, terrible night.
As Hannah almost killed Octavia, two gunshots echoed in the night. Daenerys's head snapped up. She was shocked to see Hannah fall to the floor. She stared at a broken Monty. She hated Hannah but felt so sad for Monty.

They all climbed in the rover. Daenerys was hiding her injured leg, but her hands were soaked with blood. She grabbed her shirt and tore a large piece to cover it and stop the bleeding. After that, there was nothing but silence in the rover. Monty was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his mom back there, that she was already gone. It was heartbreaking to see. Daenerys put her hand on his shoulder comfortingly and he didn't move away. He was in pain and she knew it.

When they reached the trading-post, they got out without a word. Daenerys walked past Bellamy and Jasper with Monty without even looking at them she hid her limp pretty well and thanks to the night, they couldn't see anything.

"Okay, Sinclair. We got it." She told him and worked with Monty and him it was just the finishing touches. They put all the pieces together and moved out the room.

"Everyone, let's go!" Sinclair called and the two young engineers followed.

Sinclair gave instructions and they all got to work. Daenerys turned to see the woman in red again. "Their design is good. I won't he able to get here before they disconnect you. You know too much." Daenerys opened her eyes wide and turned to Raven trying to kill herself. She rushed to her and grabbed her head, holding her still.

"Stop. And I'll give you this." Clarke announced showing the Flame. With this distraction they attached the wristband to Raven's wrist. "Put away the Flame Clarke, now." Daenerys ordered.

Raven was screaming but it was all ready. "Okay, we only have one shot at this. The EMP will fry the wristband too." Everybody agreed and told him to do it but when he pressed the buttons, nothing happened.

" We need more power. The battery's not strong enough."

"Then get one that is!" Clarke ordered.

"The rover!" Daenerys said as for herself and ran out to get the rover battery.

Daenerys had reached the rover. She sighed as Bellamy came to help. While they were taking out the battery, they heard a noise behind them and spotted a drone.

"Drone." Bellamy pointed out, lifting his rifle. But before he could shoot, Daenerys had thrown her knife that destroyed the device.

"We need to hurry. Alie's here." She said, ignoring Bellamy's eyes on her. She grabbed the battery and let Bellamy close the car hood. She rushed in, plugged the device and pressed the buttons. Raven screamed and Daenerys saw Alie disappear.
Then Raven remained motionless. Clarke, Octavia and Daenerys were trying to wake her but she didn't respond. Daenerys sighed but laid Raven on her back. "Come on! Just wake up..."

Suddenly as Jasper stole the Flame from Clarke and was about to destroy it, Daenerys's head snapped to Raven. She got her on her side. "Clarke, your med kit!" She called and Clarke remembered. She remembered that it was what they did to Lexa. It maybe was the same thing. All eyes were on the two girls. Daenerys took out a scalpel. She brought it to a flame to sterilise it and brought it to Raven's neck.

"Wha..." Sinclair tried but Clarke reassured him. Daenerys pressed the blade along the skin forming a cut similar to the one Lexa and her by the way had. Except she's had hers since she was a baby. Blood streamed down and she waited. All the others stared anxiously. Nothing happened and everyone held their breaths. Daenerys remained calm in appearances but deep down, she was as anxious as all the others.

When a dark liquid came out of the wound, she sighed in relief while they all made short comments. Raven coughed a little, in terrible pain, and Daenerys coverdale the wound. They sat her up and Daenerys moved out of the scene. She walked to the table and grabbed the Flame, putting it back in the little box and gave it to Jasper. He looked at her before moving to Clarke and giving it back to her. Daenerys was so happy to see her friend but needed some air.

She walked outside, limping. She didn't feel good, like the wound was getting infected. "You okay?" Niylah walked to her.

"I have nowhere to go to, no one."

"You're wrong. You have your friends. Stay with them. At least for them. They don't know yet but they need you way more then they think they do." Daenerys looked at her curious, then back to the floor.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim, Niylah."

She nodded and and they shook arms before Daenerys walked to Raven coming out of the trading-post. She walked to her and hugged her.
Raven returned the hug and then looked at her curious. "How come you could see Alie?"

"She could see Alie?!" Jasper almost chocked.

"Take it easy I'm not chipped. I still have all my memories even the most painful ones." She said, her eyes sad. "My sister's death. Lexa, Lincoln. Yeah I'm not chipped." Her voice was barely audible.

"I'm sorry." Jasper uttered clumsily but Daenerys waved it off and gave them a firm look.

"We don't have time to mourn the dead. War isn't over." And saying so, she helped Raven in the rover. Raven was sitting her legs still out of the rover and Daenerys was outside by her side. Clarke came to her, followed by Bellamy sadly glancing at his once grounder princess.

"There's something I don't understand." Clarke asked. "Why did Alie want you to kill yourself?"

"Because I know why she wants the second AI."

"Why's that?" Bellamy asked.

"It's the only thing that can stop her."

"Then let's stop her." Octavia butted in, surprising everyone with her change of mind. "We survived together." She said, glancing at Monty which had been the one to tell her that. They nodded and all climbed in the rover, leaving in the night.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now