12. Never give up.

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Guards lead her to the prisons. As she came into view, grounders bowed on one knee. The guards taken aback, loosened their grip, and we're surprised as she moved away from them, entering with extreme dignity the filthy cell, last place she'd see before being executed. They locked behind her and exchanged a look before leaving.

Lincoln rushed to her and tightened her in a hug. He knew her very well and knew her extraordinary strength was a mask, that she was broken inside.

"Lincoln." She whispered and he took a look at her.

"The Commander?"

She nodded and a few tears fell from her beautiful eyes. He held her a little longer and then she took a deep breath, showing strength to the other grounders, her people. She knelt by one of them.

"I've come to make things right for all of you. You will be home soon."

"Thank you, Fleimheda." Danae replied, smiling weakly but sincerely.

She walked to Sinclair. "You know why you're here?" She asked.

"It's part of the plan." He replied. "We're going to start a riot, so Kane can take Pike to your people."

"This is great, when?"


She nodded and tended to her people, giving them courage to hold on. At one point, she gathered her people in the cell and stood amongst them. The guards checked she wasn't planning an escape, though they couldn't understand. It frustrated them more than they'd care to admit.

"I've gathered you because our Commander, Lexa kom Trikru has died." They all looked down, sad, but all their eyes were full of hope as they looked at her. "I'm telling you this not for you to lose hope but for all of you to hold on to each other. These are very dark times, and it is not the end. But each and everyone of you must always hold on to those you hold dear." Lincoln sat with the others, listening to her. "Do anything to save and help them. If I've learnt anything in my life, it is that we must do whatever it takes when it comes to the people close to us or you will always think about all the ways you could've used to saved them. Save lives, at any cost. Never escape pain, fight it, overcome it. Fight for what is right, let go of the rest. If I die I don't want people to cry over me, I want people to think of me and regain strength to fight. Life is a fight, never, ever surrender." She then walked to each of them, giving them encouraging words.

She then walked to Lincoln and sat by his side. He turned his face to her, studying her before talking. "You inspire them. You should be Commander." He told her.

"Maybe one day. If I don't die tomorrow." He lifted his hand and gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze.

"The Commanders will protect you. I know it. You were destined to rule and bring people to peace." She looked at him, giving him a very slight smile. It was hard being hours away from her death. She had never imagined dying this way. When she got on the ground, she thought the Ark would never condemn her again. Well...They had remained silent for a while.

"You remember when we first met?" She whispered and he smiled.

"Yeah. I saw your strength then. I remember how you helped me and Octavia."

"Well, how could I not? You two are meant to be. I'll do everything I can to make sure that you have a future. You deserve it, both of you."

He swung an arm around her and she let her head fall on his shoulder.

Lincoln manged to explain the plan and they simply talked after that until Sinclair told a guard he was ready to talk.
That was the beginning of the plan. Though the guard who came to listen wasn't exactly the person she had expected to come. Bellamy stood in front of the door, ready to listen to Sinclair who first bought some time, asking for favors. When he was done, Daenerys stood up, doing her part with Lincoln. She had her cape moving behind her. She was beautiful and Bellamy couldn't help but glance at her from time to time.

"So?" Lincoln started walking towards them. "The cowards make their deals to save their own skin." He said, venom in his voice.

"Quiet." Bellamy snapped. It was Daenerys's cue.

"Can't defeat my army at the gate, so you turn on your own?" She provoked, walking around, her eyes on Sinclair and Bellamy. She let out only a small amount of the anger she was feeling. "Makes you feel strong?" She went on asking.

"I said be quiet." Bellamy cut, his eyes on Lincoln.

"Doubt we're the ones who need to be silenced." She said walking towards Sinclair while Lincoln waited a little in the back. "He'll tell them nothing." She said and before they could say anything, she caught Sinclair and threw him on the floor like it was an easy move. Lincoln caught him and started punching him. From outside they couldn't see it was all fake, so Bellamy panicked and called the guards to help him.

But when he saw what was happening, Daenerys turned to her people. "Come now!" She cried and everyone got into movement. Lincoln went for the door and as Bellamy was trying to block it, Daenerys rushed to him and pushed him violently against the cell metal walls, and helped Lincoln force the door open. They got through and assaulted the guards. It was an easy call. Daenerys grabbed one and made him trip and knock himself out on the wall. She rushed to another one and kicked him hard in the chest, making him fall on the other behind him. "Come on!" She encouraged. A guard sounded the alarm asking for all available guards.

"Let's get the party started." She said, full of anger and ready to fight. A few soldiers came and she didn't hesitate with her precise moves, knocking them out cold. The two limp bodies weren't an accident. They weren't her people, they had killed hers, she'd kill theirs. She gave all her energy to it. Bellamy gained back consciousness and stood up. He saw all the mess and joined in the fight. Daenerys didn't miss it and walked to him.

"Look who decided to join." She said and hardly had she said those words that she punched him in the face, knocking him against the wall.

"Daenis!" He tried but she glared at him.

"You've lost the right to call me this, Bell. Now I'm going to die but I'm not gonna let my people die." She kicked him in the stomach but two guards grabbed her and removed her from Bellamy. She lost sight of him and went on with her fight eliminating the two men who interrupted her. More were coming and she saw Lincoln get shocked, Sinclair as well and everyone was back in except her. She kept going. Every time she hit a guard, pictured of the massacre, of Lexa, of her sister flashed in her mind, keeping her going.
Though there were 10 guards with shock sticks in their hands. She took a deep breath and kicked two sticks out of their hands, though got hit once. Pictures and memories of Lexa flashed in her mind.
She grunted and went on, knocking three guards out. She used a stick she had picked up, to shock two others. There were four left and they hesitated. They weren't supposed to use their guns but they maybe could. She was dangerous. She ceased their hesitation to disarm them and throw them on the floor. Though one got to Lincoln and held a gun to his face.

"Don't move." He ordered and she hesitated.

"Why don't you kill me?!" She provoked. "Come on!" But the guard didn't budge. He held the gun loosely to Lincoln's head, forcing her to fall back. The standing guards shocked her more than necessary, making her grunt in pain, and took her back in the cell. Lincoln rushed to her side and helped her up. She let him hold her.

"I just hope it worked." She told him and both him and Sinclair nodded. Now they had to wait.
While they did, Daenerys tended to the bruises of her people, promising them she would never let them die.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now