11. Kings and Queens bowed before me. What makes you think you can refuse long?

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"Fleimheda! Skaikru soldiers are coming towards us." A grounder called and Daenerys, fully armed, wearing Lexa's pin, her make up and cape (they had had another made for the future Commander.), she walked out to the soldiers. As she saw them, she simply lifted her hand and they were all killed but one. She walked to the man.

"What do you seek here?" She asked despisingly.

"What are you doing? This is our territory!" He said furiously, buy hardly had he spoken, that Daenerys had drawn her swords and killed the man, stabbing him in the heart and cutting off his head. She turned to her men.

"This shall be the fate of any Skaikru crossing over the line, am I understood."

They all bowed their heads and she returned to her tent.

Daenerys had left Polis without trouble, given she was the most respected person next to Lexa and she had joined the armies of the Twelve Clans, leading them. She called two riders in her tent and they bowed before her and waited for orders.

"I chose you two to bring Skaikru a message."


"The grounders are close." Pike stated.

"Gathering from the North and West." Hannah added to his statement. "It appears they're establishing a blockade. There's no way through it."

"Something's changed." Pike said for himself and a sentry called him, having Hannah, Bellamy and him turn their heads.

"Sir? You need to see this." Pike took the tool and looked through it, seeing two grounders on horses coming their way.

"What do they want?" Pike wondered.

"Theyre bringing a message." Bellamy answered. "I've seen this before." He glanced at Pike and climbed down the ladder from the sentry post and ordered for the gates to be opened. He stepped through it, followed closely by Pike and soldiers.

"Talk." Bellamy ordered.

"We seek the one you call Pike."


"An army has fallen. Blood soaking the earth where he took their lives one by one."

"Welcome to the war against Skaikru." Bellamy snapped with his deep voice.

"Life was taken. We demand life in return. But she demands only one."

They all assumed she meant the Commander.

"My life?" Pike asked and the soldiers shot Pike a death glare. He had killed so many of their brothers and sisters.

"What are your terms?" Pike asked.

"Come with us. We walk away." The grounder replied.

"Walk away from what?" Pike demanded.

The grounder straightened up and announced loud enough to be heard. "By order of the Commander and Daenerys Fleim Nou Daun, Keryon kom Heda, you have been surrounded by an army of the Twelve Clans."

Bellamy maintained his calm as they pronounced her full grounder name. She had ordered for this?

"In every direction, warriors wait to kill anyone who attempts to cross the blockade, to greet them as Daenerys, Fleimheda greeted those outside your walls today." He said, throwing a large and heavy cloth. It opened at their feet, showing bloody guard uniforms.
"She told us to leave the bodies to the animals."

"That's enough." Bellamy cut.

"Let's go." Pike ordered.

"They won't leave." Bellamy defended. "I've seen this before."

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now