13. The execution. Remorse. Broken.

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They waited quite a while, presuming it worked. But the sound of guards coming alerted them. They looked up and Lincoln stood as he saw them bring Kane in. They shut the door and left.

Daenerys turned to the others. "This is not the end. It is a step. A painful one but I know that after today, people will think, question themselves, their actions. Do not loose faith." She then walked to them, spending time with them.

Kane looked at her with admiration and turned to Lincoln who just came from helping his people. "You inspire them. So does she. I can't believe I condemned her on the Ark."

"She's not like anybody else I've seen with the grounders. I've never seen anyone fit in and be accepted like that." Lincoln added.

"She cannot die."

"No. Everybody needs her." They were interrupted by the arrival of Pike, followed by Bellamy and other guards.

"I had more time." Kane protested as he stood up.

"I'm not here for you." He said. "Each of you is guilty of the same crimes as Kane." He announced. "And as such, you will share the same fate, death."

"What is he saying?" Danae asked standing up, followed by all the panicked grounders. Lincoln rushed to her.

"Hod op!" Daenerys called and lifted her hand, getting everyone to stand down and look at her. She walked to Pike, everyone waiting for her to speak. "My people will not be sentenced to death." She announced and Pike raised his eyebrow. "They don't know you, Pike. They didn't know what they were doing. They weren't part of the plan. All they saw was an open door, a way out. I got them involved. They followed me, nothing more."

"She's right." Bellamy butted in. "We would've done the same if we were in there."

Pike hesitated, but Daenerys held his gaze the whole time, even if she could see Bellamy's expression. She didn't want to look at him. He made this happen. Yes, she still loved him no matter what and hoped for him to change his mind, but she didn't forgive, yet. She couldn't. Nonetheless, she couldn't let the last memory of her be one of hate. So she simply avoided all contact.

"I believe that's true." Pike finally announced. "Kane, Lincoln, Sinclair, and Daenerys." He called and they all looked at him. "As the leaders of this coup, you will pay for your crimes with your lives. Execution is set for dawn." They all left but Bellamy who seemed in shock. Daenerys had already gone back to her people reassuring them. She glanced up and saw him but turned her eyes right away, while Lincoln held his gaze.

Kane walked to Sinclair, Lincoln and Daenerys. They were all four to be executed, and they all held on to each other. "Death isn't the end." Daenerys said to them in a whisper. We're going to be an example, but not in the way Pike wants us to be. We will show that when we believe in what we think, we have courage to face death." She said, though Lincoln could see she was nervous.

Kane passed his finger on the Coalition mark. "Could've worked." Lincoln pointed out, almost in a whisper too.

"Death can be an act of unity too." Kane said, in the same calm tone. "If we don't break. We don't show fear." They remained silent until the sound of footsteps reached their ears. The condemned prisoners stood up and Danae walked to Lincoln and Daenerys ready to resist but Lincoln told her to back down. Though when they grabbed Daenerys the other grounders stood up, ready to fight. The guards hesitated but Daenerys turned to them.

"It's okay." She said in Trigedasleng. "Ste yuj."

They backed down hesitating and the prisoners were taken away, surrounded by heavily armed soldiers. Daenerys wondered where Bellamy was but pushed it away. He was the reason Lincoln was being executed alongside Kane and Sinclair.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now