Hate & love, mistakes or misjudgements...

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Daenerys walked through the corridors, until she found the room in which Bellamy had found her. She walked in, looking at the walls, wishing none of this had happened, that she didn't have to leave...but it all did happen. Leaning against the wall, she slid down and held her knees in her arms, letting her head fall. She was alone and no one could catch her here.

After a while, she looked around and her eyes landed on a piece of paper. She frowned, and took it in her hands.

I'll be back for her.

"Carl Emerson." She whispered. Who was he talking about? Was it her?

"I knew you'd come back." A cold voice said, making her jump. She stood and turned to the door.

"What are you doing here, Emerson?" She asked coldly, ready to grab her sword.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, no need to take your sword out."

"What do you want with me?"

"I wanted a lot of things but some seem to be impossible now, like making a copy of your DNA. You have a very special DNA. But that's not it. I've made a deal with some people who would like to have you alive-"


"That's right. Now I haven't told them yet that I found you." He said walking slowly towards her.

(Just a suggestion, song for the following text, night vision by Lindsey Stirling and Fire meets fate by Ruelle)

"Back off, bastard!" She said taking out her swords.

"Now you don't want to do that."

"And why not? I could kill you just now. I saved your ass, you tried to kill me, why would I not kill you?"

"If you kill me, Azgeda will get you straight away. By the way, I came in peace, just to see you. I have unfinished business with you."

"I have no business with you." She snapped.

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at her, making her back a step. She was 8 meters away from him. Tension was extremely high. She concentrated before running towards him full speed. She knew he'd shoot, and it all happened in a split second. She ran and and she slipped into between his open legs, just avoiding the bullet. He was taken aback, and ending up behind him, she knocked him out cold. She looked down at him and spat next to his body. Though as he had shot, he had he had pressed the signal for Azgeda. She breathed and spun her two swords above her, ready for the warriors. They came running, and she wasn't the least bit scared. She had a kind of smile, she was so sure of herself. Their swords crossed with hers, but her eyes were paying attention to every single detail, which allowed her to hit them in the exact place and kill them. She flipped over their deadly swords, d ucjed in time to parry hits and give deadly ones.
After a small time, they were all dead, all seven of them.

She grabbed a dagger and a spear and not looking back, she left. She had to fight against herself, this dark side of herself. She walked through Mount Weather, kinda covered with blood, from the Grounders and with her own nightblood, because of the large cut she had received on her leg. She ignored it and ignored the looks from the Arkadians.

She climbed stairs and arrived in the hall, where people stared at the bloodied girl. They had curious looks, and kind of scared too. She looked straight in front of her, except when she noticed Bellamy. It all seemed to be a slow motion. She turned her head and their eyes met.
Bellamy saw her and his jaw dropped. She had her swords out and walked in a terribly badass way, Bellamy fell even more in love with her, as he saw her walk in the silent room, this fire in her eyes, and soul. It was incredible, he just stared as she turned back her head and walked out looking as awesome. He wondered how a girl could be so beautiful, so incredible in her every moves. He loved her, he knew it, h even was more than crazy about her, anyone could see it, by the way he stared at her.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now