23. The lever, the end of the World.

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Daenerys looked around, finding herself back in space. She looked around.

"Commander. I'm glad you made it."

She turned around and saw Becca, Becca Pramheda, standing there. She walked to her.

"Becca!" She smiled but became serious again. "The code is gonna be updated."

"Yes. And very soon." Becca informed. "Alie 2.0 emerged with your mind, your mind is in control and therefore is the only one that can pull the kill switch."

Daenerys nodded and followed Becca through her space lab, to a table on which appeared a lever. She brought her hand to it, slowly.

"If you pull that, you will be killing everyone." Alie said, making Daenerys jolt around to see the woman in red. "See for yourself." She said, walking to windows showing earth. "The nuclear power plants that weren't destroyed by the bombs have begun to melt down. My drones detected the first of them four months ago. There are more than a dozen at-risk plants around the world. Seven currently burning. Global radiation levels are already rising. By my calculations, in less than six months the Earth's surface will be uninhabitable. Even for those born in space." Daenerys kept her eyes on the planet before looking at Alie.

"So, by your calculations, what is the solution."

"The City of Light is the only thing that can save you." She replied and Daenerys seemed to be considering this.

In the throne room.

"This is it. Keep Daenerys safe! Give her time. They're unarmed and they won't feel pain. They won't stop until they're out cold." Bellamy ordered.

In the City of Light

"Black rain will come first. There will be no drinkable water. Pre-cancerous lesions will form on-" Alie explained.

"She's stalling. As soon as the update is complete she'll delete the killswitch." Becca cut and Daenerys was thinking. This was a hard decision.

"I am not stalling. I'm telling the truth."

"Why tell us now? If it's true, why not use this to get people to take the chip instead of torturing them?" She tried. "I mean, why lie?"

"The last time I warned my creator of the threat to human survival, she chose to lock me away and come here to work on my replacement." Alie said and Becca asked

"Define perverse instantiation."

"Perverse instantiation: the implementation of a benign final goal through deleterious methods unforeseen by a human program."

"By killing six and a half billion people to solve overpopulation? The goal isn't everything, ALIE. How you reach the goal matters too. Sorry that I didn't teach you that."

"It's now or never Commander. Once ALIE's upgraded I won't be able to help you anymore."

"But I will. In the City of Light. You don't have to bear the burden of decisions like this one, Daenerys." Alie said on the same tone. "You don't have to live with the pain of the things that you've done anymore. The lives you have taken, and those you've lost. You will be at peace. You will live forever."

"She's killing those who are left." Becca warned."Octavia Blake , Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake."

At the mention of Bellamy she turned to Becca, worried.

"You don't have much time."

She turned back to Alie.
"Pain makes us stronger. Take it away and all the experience and strength goes away."

"Your people don't agree, Daenerys. You heard Jasper, even those who are coerced would choose to stay here."

"Give them a real choice, and I won't pull this lever. Give them back their pain, their memories. Let them decide for themselves." Daenerys defied.

"She can't. Her core command is to make life better for mankind. She still thinks she's doing that." Becca told her.

"20 seconds, then the killswitch will be gone." Becca warned.

"Would you really condemn the human race to die in six months?" Alie asked and Daenerys was torn.

"We'll figure something out. We always do." She tried to convince herself.

"Yes Daenerys, there is still hope." Becca encouraged.

"According to my calculations, there is not." Alie deadpanned.

"10 seconds."

"Let me ease their pain, Daenerys. We can save the human race, together."

"They're almost all gone." Becca told Daenerys who grabbed the kill switch and looked at Alie.

"You don't ease pain. You overcome it. And we will!"

She pulled the lever and everything went dark. In the throne room all the chipped people felt a strange pain, as the chips were fried, and Marcus Kane who was strangling Bellamy gained back consciousness and saw in horror what he was doing.

Bellamy stood back up and turned to Daenerys who hadn't opened her eyes yet. He rushed to her and checked for a pulse. Just as he was doing this, she opened her eyes and when she saw him, she sighed in relief and threw her arms around him.

"You're alive!" She breathed and his arms tightened around her. They both let tears stream down their cheeks and remained in the embrace for some time before she remembered she was the Commander. She pulled away and looking at all these people she hoped she had done the right decision... what if she had just condemned everyone to death?...

"Daenerys? You're not acting like someone who just saved the world." Bellamy said and she turned to him.

"Because I haven't." He frowned in puzzlement, so she pulled him to the balcony. "The fire that destroyed the earth 97 year ago, it's going to happen again in six month. The nuclear power plants that weren't destroyed by the bombs have begun to melt down. The radiation levels are already rising."

Bellamy was struck but as he saw how Daenerys was torn, he took both her hands. "No matter what, we're gonna get through it together, all of us."

She nodded and told him to tell Clarke. She had to be the Commander. He nodded and she walked in the throne room. The grounders bowed on one knee, looking respectfully at her. She told them to stand and walked to the grounders in pain.

"We will honor the dead. Take your loved ones and go out. I will join you to make an announcement." They all agreed, and in pain, they moved towards the exit. She turned around and saw Bellamy and Clarke leave. Suddenly, she felt arms wrap around her, hugging her and she realised it was Murphy. She returned the hug, sighing in relief.

"I'm glad you and Emori are okay!" She said in relief and he smiled.

"Can't kill me that easily. I'm glad you're okay too." They smiled and they both left.

After a few minutes, everyone had left. She looked around, at the bloodied room, where Ontari laid, dead. In a short while they'd go and get her to honor her. She walked slowly and painfully to the balcony. Who should she be telling? Should everyone know? People would be scared. She leant on the balcony, holding her wounded side, looking at the people in so much pain down there. She saw Bellamy and Clarke, talking together. They'd find a solution for Skaikru, she was sure about this. She had to find a solution for everyone. She had to lead, to sacrifice everything if that was the cost.

It was time for her to take the lead. She ignored the pain from the bullet and turned around. Azgeda was going to make moves. She had to go.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now