9. Building a trap for Arkadians.

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Daenerys was sharpening her sword when Octavia came back into the cave, with a bruised forhead and tired.

"What happened?" She asked, standing up.

"Hannah Green and others with Pike were testing the water and they were ready to kill a kid to prevent being found out."

"Damn, I'll kill them." Daenerys cursed and they both sat down, sharpening their weapons and talking about the whole situation, except about Bellamy. That was a forbidden subject.

After a while, Daenerys looked up. "I'm gonna talk to Kane with my radio." Octavia nodded and handed the thing to her friend who sat further away from the cave.

"Kane? It's Daenerys."

"Daenerys, how are things on your end? Did Octavia manage to save that kid?"

"Yeah, she did. How are you holding up?"

"We're finding ways to find out what they're doing."

"I'm gonna leave."


"I...I can't be so close to B-this whole situation."

Kane tried to convince her to stay on, but after a long argument, he gave up and agreed to let her go back to Polis. When she said goodbye, Kane spoke to the radio. "They're going to take the grounder village soon, you have to get there before they do to stop a war, Daenerys. It will be the last thing I ask before you go."

"I'm definitely in. I hope to see you again soon, Kane." She told him and went to find Octavia , only to find her gone and horse prints on the floor. "Shit!" She cursed and ran to the grounder village. She ran without halt until it came into view. Octavia was there, telling the grounders to leave their village because of the Skaikru threat and Semet hit her in the face, asking her why they should trust her and Daenerys made her entrance.

"Hod op, Semet!" She called and all eyes were on her. They bowed and then Semet walked to her.

"She is threatening us."

"She is trying to save you. Skaikru has betrayed us all and is planning on attacking because they take our land for granted. Come, Semet." She told the village chief and they walked to his tent. They both walked to his table where he had a map. "We're going to build a trap for Skaikru." She announced and he nodded fully. "We are not giving up our land, for them to use. We can't fight guns, but we can destroy the soil."

"So we leave?" He asked and Daenerys nodded.

"Tell the others to take what they can carry. We are going to Polis." (Gif)

"Sha, Daenerys Keryon kom Heda."

"Good. While you take care of the children, I will gather your men and women. As for Octavia, I want no harm to come to her, but she cannot warn them of our plan."

"Sha." He nodded and left. Daenerys gathered the men and women, every grounder strong enough to fight.

"Skaikru will not steal our land! While the others pack their things, gather bows and arrows, and gear up. Take fire supplies, we will take them up the hill. Take poison sap, and cover your old fires with it. Once Skaikru is drawn in, we will shoot burning arrows, causing the smoke to surround them. Understood? Then let's go!" She helped them get everything ready, she helped kids get to safety, then walked to wherevthey had left Octavia on the Hill, knocked out. She didn't remind them. Deep down, she was counting on the fact that Octavia would wake up to save Bellamy from certain death. But she didn't admit it to herself.

They were ready. Night had fallen and she was on her horse, bow in hand, looking at the village, waiting my for the rovers to appear. Finally, the lights appeared, moving towards the village. Used to the night, she could see the soldiers moving forward in towards the village, armed. She greeted her teeth and gripped her bow.

She nodded to her soldier and they all set fire to their arrows as they heard.

"Bellamy, you have to get them out of here, it's a trap!"

Daenerys looked down, aiming her three burning arrows. She was at the very center, on her horse, so they'd all see her, and it worked. Bellamy's eyes landed directly on her as she released her arrows which landed on the fires and around. The grounders all reloaded at Daenerys's signal and they saw the smoke moving through the village, killing the soil and everything alive. She didn't feel sorry. It was a small price for the murder of 300 people. As Bellamy looked over the smoke, at her, she turned her horse in the other direction, leaving.

"Your girlfriend and sister did this!" Hannah told Bellamy as they witnessed Monroe die. Monty glanced at the hill, then to Bellamy.

"You lost her Bellamy. You lost the possibility of having her on our side. Pike will have her killed." With that, he helped bring Monroe back in the rover and they all drove back to camp. Bellamy was conflicted. He had seen her tonight, not broken and powerless like when she escaped with his sister, but overwhelmed by pain and anger, hate. It was his falt, he turned her into this, he caused her pain. He still saw her, when he closed his eyes, back when he saved her life the third day on the ground, when they first kissed in the dropship, when he found out she was alive after the dropship blast....He couldn't get distracted. He pushed all these memories away and focused on war. What needed to be done. He had to make sure his people had to eat and were safe. That was what they were working on with Pike.

He had to forget about her, even though he couldn't, to focus on the mission.

It was hard because every grounder he killed felt to him as an attack to her. Though, every time he pushed that thought away and tried to erase her.

Little did he know it was the most vain thing to do. He had thought it was getting better until he saw her tonight and realised she was at the center of all his priorities.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now