The 13th Clan.

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(Dialogues in italics : Trigedasleng )

(Cf. Picture, part one.)

In the morning, Daenerys woke up before Lexa. She had hardly slept and felt tired. She stretched and only put one of her swords on and decided to go to Roan and Clarke. The guards let her in. She stopped as she saw Roan give Clarke a knife.

Both jumped as she said "if you're gonna kill anyone, you better be sure of the consequences." Daenerys turned around to close the door, but Roan ceased the occasion to grab her and throw her to the floor sitting on top of her, holding her arms.

"You betrayed me! I saved you, I had a deal and because of you she broke it."

"I...I'm sorry. I did what I had to." Daenerys said, not fully sincere. She didn't resist at all, which caused him to loosen his grip a little. She sat up, ending up real close, and he didn't move from where he was. "I hope that knife wasn't planned for me." She whispered.

Daenerys knew what his weakness was. She was his greatest weakness. She brought one of her arms around his neck so that he was entirely under her spell. Their faces were so close and his eyes were moving from her eyes to her lips.

When she was sure he was completely distracted, she turned him over and held her own sword to his neck with a huge smirk playing on her lips.

Clarke had left the room to hers, neither Roan nor Daenerys cared. Roan let his head fall back. "I should've guessed you'd play that card."

She lent over him and whispered "Well you didn't." Roan smirked too. He really loved that girl, he really did. He knew though that her heart belonged to someone else, but he liked it when they spent moments together. Her betrayal was hard to digest but he couldn't quite hold a grudge. Daenerys moved up, helping him up and they moved to the balcony. It was nice to talk.

"Roan, I am sorry." She said more seriously. I used our friendship, and it wasn't right."

He nodded. "It's ok." They went on talking politics or just about their lives. After a while, Roan went to his bed.

"I'll get some sleep." He announced.

"I'll come with you." She laid by his side and he swung an arm around her. It was really soothing, and both of them fell asleep. Nothing happened. Daenerys knew she still loved Bellamy and she wouldn't cheat on him.




Lexa had woken up as well. She wasn't surprised to see her friend had already gone down. She got fully dressed and called for Titus who came straight in.

"Titus, I want you to bring Clarke in a proper room. I know she doesn't want to see me, but she doesn't need to, not yet. I want her to be well treated until she is ready to see me. Do you understand?"

The Flame keeper hesitated as he thought of Lexa's order, but he knew he didn't have a choice so he nodded and left to get Clarke. Lexa was trying to find a solution for Clarke. She liked her and wanted her to be happy. How could she send back Wanheda, prevent Azgeda from attacking Skaikru and the 12 clans. There had to be a way.

She rushed to her papers, and searched for an idea. When she found the paper with the laws of the Coalition, it all clicked. She had to turn Skaikru into the 13th. It was the best solution. She had sworn to Daenerys that she wouldn't betray her again, that was a way of making sure of this. Sure of herself, she summoned her council.




Daenerys took back her sword, her jacket and left Roan asleep. She walked back to her room where she laid down. She was tired too. With the lack of sleep and all. Every time she thought of Bellamy, which was very often the case, she tried to push it away. She laid there, on her bed, alone once again.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now