10. The pain of death.

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They rode until they reached the calm of Polis. Daenerys walked first and didn't stop until she reached the room in which Lexa was. Only she was allowed in, the others had to wait for Titus. Lexa was surprised but pleased to see her closest family. They locked arms and Daenerys hugged Lexa.

"I'm So glad to be with you, Lex'." She whispered. "I..."

"He's with Pike?" She whispered and Daenerys nodded weakly. "Let's not tall about it. You will tell me when you are ready, alright?"

"Thanks." She said and Lexa tightened her in her arms.

"I know how you feel."

"I know. But I have you." Daenerys told her. "I don't know if I'd have the courage to live if you weren't there."

"Don't say that." Lexa replied. "Even if you were alone, wounded or close to death, you'd have the courage to stand up and fight, Daenerys. And no matter what, I will always be with you."

"Thank you, Lexa." She managed a very weak smile and Daenerys wiped all her sadness off her face to join her in the throne room, for Ascension day. Clarke smiled weakly at her friend. The door opened and Semet came in with Octavia still restrained. Daenerys sighed and walked to Octavia, releasing her, but letting Semet keep an eye on her to explain the  situation. Octavia Blake gave her a thankful look and Semet complained about Skaikru, asking for revenge.

"What happened?" Clarke asked and Daenerys stepped up.

"Skaikru attacked their village in attempt to take their land."She announced loud enough for everybody to hear, and people gasped, murmured.

"Beja, Heda." Semet pleaded. "Avenge us." He asked and Lexa stared at him, thinking. People shouted death to Skaikru and all sorts of things so Lexa told Titus, Daenerys and Clarke to follow her in the other room.

"How dare you bring me this on ascension day?!" Lexa told Titus.

"I did not bring this here, Heda. You did." He replied. "Against my advice, you made Skaikru the 13th Clan. They rejected this and murdered hundreds of your people! And yet on the very field where they died, you decided to forgive the killers. But this provocation is proof. Blood must not have blood has failed. All that can stop this now is war."

Lexa looked at Clarke. "Clarke?" She asked but Titus cut.

"Clarke's opinion in this matter isn't exactly unbiased." Lexa looked at Titus then at Clarke.

"I agree with Titus." Daenerys spoke up and Lexa looked at her, listening. "Knowing Clarke, she will do anything to save her people. But they have crossed the line. If it weren't for Octavia and I, this village would've been massacred just like they massacred the army. They will not stop until they possess all the land. They will expand excessively. Heda, you must act. It's true that not everyone agrees with Pike. We received information from a team inside, helping us anticipate Pike's moves. These good people need time to throw Pike out, but Pike and his men have to be contained." Lexa nodded and looked at Titus, then at Clarke.

"I know what we have to do."

They all walked back in the room, and Daenerys gave Octavia a knowing look.

"Today, I call on the armies of the Twelve Clans to march on Arkadia." Lexa announced and Octavia looked puzzled so Daenerys mouthed a 'trust me.' And Lexa went on. "Not to attack, but to contain. We will blockade the 13th Clan, keep them from the lands they wish to possess, we will give them time to take out their leaders from within. Once they rise up against them, we will welcome them back as one of us." Lexa and Titus exchanged a look.

"You heard the Commander. Send riders. Tell your armies to set up a buffer zone around Arkadia. 5 miles should be enough to keep them away from our villages." He then turned his head to the Commander who looked at Daenerys. She knew how much this meant to her and wanted to let her choose the orders of the blockade.

"Any Skaikru caught across the line will be subject to a kill order." She announced and Octavia stared at her in disbelief but Daenerys just waited for the session to end now.

"Heda, I don't understand. How is this vengeance?" Semet asked Lexa.

"It is not vengeance, my brother, it is justice."

"Skaikru killed my sons, and my brother, and my wife! If the spirit of the Commanders will not protect us, who will?!"

"You mind yourself Semet." Titus threatened and Daenerys held her daggers at the ready as he turned around and shouted.

"Death to the Commander!" He rushed towards Lexa and as Titus stepped in front of her, Daenerys used her two daggers to disarm him and slit his throat.
He fell dead on the ground and people looked in respect at Daenerys Fleim Nou Daun, Keryon kom Heda, before the room was cleared and Daenerys lead Octavia to Clarke's room. Octavia and Daenerys were alone at first.

"Why? You made us all subjects to a kill order?!" She scolded.

"Octavia. You know why I did it. If it were all up to me, I would've gone in and killed Pike and his team. But I can't. Now I will not let him reach another single village and this is the only way."

Octavia nodded on understanding, feeling sorry for what her brother had done to her. "You still love him." She said and Daenerys's face snapped to her, before she looked down.

"Never once did it falter."

Octavia walked to her friend and took her hands comfortingly. "You should find a way to talk to him, talk to him again. Trust me, he might not be as sure as he was back then." Daenerys hesitated, looking out the window.

"Maybe I will." She whispered and Clarke came in. Daenerys remained by the window while the two talked. It didn't last long and Clarke left to see Lexa. Octavia left to find Indra, telling Clarke that if she wasn't here in an hour, she wasn't the person she thought she was. Her and Daenerys locked arms and hugged and Daenerys walked to the balcony, lost in her thoughts. She didn't know how long she stayed there, but she snapped back to reality as she heard Clarke call a name. Murphy. She rushed in and saw Titus, and Murphy in and chair.

"OMG, John?"She gasped and tried to remove the gag.

"I wouldn't do that." He threatened, showing a gun.

"Titus, what the hell is going on with you?! We're leaving, Clarke is leaving."

"It's true, I'm leaving with Octavia, right now. Just let me take my things and we'll be on our way."

Daenerys held Murphy's hand. "I'm gonna get you out, okay?" He looked at her intensely, but the moment was broken by gunshots. Clarke started running, Daenerys threw a chair at him, making him fall, but everything stopped with the following gunshot.

Lexa had come in, hearing the gunshots and was there, in shock, bleeding. Daenerys stared in shock as Lexa collapsed on the floor, and Titus rushed to her.

"Help me get her to the bed!" Clarke shouted and Daenerys watched as Lexa was carried to the bed. This couldn't be happening. Murphy managed to free himself and walked to her.

"Hey. Go to Clarke." He told her and she did, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Lex'." She whispered, tears streaming down. "Lex', please stay with me, okay?"

"You...you could...be the next Commander."

"I'm nothing, now, Lex'. I have no one, I can't loose you too."

Lexa managed to take her hand. "I will always be with you....Daeny." She whispered weakly. "Mebi...Mebi oso na hit choda op...nodotaim." She told Daenerys, tears streaming abundantly. She looked at what Lexa had given her: her Commander forhead pin.
Daenerys couldn't repress sobs but she composed herself, taking her hand too and reciting with Clarke.

"In peace, may you leave the shore..." They struggled a little to continue.
"In love, may you find the next, safe journey- on your travels...until our final journey to the ground.
May we meet again..." They finished and Daenerys broke down as Lexa let out her last breath.

Daenerys looked at her sister, her family, lifeless. "Noooo!" She cried and Murphy walked to her, pulling her away from the bed, and tightening her into a hug, holding her tight as she sobbed all she could. She held onto him, not letting him go. She had him. In all the people she'd lost, she still had him...

When the pain of death overwhelms you, there is no such thing as having someone to hold you tight, and hold the pieces together....

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now