The summit

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Bellamy had watched the interactions and was studying without hearing as Lincoln, Daenerys and his sister spoke and hugged before she left. He saw how sad Daenerys was as she hugged his sister so tight and Lincoln as well. He wished he could hug her too but he knew there was no going back.

He waited for his sister to come back. She walked hand in hand with Lincoln, talking.

"I should try and help her." Lincoln said to Octavia.

"I don't know what we can do, she doesn't want to be helped, she only wants my brother to be happy. I can't believe it..."

They looked down and as they spotted Bellamy, Octavia left Lincoln to go to him. 

Bellamy didn't know how to ask. "Wh-is-she's okay?"

"Bell, you've lost the most amazing person in the whole wide world."

Bellamy looked down, scratching the back of his neck. "But- I mean what did she say?"

"You'll feel worse than you already do, Bell."

"O, tell me." He begged, glancing at the distant, disappearing shape of Daenerys.

"She asked me to make sure you were happy, that's all she ever wants for you, to be happy."

Bellamy sniffled as he looked down. He couldn't tell her, he couldn't tell her that ever since she had left with Clarke, he had never stopped thinking about her. He loved her, but he couldn't tell her because he had said yes to Gina. Why?! Why on earth did he do such a dumb thing?? Gina was sweet, of course, but he didn't love her like he loved Daenerys. Daenerys was right, though, he couldn't dump Gina.

"Bell?" His sister called him, pulling him out of his thoughts. He turned to his worried sister.

"Yeah, I'll go in"

Octavia shook her head and went to find Lincoln.

In the following hours, the group joined farm station at Mount Weather, while the summit delegation left for Polis.

Daenerys had already gone there and was in her room pacing. She didn't stop pacing one second. She was nervous about this summit, she was nervous about it all. What could happen? Azgeda was still mad and still wanted to kill her and possibly all of Skaikru along with Clarke.

A dress was laying on her bed. It was beautiful, Daenerys had never worn anything like it before. She had to wear different make up, she had to impress. Well, fine. She took the dress. It was light and of a beautiful red, in a  thin material with a rather low neckline. It was feet length in front and very slightly longer behind. It was cut up to half her thigh. She had odd grounder hills, her slim waist stood out because of the large leather belt she wore. She did her hair well, making them a little curly, and finishing touch : the make up.

She looked at herself in a broken glass. She really looked incredible, though she didn't tell herself that, not letting herself get distracted. She walked out of her room and walked slowly to the summit room.

On her way, people bowed silently. When she reached the room, she waited for Lexa to come for they'd come in together, except Daenerys would walk behind. Everyone was inside except Clarke. Lexa arrived and nodded at Daenerys, and they walked in. Roan stared at Daenerys the whole time she walked to Lexa's side. She stood there like a queen.

Though all eyes turned to Wanheda who came in walking to Lexa. When she reached her, she bowed respectfully. Roan's eyes met Daenerys's and he bowed too, getting everyone to do the same.

"Hail warriors of the twelve clans."

"Hail Commander of the blood."

"Rise" Lexa told the assembly.

"We welcome Skaikru in our house, in a spirit of friendship and harmony. We welcome Daenerys, Fleimheda, who always stands by my side. And we welcome Clarke kom Skaikru, legendary Wanheda, Mountain slayer. The reason for this summit has changed. We are not here to negotiate a treaty with the Skaikru, but rather to initiate them into the coalition."

People whispered and talked about this new announcement. But Lexa went on. "To symbolise this union, the leader of Skaikru must bear our mark."

There, Kane received the sign of the thirteen clan, burnt on his forearm. Daenerys was happy, and relieved. Though, hardly had the mark been imprinted that the doors were thrown open and skaikru dashed in, armed.

"Bellamy??" Daenerys exclaimed as she saw him. He stared at her for a few seconds before Titus interrupted.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"The summit's a trap!" Bellamy blurted out, throwing the guy he held, on the floor.

"We need to get you out of here." He told Daenerys who stayed motionless, and Roan stared at her, waiting for an emotional reaction that didn't happen.

"What the hell is going on?!" Clarke asked Lexa.

"I don't know." She replied through greeted teeth.

"It's the Ice Nation." Bellamy explained and Roan and Daenerys exchanged a look.

"These allegations are an outrage!" The Ice Nation ambassador exclaimed. "The Ice Nation never stormed this summit with weapons, breaking our laws. That was the Skaikru!"

"We're right about this." Pike told Kane. "The two guards you left behind are dead already. We need to go, now!"

"How did you come by this information?!" Daenerys asked for Lexa.

Bellamy stared at her and turned around, noticing someone had disappeared : Echo. He looked back at Daenerys. "Where the hell is she?"

"Bellamy, we were wrong about this." Octavia pointed out, now scared.

"I don't understand."

"Stand down." Kane ordered.

"Kane, wait!" Daenerys called. "This was a distraction. Who told you this, Bellamy? We need to know."

He was about to reply, when Raven's voice, broken, came through the radio. "Bellamy come in!" He took the radio, and Daenerys was staring hard, waiting to hear what was going on from one of her closest friend.
"The Grounders attacked Mount Weather."

Daenerys's eyes went for Roan and she gave him a shocked and terrified look.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked, keeping his eyes on Daenerys and Lexa.

"It's gone" Raven said between sobs, "it's all gone...Sinclair and I are the only ones left. I'm so sorry..." Raven cried and Daenerys so wanted to be with her friend, to help her...

Every one in the room was shocked.

"You should never have moved your people back into Mount Weather." The ambassador spoke. "The Ice Nation did what Lexa was too weak to do!"

Daenerys walked down the stairs and pulled out her sword. "This is an act of war! Sentries arrest the Ice Nation delegation, including the Prince."

"We need to get home." Abby said, obviously moved by the news. "If they attacked Mount Weather, Arkadia could be next."

"Go." Lexa a told them while Bellamy had his eyes glued on Daenerys. "March your forces, we'll avenge the attack together."

"I'll escort them." Indra offered.

"Clarke we need to leave, now."

"We need an ambassador from the 13th Clan to stay here in Polis." Lexa simply said.

"It's not safe here."

"Clarke will be safe here under my protection."

"Daenis." Bellamy tried, walking to her. She turned to him, absolutely splendid in this terrible event.

"Bellamy, I'll be back soon enough."

"You're not safe here."

"I'll be fine. Just remember me, don't screw up, and save our people." She told him, her hand on his jaw line. He looked down and left, turning around before leaving.

Was this ever gonna end?

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now