19. She's here!

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Daenerys turned around and saw Clarke had gone. She walked fast to Octavia and Bellamy and addressed Octavia. "O, where's Clarke?" She was about to reply, to tell the truth, but Bellamy cut her.

"She went to talk with Luna." He said, and Daenerys sighed, looking straight into his eyes.

"I've always been able to tell when you lie, Bellamy. Plus, I think I was talking to Octavia." She glanced around and closed her eyes in exasperation before looking back at Bellamy. "She's gonna force th eyes Flame in Luna." As he didn't respond, s here moved towards the door but Bellamy caught her wrist. It took her a second to react. She caught her wrist and in two strikes, Bellamy was on his back. She moved to the door and met Luna half way. Luna took her hand and gave her the Flame.

"Don't give it back to her until you leave." She said and Daenerys nodded.

"I'm sorry about this."

"Don't be."

They walked and talked for a while about the situation, Lincoln, and Lexa. They did so until night fell. The boats were back and they had to go back to the mainland. They lead everyone to the container. Daenerys looked at the mention who looked different. She turned and saw- the woman in read.

"OMG...." She muttered as the others got in. She was about to warn everyone but one of the men grabbed her by the waist and helped by another, held her. Bellamy tried to help but they closed the container, unopenable from the inside. "She's here! Alie's here!" Daenerys managed to say before they knocked her out.


When she opened her eyes, Daenerys was held by two strong grounders, above a small basin full of water. She could see the woman in red giving orders.

"We can't let them have these two. Their blood is compatible with the second Ai. We need them." One of the grounders presented her with a chip. She looked at it and a voice warned her.

"Don't take it, Daenerys!" She turned to see Jasper.

"Jasper!" But they punched him and presented him with the chip as well. "I'll never take your thing, red bitch!" She shouted at Alie who nodded at the man who grabbed Daenerys by her hair and held her head under water. She was struggling, to breath, to break free, but nothing did. She couldn't breath, she couldn't breath! When she thought she was goin g to loose consciousness, they pulled her head up and she breathed very heavily.

"You don't have to do this." She tried to tell the grounder but he looked empty.

"Take it." He repeated and she turned to see Luna receiving kind of the same treatment, except they took the man she loved to have leverage. It was horrible.

"I'll never take it." Daenerys breathed out. She felt tears burning her eyes as she knew what was going to do. Were they going to kill her? She'd die, and Bellamy would forever think she died hating him...She'd leave her people. She tried to hold on, struggling to breath. They pulled her up a split second, then pushed her back in. She could see Lexa, Lincoln, her mother and sister and tears got lost in the water. She couldn't struggle anymore.

"Stop fighting. Rest with us." She heard Lexa say, and she could see her sister opening her arms to her. She so badly wanted to join them, join her father too, all these people she loved. The tears mixed with the water and the blood. Though when she thought it was the end, someone grabbed her and held her in his arms. She couldn't see, all she could see was darkness.

Bellamy POV.

I ran in and as Octavia helped Jasper, I ran to the guy holding Daenerys underwater. My heart stopped as I felt how cold she was, how motionless she was. I grabbed her and held her in my arms, checking for her breathing.

"O, she's not breathing!!" I shouted and I laid her on the table. "Come on, Daenerys! Breath!" I leant closer and applying my lips on hers, I blowed air in her lungs. I then checked for a small breath. Nothing. I repeated my previous actions about 5 times and I felt Octavia's hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not giving up." I cut and started chest compression, then the mouth to mouth, I listened to check for a breath and she coughed slightly. I helped her to her side and she coughed, letting all the water out. "It's okay. You're okay." I said, praying she wouldn't push me away. She didn't but wouldn't look at me. She got up and asked for Octavia's help, to get to the hall.

3rd person POV.

Daenerys walked to Luna. They were both tired and sad. They exchanged a small hug and moved to talk privately.

"The only way they'll go, is if they think you'll do it. Fake accepting and propose a toast."

"And put the potion in their cups?" She finished. "Yes. That's a good plan." She nodded, and went to one of the grounders to tell them before going to Skaikru and telling them she'd do it. Daenerys studied from afar as Clarke seemed happy
She watched in disgust. How could she feel glad? She had been the Commander of Death again, she had broken Luna.

She walked side by side with Luna and gave them the drinks without meeting Bellamy's eyes. Luna proposed the toast, and they all drunk. Luna turned to Clarke and frankly told her the truth. Octavia tried to protest but collapsed. Bellamy and Clarke were about to do something but Luna took Daenerys's hand and gave her back the Flame Clarke had taken back.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim." They nodded and Daenerys followed the grounders carrying the others while she carried the gear.

She climbed on the boat after glancing at Luna one last time. She wished she could've done something for her and Derek. Though what was sure now was that Alie wanted her dead or chipped. When they reached the shore, the grounders left the Skaikru people on the floor and left. The sun hadn't risen yet.

Daenerys walked to Clarke and took the box where the Flame was. She sheathed back her swords in her back and waited, facing the sea for them to wake up. Should she tell them that Alie wanted her dead? There was maybe no use.

She waited three hours before they woke up, daylight showing. She glanced at them, looking as Clarke checked for the Flame. She decided to talk to her. Clarke glanced at her thankfully, but she didn't return it.

"Clarke, Titus left you to be Fleim keeper. But a Fleim Keeper respects the Flame. What you did, or tried to do. That was disgraceful. Lexa's in there. She chose to be Commander. If you ever do something like this again, I will take the Flame from you forever."

Clarke looked away, then at Bellamy and Jasper. Bellamy walked to Daenerys.

"Thank you for saving my life. Now we need to find a plan. Clarke you should really trust me with the Flame."

"We talked about this. I said no."

"Clarke." She was very serious. "Alie is looking for me. She wants me deaf or chipped. If she chips me, it will be all too easy for me to get the Flame and give it to her."

"We'll protect you." Bellamy assured.

"Like you did Luna and Derek?" She snapped. "If you refuse and that Alie gets me, it'll be on you. Think about it Clarke."

"Clarke, she's right." Octavia said. "Think about it, Daenerys is the key. If she gets the Flame, she can stop Alie, and if Alie gets her, Alie will be unstoppable."

"We'll find another way. Let's find Raven, Monty, Harper and Miller." Clarke announced and they all walked to the rover. Octavia walked to Daenerys.

"Why did you give her back the Flame?"

"She's the Flame Keeper. Just like she couldn't force the Flame in Luna I can't take the Flame like that. She'll come around and see I'm right. I just hope it won't be too late. "

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now