To stop a war.

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Daenerys had gone in her room and was pacing, still in her clothes. She had to see Roan. In in the same dress, she walked to where he was held. He stared at her.

"Did you know, Roan?! You wanted to kill Lexa, you never liked Skaikru, did you know about Mount Weather?"

"How could I have known? I'm banished. I was here."

Daenerys went back to pacing. There was a war coming, she was sure of it, but how could they stop it? She paced for quite a long time until Roan stopped her.

"Hey, it's not your doing. It's Skaikru, it's my mother, it's Lexa. Don't find a solution to change the past, find a solution to mend it."

"And how would I do that?" She demanded.

"You're smart, Daenerys, just think it over."

"I know. I have to go to Lexa, listen to the different parties and I'll know what to do."

They nodded to each other and Daenerys left, walking fast to where Lexa was. "Lexa!"

"Daenerys? What is it?"

"I know what to do. Get your trackers and soldiers. Queen Nya has to be found. If it was her, this was a part of her plan, she can't be far."

Lexa nodded to her war chiefs and they left. Once they were alone, Lexa frowned. "Why didn't you go with Bellamy?" She asked.

"I couldn't. People need to see that I'm not just skaikru, that I am part of the Coalition."

"Yes. You're right. Tomorrow, you will attend the meeting. We will discuss the fate of the traitors."

In the morning, the ambassadors were in the throne room, so was Daenerys. She was sitting like everyone else, and listening as Lexa began to speak.

"Ambassadors of the Coalition, today we honor our covenant. The clan that stands against one of us, stands against us all." As she spoke the last words, Titus ordered for the prisoner to be brought in, prisoner being Queen Nya. She locked eyes with Clarke defyingly, she hated her and Skaikru.

"Queen Nya of Azgeda has confessed to the destruction of Mount Weather resulting in the death of 49 members of Skaikru." Titus announced and Roan exchanged a look with Daenerys.

"Wanheda, what say you?" All eyes turned to Clarke who was filled with anger and sadness.

"Skaikru demands Justice." She announced and Queen Nya snapped.

"Azgeda doesn't answer to this girl."

"Shof yu up." Daenerys cut, and the Queen turned her head to the girl, surprised and angry. Titus took over.

"The punishment for your crimes is death. Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"I need no defense. She does." Queen Nya said, staring at Lexa. Today is judgement day. I call for a vote of no confidence." Daenerys stared, studying everyone and everything, analysing every issue of this problem.

"Take this Queen to meet her fate." Titus ordered but many other ambassadors, all of them except Clarke stood by the Queen. Titus would've had them all killed. But Queen Nya challenged Lexa who took the Challenge. Daenerys almost jumped when Roan was nominated for the Challenge, but stayed silent. A brilliant idea came to her mind when Lexa announced she would be fighting.

The next day, Daenerys saw how Clarke was devastated. She couldn't convince Lexa not to fight. Exactly how Daenerys wanted it. She didn't speak to Clarke but went to Titus.

"Keryon kom Heda."

"Titus. I'm going to take Lexa's place."

He looked down respectfully, admiring her courage. But she was hiding her terrible fear. She was scared. What if Roan killed her? She had to do whatever it took for her new family.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now