13. Alie.

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After she reunited with Octavia, Daenerys didn't speak. She was back on her silence. They had told her not to go back to camp because of Jaha, so she remained there, silent. She didn't want to go back to the grounders, waiting to have her revenge on Hannah and a few others. When Octavia started packing and arguing with Bellamy, she ignored it. She didn't want to even mention Bellamy let alone talk to him and she didn't want to keep Octavia from going back to Arkadia.

Monty walked to her and sat by her side. "You okay?"

"I've lost everyone." She replied in a deep, dark voice, her eyes not leaving the fire.

"We'll help you get through it." He assured and after he got back up, she left the cave, in hope of being alone but a rover came into view. She stopped dead in her tracks, drawing Lexa's sword Harper had returned. She waited, at the ready but gasped as she saw Jasper and Clarke, with an unconscious Raven. She rushed to help Jasper. Clarke stared sadly at Daenerys. It brought her so much pain to see her. She even had Lexa's clothes and weapons...

"Clarke! Octavia! Miya snap!" She called and the two came as asked to help with Raven.

"I told you, Raven is not Raven anymore." Jasper said. "Jaha had been chipping everyone."

"Jasper's right. I've seen it with my own eyes." Clarke assured.

"I don' need your help, okay?" Jasper shouted at her.

"Just take it easy and explain." Bellamy said. Daenerys rolled her eyes at that.

"Jaha's using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are and you see this thing Alie. Only, she's not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists." Sinclair looked horrified as he tended to the girl and Daenerys gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze. "She was trying to get it out of her head, I was trying to help her but...-" Jasper started breaking down, so Daenerys walked to him and took both his hands. Let's help her now, okay?" She said and he nodded. Sinclair walked to them.

"Did she say how?" He asked nervously.

"She was working on building something." He said. "She needed one our old wristbands but Jaha destroyed them all.

"Wait a second." Clarke interrupted, searching through her pockets and taking out the Flame. "Does it look like this?" She asked.

"There it is." Daenerys heard a woman said. "The version two of my program."

"Skrish, where did she come from?" She muttered. And those who heard her glanced at her worriedly. Daenerys discreetly glanced at the woman in red she was seeing.

"Find out where you are. Now." She told Raven and Raven lashed out, rushing outside. Daenerys stayed in, looking at the woman in red.

"You can see me? Yet I cannot sense your mind in the City of Light." The lady said.

"I'm not chipped." She snapped.

"No. But how can you see me then?"

"You know what? Forget it. You're Alie, right? Well whatever you've done to my friend, I'll kill you for it." She swore, going out to join the others.

"You've suffered." Alie went on.

"So what if I have. A warrior does not mourn the dead until the war is over. Now get the hell out." Hardly had she said that that Alie disappeared. She got out and saw Raven had been drugged. That's why Alie disappeared. Why could she see her when no one else could? Strange. Though she kept it to herself and walked by them all, having an idea.

"I should take a team. I know where we can find a wristband." She announced.

"Great. I'm with you." Octavia butted in, ignoring Bellamy.

"I'm with you too." Monty offered.

"No, we all need to go." Clarke said. "Get in the rover now." She said and Daenerys sighed, helping with Raven. Clarke really had something against her and it was really annoying. She sat in the Rover with Octavia and the others. The drove on in the forest, Bellamy was driving and Clarke was in the passenger seat. When they reached Niylah's trading-post, they saw Niylah come out with a sword drawn out.

"I'll go talk to her." Clarke said and before Daenerys could say she was coming too, Bellamy said he was so she remained in the rover, watching the interactions. She could tell Niylah didn't agree to let Skaikru in, and Bellamy was loosing his patience. When she saw him raise his gun, she didn't think twice, s he drew Lexa's sword and walked out, walking straight to Bellamy. She held her sword to his throat.

"Put. The. Gun. Down." She ordered through gritted teeth. Bellamy didn't dare look at her. He had screwed up again. He put the gun down and Daenerys put away her sword and locked arms with Niylah.

"Get her in there!" She called to the others who rushed in with Raven, getting her to the back.

"Get inside." She told Bellamy coldly. He didn't know what to do. There was no going back...he walked inside, with Clarke.

Daenerys walked in with Niylah. "Ai nou get in chit's gon daun?" She admitted. Ai nou get in hakom yu kamp raun hir?"

"Kos Keryon kom Heda gaf en in." Daenerys looked at her friend then back at the floor. She was about to say something but Raven's screams got really loud so she excused herself and rushed to them all. She saw this woman again, standing at the end of the bed, asking for the location. Daenerys stepped forward, facing her.

"You get away from by friend, bitch!" She whispered through gritted teeth. And Alie disappeared. She turned to the others and noticed Clarke had left and Raven was tied. She watched the others leave and glanced at her friend one last time before following after the others. Clarke talked to Niylah, Bellamy stayed on the side. Daenerys decided to join the engineers figuring out how to take Alie out.

"We think Raven was trying to use the old wristbands to generate an EMP. Which is freakishly brilliant." Sinclair said.

"Meaning what?" Bellamy asked and Daenerys was the one to answer but she kept her eyes on Monty and Sinclair as if she was talking to them.

"A targeted electromagnetic pulse could destroy the chips circuit." She said, and taking the wristband she started explaining. "We could use this to send an EMP on Raven's own nervous system. Just need to reverse the polarity, wire for external imput and attach a battery."

"What would that do to her?" Clarke asked.

"EMPs don't affect our body." Sinclair explained. "But I don't know the mechanics of how this chip integrates with her brain."

"This is Raven's plan." Bellamy cut. "She wouldn't do it if it was gonna destroy her brain."

"Depends how badly she wanted it out." Daenerys said sharply.

"Regardless, without an electromagnet, this is just talk." Sinclair butted in.

"Where do we get one?" Clarke asked.

"The Ark." They sighed and Bellamy reminded the Ark was out of the question.

"I know where we can get one. The dropship." Daenerys said and Sinclair approved relieved, offering to go.

"No. You stay here with Raven figure it all out. I'll go." Bellamy made a move to protest but she shot him a glare and whispered under her breath as she past him. "Don't even try."

Monty followed and so did Octavia. They were risking going out to save their friend.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now