15. The Flame.

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Daenerys was sitting thoughtful, right behind Clarke's seat. She took Lexa's pin and held it in her hands. She looked down and straightened up, closing her eyes. She wanted to get to talk to her sister. She hadn't had the time in months. She relaxed and concentrated.

It didn't take her long to find herself in her mind space. Though it was different. Well there were more rooms. Probably because of all these knew memories. The room she was in was just like Lexa's, but more quiet and cleaner. She walked to the couch and sat on it, thinking for a while. She thought about everything, but mostly about the fact that both Titus and Lexa wanted her to be the next Commander. She could be. They had the Flame, she was a natblida. Would she really do people good? Was she a solution?

"Deep in thoughts?" She heard a voice say. She'd recognise that voice anywhere. Her sister. She stood up and they hugged tight.

"I missed you so much, Margeary." Daenerys told her sister.

"I know. Me too." She lead her to the couch. "Tell me what is troubling you."

She took a deep breath before telling her sister everything. It felt so good to share everything. She could shed tears without shame, tell her sister all the emotions she had and still felt. Margeary listened, comforted, and listened again.

"I know what you should do. Lexa, our cousin, and the last Commander wanted you to be her successor and so did Titus. For that matter you should have no doubt and fulfill their last will."

"You're right..." She agreed, her eyes staring in the distance.

"But that's not all." Margeary went on, catching her sister's attention by taking her hand. "About Bellamy."

"No, I will not give him another chance." She cut, standing up. "He killed you, yet I gave him another chance! What did he do about it?! He betrayed me twice! I cannot, I will not let him in again."

Margeary stood up calmly and held her sister's hands. She looked deep into her eyes. "Maybe you're not yet ready to hear it, but forgiveness is...very important. You were capable of it more than once. I believe you came do that again." Daenerys looked down.

"Not for him. He'll have to make up for everything he did, which he'll never do."

"Well, no matter what choice you make, good luck."

"Thank you...I wish you were still here with me, Maggie."

"I am, Daeny." She said, rushing to hug her sister. She had tears in her eyes as she did so. "Now go. Be the Commander people need you to be."

She nodded and held her sister one more time before she left. Daenerys opened her eyes again.

"What were you doing? Sleeping?" Monty asked discreetly.

"I was talking to my sister." She whispered back.

"But your sister-" he hesitated.

"Is dead. I know. But this we both had a different AI that connected our minds. I can still talk to her." She admitted in a low  voice so only him could here. She then turned to Clarke. "Clarke, how do you plan on using the Flame to stop Alie?"

"I need to find Luna. There's a map in Lincoln's book. I'll put the Flame in her and she should know how to stop Alie."

"Why do you need Luna?"

"She's a nightblood."

"Clarke, I'm a nightblood. Plus I'm pretty sure that if Luna ran away from her conclave and hid all these years, it means she didn't want to be Commander."

"We don't know that." Clarke replied.

"Yes, Clarke. We do. You know it just as much as I do."

"You're not taking the Flame."

"And why is that? Because I'm too much like Lexa?" Clarke breathed in sharply. "Clarke this is Humanity we're talking about."

"I said no."

"Clarke. This is not your choice to make."

"You're not dying too. Commanders die."

"We're all going to die someday, Clarke. I want to do this and I know as much as you that Lexa and Titus wanted me to do it too."

Clarke didn't respond and the others glanced at her then at Daenerys. "They're gone. You can't say that's what they want."

"Can you look me in the eye and say that Lexa never said she wanted me to be her successor? We're loosing time travelling and maybe leading Alie to they're peaceful place."

"We're doing this. Daenerys." She turned to everyone. "We get Lincoln's book and leave. Alright?"

They all nodded and some glanced at Daenerys who seemed surprisingly calm about the whole thing.

She looked down at her ingredients leg and removed the cloth from it, showing an infected wound. She took the blood soaked cloth and put it in her belt, intending to wash it.

"How did you do this?" Raven asked, shocked.

"I was fighting. And I got injured." She said softly to her friend, glancing at Monty, who nodded thankfully, given she didn't say it was his mother that had done it.

"You need to get it cleaned up!" Clarke exclaimed.

"I know what I have to do." She cut. And turned back to Raven who was going through Becca's journal commenting and telling about what Becca said about the Flame, about how  nightblood was specifically created to sustain the Flame. But the rest of the trip was calm.

"Eyes sharp, weapons hot. We're almost home." Bellamy announced and Daenerys slightly scoffed. She wouldn't call the place Lincoln was executed and where she was almost executed too home. Anyways.

He took the radio and brought it to his mouth. "Miller, come in." He called but nothing, the radio was static. "Harper? You there?" He tried again. "Your ride's two minutes out." But still nothing.

"Good start." Jasper commented.

When they got close, they all climbed out and took out their weapons. They walked behind the rover. But it all seemed useless, Arkadia was wide open, completely silent.

"We left two days ago." Clarke said. "Why haven't they fixed the gate?"

"Maybe there's no one here to fix it." Jasper replied.

"It's like a ghost town." Octavia pointed out.

They kept walking on, commenting, Bellamy tried to contact Miller in vain. At one point, Daenerys stopped. They were going to get to the place Lincoln was executed. She locked her jaw and walked faster, moving oast everyone.

"Daenerys!" They called but she moved on. "Daenerys it's not safe!" Bellamy tried.

"It never was." She dropped turning around. "We're leaving as soon as we find the book. Screw danger." She turned back around and walked in the Ark. She hated this place so much, she just wanted to leave. Though first she rushed to her room, swords at the ready. She opened the door and stared at the intact room. She put the swords away and walked to the bed, lifting the mattress. There was a small trap which she opened and took out a wooden box. She slowly sat on the bed, and opened it after contemplating the initials M. T. Her sister's. As she opened it, she found the necklace, her sister's necklace, and a birthday card written by Margeary herself to her. For her birthday. She hesitated before reading it. It wasn't stupid, it was beautiful and true....

She took the necklace and the letter and closed the box. She didn't have time to mourn her deads. Plus she could still talk to her sister. She wasn't entirely gone.

As she was placing the box back, something hit her hard in the head, knocking her out straight.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now