17. in search of Luna.

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Daenerys coughed as she regained consciousness. She sat up and saw Emerson dead. Clarke was breathing heavily just like the rest. Daenerys had realised they had lost another part of the team. She showed nothing 9f her emotions and only stood up and left. She left to get back all her things, her armour and sword. She tore a piece of cloth to cover her wounded wrists and dressed up, she moved out.
She walked to the hangar bay, finally followed by everyone else. She remained apart while they took care of Sinclair and joined everyone afterwards when the pire was ready. They were all outside, ready to incinerate Sinclair, that incredible, kind man.

At one point, Daenerys looked up and saw Bellamy bringing a body, Lincoln's body. She looked down at Octavia who wasn't paying attention and gently tapped her shoulder and mentioned in the other direction where Bellamy was coming from. She stood and waited for Bellamy to put the body down which he did.

Daenerys knew Octavia needed some space so she walked to Raven sitting alone, grieving for Sinclair. She swung an arm around her and Raven let her head fall on her friend's shoulder.

"I'm glad you're here." She whispered.

"You can't see him. But he's right here with you. The people who...the people you die, they never really leave us. We just can't see them. And just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't here. Finn. He's still here with you. So is Sinclair."

Raven looked up at her friend, moved and in pain, but thankful. "Thanks, Daeny..." They remained silent for a while until the others came to place Lincoln by Sinclair's side. Daenerys took Raven's hand and they both stood by the pire, waiting to set fire to the two bodies. Daenerys walked with Raven to Sinclair and Raven was the one to speak. "Maybe we meet again." She then moved back and Octavia walked with the torch. "Yu gonplei ste odon." She spoke loudly and everyone repeated after her. She lowered the torch which communicated it's flames to the pire. Raven and Octavia moved back.

Daenerys moved her hand to her pocket, feeling tears coming out, those tears she tried to push away. She took out a dagger, the dagger Lincoln had given her when he first trained her. She surrounded it with her necklace, having her sister's now. Some of the group almost gasped as she walked closer and closer into the fire. She had removed her glove and lifted her sleeve and being close enough, she moved her arm in the flames. She slowly lowered the dagger ornated by the necklace on Lincoln's body.

"Gon ai bro. Gon ai sengeda." She announced, her voice breaking. She left her hand on his shoulder for a few seconds before looking up at Bellamy who was staring at her with so many emotions on his face. The flames reflected in her eyes, as she stood in those flames. This fire in her was so great and was growing everyday. She looked down at Lincoln and Sinclair before standing back and standing by Octavia who nodded to her.

"It's time to go!" Octavia announced, surprising her brother. The pire wasn't even consumed. "I'll get the map." She said and left, her brother's eyes on her.


Daenerys walked back to the hangar bay where the rover still was and where they had to meet to leave. They all went to pack and when Raven and Monty arrived not ready, Bellamy questioned.

"Hey, we're leaving. Why aren't you ready?"

"We're not coming with you." Raven said and Daenerys's head snapped to her.

"Raven..." She was about to protest.

"I can barely walk and my shoulder's killing me. My brain's all kinds of awesome."

"She remembered that Alie downloaded herself into the Ark mainframe. If the code's still there, we might be able to find a backdoor."

"I'm guessing that when you connect Alie-2 to Luna, we'll need access to Alie-1 to take her down." Raven completed Monty's explanation.

Bellamy nodded and asked Miller and Harper to keep them safe. "What about you?" He asked Jasper. "It's gonna be dangerous."

"You know me. I'm in." He said and Daenerys said goodbye to Monty and Raven before getting in the rover with Octavia. She kept silent for a the whole trip. When they got blocked by the tree trunk, she didn't hesitate and jumped off the car, going on foot. She was following the water source.

"Octavia, another indication on the map." She glanced at it and moaned, taking off. They all followed her. There was no village. Only these piles of stone.

"It isn't a village it's just a bunch of rocks." Jasper pointed out.

"She's gone." Clarke said in shock.

"Or. She's hiding." Daenerys said. She had sworn to Lincoln she wouldn't tell anyone how to reach Flokru. So she remained silent.

"What do we do now?" Jasper asked Clarke who looked at Bellamy. Octavia let out a desperate cry.

"We camp for the night, make a fire, figure out something in the morning." They hesitated but agreed. Octavia and Jasper volunteered to start the fire. Daenerys walked away to have some peace and quiet. Though it didn't last long. Bellamy walked to her. He seemed already pissed off.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"Bout what, Bellamy?" She asked coldly and he was taken aback. "About how you floated my mom and sister? Or, about how you cheated on me with Gina? You don't want to talk about this? Then we could maybe talk about how you murdered an army in which I had friends, people I knew! What about Lincoln?" She was standing, looking at him, dead in the eyes. "I guess we don't have much to talk about, then. She walked past him, finding a seat from where she could see the fire. They had to diuretics out how to make the signal fire. She sat and watched as the night was falling. She had moved her red cape over her head and she waited.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now