14. Monty.

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After Pike executed Lincoln, Daenerys didn't speak. She seemed far away, absorbed. She let people take her where they wanted. The only question she had in mind was why didn't Pike kill her? Why? She had killed more than one Skaikru soldier and Lincoln had save many. Why? Though apart from that question, she didn't think. She didn't speak. She didn't fight or eat. She seemed to be done with life. No one could get her to eat anything.

One morning, she heard voices and someone sat across from her. She didn't look up until Abby spoke up.

"Daenerys." She called and met her eyes. She'd expect them to be empty like other people in similar socks but what she saw was much worse. There was no emptiness. They were heavy with so many strong emotions; extreme sadness, anger, hate, frustration, and even despair. Abby had guessed that the reason she wasn't talking or paying attention to people was that she was avoiding a break down, she didn't want to lash out. And so far it had worked. "Daenerys, dear. You have to eat something."

Abby was faced with an unbreakable. silence. She tried again a few times.

"Get the hell out, Abby." She said in a deep and broken voice. Abby hesitated but did as asked and left. Daenerys was left alone once again. Though not for long. The door opened again and Monty appeared. He rushed to her and helped her up, not bothering to restrain her. He pulled her through corridors until they reached the place the others had escaped through. Daenerys let him lead the way, pull her through the way then the forest. Monty glanced at her from time to time, worriedly but didn't speak to her, afraid he might upset her. At one point he stopped and took the radio.

"Bellamy. Come in." Nothing came back. "It's Monty. I'm in trouble." He went on. Daenerys didn't even seem to hear anything. "Please say you still have your radio." He said, respecting the code to channel 7. He waited hoping Bellamy would respond, still glancing at Daenerys every now and then. "Bellamy are you there?"

"Monty, it's Kane." This time she reacted. She relaxed slightly her tensed up muscles and looked at the radio. "What's wrong?" Kane asked.

"Pike knows that I helped you get out."

"Can you get to the dropship?"

"I think so."

"Good. Go there, I'll bring you in. Stay off the radio. Over and out."

Monty looked at Daenerys who nodded. He cut her restrains and they both walked quickly to the dropship. When they got here, Daenerys looked over to her friend and briefly thanked him.

Through hardly had they breathed out that soldiers came out of hiding, guns aimed at them. Daenerys didn't move, letting them get close and when they were close enough, she grabbed a gun, knocked out the guy and using his knife, killed him. She spun and granted another one the same fate. It all happened in about two seconds and Pike called her, to what she turned to see Monty with a gun to his head. She grunted and dropped the knife, getting herself knocked out the moment that followed. They removed the bodies and got in the drop ship, waiting for Kane to come out of hiding.

The site was calm, like no one was here. It didn't take long for Kane to appear with Octavia, sword at her brother's throat. The thought they had come first but Octavia was the one to know they weren't. Bellamy looked all beaten up, restrained and gagged.

"Get outside!!" She shouted and Monty appeared, hands restrained.

"They followed me. I'm sorry." He said, and a gun appeared, aimed to his brain, held by Pike himself. Octavia felt herself boil up at the sight of the man who killed Lincoln and so she thought, Daenerys too.

Though, Bellamy was the one to flinch as a guard appeared, Daenerys looking dead in his arms. Bellamy tried to look away, guilt consuming him, along with heartbreak. He was the cause to her death...the guard laid her down and held a gun to her head too. Wait was she alive??

"Let them go Pike!" Kane shouted.

"Can't do that." Right after that, a gun fired at their feet. "It's over, put down your weapons.

"Come on, Marcus." Pike taunted and he turned to the guard next to him who moved his gun towards Daenerys's leg. "I promised Monty's mom I'd bring him home alive. Don't make me a liar." Kane backed down but Octavia didn't, holding her sword threateningly close to her brother's throat.

Pike moved to the radio. One in both girls' legs. That's when Bellamy woke up. He grabbed his sister's hand and twisted her wrist just enough to block her. Guards all came out of hiding while one of them picked up Daenerys. Guards took Kane and Octavia and gagged them. Octavia was so mad and glanced at Daenerys from time to time. Pike walked to Bellamy.

"You have about two seconds to make me believe you're still with us." He told him and Bellamy looked him straight in the eyes.

"The others are in a cave not far from here-"

"You son of a bitch!" Octavia screamed but a guard shocked her, keeping her from reaching her brother.

"Give me the coordinates."

"I don't have the coordinates but I can take you there." He assured glancing again at his sister and Daenerys. They all walked in the forest, rather quiet. Only Pike and Bellamy talked from time to time. They were getting close of the blockade so Pike turned to the guard holding Daenerys.

"Cover her. They'll want to get her back." They did as told and Pike turned to Bellamy.

He looked around, fearing the blockade. "Hold on." He ordered and Bellamy pointed in front of them.

"The cave's just on the other side."

"Keep a sharp eye out. One of you stay here with her." He mentioned towards Daenerys and walked after Bellamy. Though not long after, a horn sounded loud, announcing they'd cross the blockade.

"Back to higher grounds!" Pike ordered but Bellamy held a gun to Pike's head.

"Drop your weapons!"

"What are you-"

"Drop your weapons!!" Bellamy repeated.

Octavia knocked out her guards and Bellamy announced. "We bring you Pike of the Sky People. O, translate." It was obvious she was glad to do so. She removed the gag.

"Osir lid yo in Chansla Paik kom Skaikru."

"You've killed us all!" Pike told Bellamy.

"Take him and lift the blockade!" Bellamy went on.

"Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!" Octavia gladly translated. Hardly had she finished that all of Pike's guards were shot, and grounders appeared, from everywhere, weapons aimed. Octavia didn't waist time. She bent to a guard and grabbed a knife, leaping over to him, about to stab him but Kane grabbed her.

Pike thought it was an opportunity to get away, so he moved to Bellamy's gun but an arrow landed in his shoulder. Bellamy turned around and saw Daenerys locking arms with a grounder, handing him back the bow.

Daenerys walked to one of the grounder chief, about to get back to their camp.

"Fleimheda." He bowed on one knee.

"Rise. You must go back to camp and lift the Blockade. The other Skaikru members who murdered our brothers and sisters will serve justice too." She told him. "I fear troubles are only starting."

"Thank you, Fleimheda." He nodded and left.

Kane left with the grounders who took Pike, an unconscious Pike back to the new Commander in Polis. Bellamy looked down and saw a guard, still alive, though hardly had he shown signs of life that Octavia stabbed him. She looked at her brother, dead in the eyes.

"Jus drein jus daun." He looked away, guilty and walked to Monty, while Daenerys walked to Octavia. Words were useless to speak what they were both feeling. They locked arms and hugged tightly.

"Fiya, Octeivia." Daenerys cried. At first Octavia didn't say anything, didn't let the pain out but feeling her friend cry, she let out a bit of her own pain.

"Lincoln ste daun...Ste daun..." Octavia whispered, and Daenerys comforted her as best as she could, neither of them noticing Bellamy's sorry glances. He wished there was something he could do to mend it. He had lost the two people he cared most in the world, and it was his fault.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now