18. Flokru.

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Daenerys watched as grounders reached the shore and restrained and gagged Bellamy and Clarke. She watched and listened as they moved to where Octavia and Jasper were.

One of them spoke up, directing his words to Octavia. "Who are you? Why do you signal?"

"Ai laik Octavia kom Skaikru en ai gaf gothru clear."

"Skaikru. Bringers of Death." He said despisingly and Daenerys walked to them. "Why should we give you save passage?"

"Because you would've given it to Lincoln." She spoke up, showing herself. They all bent on one knee.


"Ai nou laik Heda." She said out loud. "Ai laik Fleimheda." The same veneration appeared in their eyes and the chief ordered for Clarke and Bellamy to be untied, while he gave Octavia a vial containing a yellowish liquid. He handed it to Jasper and to Clarke, Bellamy and Daenerys. Octavia drunk it without second thoughts and Jasper followed. Bellamy protested but Octavia didn't care.

"I trust Lincoln." She dropped.

"If only she drinks, only she goes." The grounder said.

Jasper drunk and they both collapsed to the floor.

"Last chance." The grounder told Bellamy and Clarke who glanced at Daenerys. Wasn't she going? Clarke and Bellamy looked at each other and drunk, sitting on the floor, anticipating the fall. Bellamy fell to the floor and his eyes landed on Daenerys, he was stressed for her. But when he looked at her, she was locking arms with the chief of the grounders and throwing the liquid on the floor. She turned her head and met his eyes for a split seconds. The last thing he saw was her looking away.


Daenerys walked into the boat, no one talking much. The grounders were all really glad to meet her and came to lock arms with her. By sunlight they reached a huge petrol station in the middle of the ocean. The grounders put the Skaikru people in a container and kept their weapons. Then, they showed the way to Daenerys who met with Luna. Luna was shocked as she saw her. They only spoke in Trigedasleng.

"Lexa??" She asked. "What are you doing here?"

Daenerys hesitated but kept her calm exterior. "Ai nou laik Lexa."

"Yu laik Fleimheda? Yu noun don komba raun!" Luna said, locking arms with Daenerys. They walked in the platform.

"Why have you come?" Luna finally asked.

Daenerys eras looked in front of her, at the sea. "Clarke came to see you. She wanted to ask you something. All I did was not abandon them."

"Whatever her plan is, it is troubling you." Luna said, her hand gently on Daenerys's shoulder.

"The main land is in terrible trouble and I'm afraid we might bring you this trouble."

"Tell me what it is Wanheda wants?" Luna encouraged and Daenerys told her objectively,  without comment or anything showing her disapproval.

"Ontari kom Azgeda has taken Polis,making everyone think she's Heda. But Clarke is the new Flamekeeper, she has the Flame. She wants you to be the next Commander." Luna frowned and stared at the sea, before looking at Daenerys.

"You know my answer don't you?" She asked and Daenerys nodded honestly. "Why not you? You, Fleimheda? Everyone in the Coalition respects you, almost more than they did Lexa." Daenerys kept her eyes in front of her.

"Clarke is the Flamekeeper. I will not take the Flame if the Flamekeeper doesn't want me to."

"Well I will not be Commander, I left to be in peace with my people."

Daenerys nodded and looked down. She looked up when a hand took hers. It was Luna.

"You were born to lead, Daenerys Fleim Nou Daun, Keryon kom Heda. Show them."

"You should go to them." Daenerys said after they exchanged a smile. Luna walked to the container. Someone was banging on the walls from the inside, Daenerys guessed it was Octavia. She stayed outside, facing the ocean and letting the wind carry her cape and her hair. She waited. She knew what was going to happen : Octavia would recognise Luna, Clarke wouldn't try to talk her into being Commander and Luna would refuse. She knew that perfectly. So she waited. When Luna walked out and left, she watched as they all rushed out and stopped at the sight of the ocean.

"Daenerys?" Octavia asked, seeing her friend.

"They know they can trust me." She turned to everyone. "Luna will take us back tonight."

"Did you tell her she shouldn't be Commander?" Clarke asked, accusingly. Daenerys stared at her, frowning.

"Clarke." She started and the blonde felt sad. She spoke exactly like Lexa it was so disturbing. "I asked her what you asked her, simply. I didn't talk her out of it. But I didn't fight her when she refused. I know why she doesn't want to be Commander. Now, follow me, we'll go downstairs." They exchanged looks and followed Daenerys.

They sat by a fire, talking, while a young girl told a story. Daenerys stood up and walked to people, talking to them. Bellamy looked at her. She was smiling and laughing slightly with people, being so kind and delicate. He looked at her, at her kindness, that kindness that she use to give him too.

Daenerys then sat down and listened to the story, finding it sweet. She envied the peace breathing out of this place. She felt sorry that they might have brought Alie here, that she might have brought war and death to this simple but heavenly place. If they did, she'd never forgive herself. They had to leave in no time. As soon as the boats arrived.

She walked to where Clarke Bellamy and Octavia were. "We can't just leave." She heard Clarke say.

"Yes. We can." She cut. "Clarke, we've already been here for too long. We can't bring death here too."
She then moved out to see a man she had met in Polis, probably someone who had been tired if fighting and came here.
In any case, it was good to see people she knew. They weren't all killed by Pike.


Not a great chapter but it's gonna get better right after😊😊
Just enjoy and keep reading❤❤❤🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now