22. The City of Lights.

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Bellamy stood by her side and she leant her head forward. Murphy took the Flame and holding it over her head, he said the passphrase "Ascende superius." The Flame opened and it tentacles tended to her brain. Murphy brought it closer and by itself, the Ai penetrated her skin. Daenerys didn't utter a scream or anything. She simply collapsed. Bellamy caught her and put her on the Commander's throne.

"Take it out, Murphy!" He said and Abby looked at Clarke worried. Murphy looked at Bellamy but didn't move.  "I said take it out!"

"No." Daenerys said. "I know how to stop Alie."

"You okay?" She nodded and looked at Clarke.

"I have to take the chip." They all exchanged looks and frowned.

"Alie wants the Flame. The second you go in, Alie will know and she'll kill you." Clarke protested.

"The Flame will protect me. Sound the Ascension horn and let me go." She gently ordered.

"No!" Clarke protested. I can't let you do this!"

"I believe you." Bellamy said, taking a chip and he told Murphy to sound the horn. "Please be careful. I don't wanna loose you." He told her and she took his hand.

"I have to do this."

The horn blew loudly in Polis, distracting the chipped people, while Bellamy put the chip in her mouth. Daenerys closed her eyes.

*********IN THE CITY OF LIGHT*********

Daenerys POV.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a huge city, full of skyscrapers. It was quiet. I walked out of the tunnel is was into. I walked fast, and saw a man walking to me. Crap. I tried to get my weapons but I didn't have them. They were gone. I walked further and saw tons of people, going on with their lives. They were all dressed in the 20th century fashion like we saw in the pictures on the Ark. No one seemed to see me though. What was this all about? The Flame!

I saw the man I thought was following me wave at someone behind me. Sighing in relief and looked around and saw Jasper. I frowned. He was chipped. He was the one who let Alie in Arkadia with the others. I walked to him but he wasn't seeing me. A whisper caught my attention.

"Daenerys...Heda...." I looked around and saw the sacred symbol on a street light. Good. I walked to it, and as I got closer. A stop sign appeared and a girl, her hair done in a loop, the sacred symbol, walked past me. "Thank you." I whispered and followed her. Though when I got to a square eyes turned to me, more and more. Great. Alie knows. I looked what way I could go and made a run for it. As I was running, someone started running by my side. I looked in that direction and stopped.

"Maggie?!" She hugged me.

"The Flame connected to your special Ai. I'm here with you." I hugged her again. "You can do anything you know, on the city. Your mind is as much in control as Alie."

Daenerys looked around and night fell, snow started falling and her weapons appeared.

Margeary smiled and they went in running. Though, an enormous group appeared to kill her. She put her cape on and pulled out her swords. Margeary couldn't fight. "Stay back, Maggie." Daenerys spun her swords and pushed away as many people as possible, trying not to kill. Though she headrests her sister whimper and saw in horror that they were holding her to kill her.

"Noooo! Let her go!" She tried to get to her but they caught her and hit her across the face. She fought back but they all rushed to her, beating her up.


A battle cry echoed and the men all fell to the floor. Daenerys looked up. "Lex?" She asked and Lexa smiled. Daenerys stood up and picked up her swords, putting down all the men around. She then rushed to her sister and picked her up. She turned to Lexa and they hugged.

"I missed you so much..." Daenerys said and Lexa answered similarly. "That's my sister."

"Nice to meet you Margeary."

"Same here." She said.

"Now let's go." Daenerys said and all three girls ran through the night. They looked around for then way. They didn't have long for Alie was uploading the Flame from Daenerys's mind.

"Wait." Lexa and Margeary said and Daenerys turned to them. "There's something we have to say." Margeary said.

"What is it?"

"It's about Bellamy."

"We don't have time for this."

"Daeny." Lexa said and Daenerys looked at the two girls. "You need to forgive him. He's fighting to protect you as we speak and he might die to save you." Daenerys looked away.

"We need to hurry if I want to save him." She said and went on running.

The two other girls smiled at each other and followed her. They ran and looked for a way when a bike appeared, the bell chiming. It was a pink bike with a girl, the sacred symbol on her jacket.

"Thank you Becca." Lexa said and they followed her. They followed the bike until they reached a fire wall.

"What the hell?"

"You'll never get to the kill switch." A voice echoed and turning around, they saw Jasper, hands in his pockets, walking to them.

"Let me talk to him first." Daenerys asked.

"Why are you here Jasper?" She asked gently.

"I'm trying to stop you. You've seen the city of Lights now. It's perfect. There peace, happiness, safety. Why would you want to deny that to anyone?" He asked.

"Jasper we're friends, remember?"

"Not anymore. Now that you're trying to destroy the city of lights."

"Jasper, Alie's torturing people to get in here!" She protested.

"It's Alie talking." Margeary told her.

"She's doing what has to be done." Jasper corrected Daenerys.

"She's torturing and killing people. She takes away people's freedom. Human beings have free will but she takes that away from us." She tried to reason.

"Human being are the only beings acting against their own self interest. We torture each other, kill each other." He looked straight into Daenerys's eyes. "Break each other's hearts." She knew he was alluding to Bellamy and she looked away.

"None of this exists here. She's protecting us from ourselves." Jasper said.

"There's still time, Daeny." Margeary said. "We'll find another sign." They began walking but Jasper blocked the way.

"We can't let you do that." Just when he said that, a huge crowd appeared, lead by Jaha.

"Daenerys. There's nowhere to run." Jaha said. "The second Ai can no longer protect you.

"Come on, Daenerys. Stop fighting." Jasper went on. "All the people you lost. You still see them in your dreams. All this ends here."

"Sis." Margeary interrupted motioning to the wall. They turned to it and saw a door, a round kinda airlock door. Then a raven in white paint appeared.

"Raven." Daenerys said and they walked to it. Jasper stood in front of it, protectively.

"Jasper, get out of the way." Daenerys asked and Margeary threw a punch, knocking him out. Daenerys smirked. "That's one hell of a punch."  

"They're coming." Lexa warned. "Go. I'll hold them off." She said.

"No way, Lex!"

"It's okay. Now that you're Commander, y pull be able to see me as often as you want. Go."

Daenerys nodded and pushed the door with her sister who disappeared then. She was on her own. It was her call now.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now