8. Pike.

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She rode as fast as she could with only one thought in mind : Bellamy. Her heart was pounding in her chest in excitement. She was finally going to see him again. She enjoyed the wind in her face, the branches brushing her arms, her horse enjoying the run.

Though, as she looked around, her heart stopped at the sight that offered itself. She stopped her horse and jumped down, shock overwhelming her, seeing all her efforts reduced to dust.
A whole army in which she had friends was there, massacred! The shock had too much to handle, the sight a too great horror to witness. She felt tears flooding down, her head spinning... Why would they do that? Why would they think about doing that?!

She collapsed on her knees and let out a gut retching scream, passing her hands in the wet grass and earth. She was broken once more. First Tondc, now this?!

"No...no, no, no, no! No!" She screamed in pain. She couldn't. She felt so alone, in so much pain. But soon, pain was replaced by anger.

It took her a few minutes to collect herself and mount her horse. She road to Arkadia, not so thrilled, but furious, sad, frustrated. When the gate came into view, she stopped, looking at the highly fortified camp. She badly wanted to walk to the gate, make sure that Bellamy had no part in this but she couldn't.

Instead, she turned her horse and went back to the disaster, to find Clarke, Lexa and all the soldiers with her looking for survivors. She hopped off her horse and rushed to them.

"Lexa!" Lexa turned around and Clarke stood from the side of someone. Daenerys rushed to them and saw Indra. "OMG, Indra." She gasped, kneeling by her side. "I'm so relieved you're alive. How?"


Daenerys shook her head, feeling her heart shatter and tears fill her eyes. "No. No. You're wrong. Bellamy wasn't a part of this. No!" She stood up and looked around at the scene.

"He wanted to spare the wounded, but they wouldn't listen. He convinced Pike to let me live so I could deliver a message." She said despisingly. Daenerys felt her blood boiling inside her and wanted to explode but let Lexa and Indra talk.

"What message?" Lexa asked.

"Skaikru rejects the Coalition. This is their land now. We can live or we can die."

"Damn it!" Daenerys cursed and stood up, pacing. "We have to punish them. They have to pay for these murders." Tears streamed down as she turned to Lexa. "They have to pay. I don't care if that includes Bellamy. He is responsible for his decisions." She turned to Lexa who nodded and turned to her escort.

"Send riders. I call upon the armies of the Twelve Clans. In a day's time, we will lay waste on Arkadia and everyone within its walls."

Clarke tried to go and try fix this but it was too late. She should've left when she was asked, but it might've been too hard a decision to make for her. Lexa stopped her, officially keeping Clarke as prisoner.

"Lexa, let me go to Arkadia."


"At least let me talk to Kane."

As they figured things out, Daenerys was pacing, heartbroken and angry in the only standing tent. She kept thinking about Bellamy, about Octavia and Lincoln...How were they? Were they alive? She paced a long time until they needed help to get Indra inside. Then she helped Clarke bandage Indra, waiting for Kane to show up.

*Short time skip.*

The tent opened and Octavia stepped in. Daenerys stood up and rushed to her, and they locked arms before hugging quickly. They then walked to Indra.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now