{2} Empty Yogurt Pots

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Chapter 2 - Empty Yogurt Pots

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Chapter 2 - Empty Yogurt Pots

"You're such a hermit Sophie, the same routine each and every day, day in day out. Don't you get bored of it? Go out and see the world for once, it's not so scary once you witness it!" Dad groaned from the kitchen as he made himself some sort of bacon concoction, obviously not caring wether he got diabetes or not. I merely shrugged before opening the fridge in search of my favourite breakfast: strawberry yogurt and granola.

"I wouldn't even look for your yogurt honey, saw the empty pot in the bin this morning. Cole probably got hungry last night and ate it because he couldn't find anything else that was instant. Looks like you're going to have to go and get some, how awful!" Dad cried sarcastically, holding his tea towel to his forehead and fake crying. All I could do was glare at him and groan in frustration and grab my bag having already gotten dressed before coming downstairs as I usually did. Dad wasn't going to stop pestering me so I decided to just give in and go outside for once.

"I'll remember this when you're wanting me to take you here, there and everywhere for your gardening stuff!" I huffed to my dad before stepping out of the house and into the sunlight, pouting unhappily at it. The outside world was definitely not my oyster. I desperately wanted to crawl back to my room and get wrapped up in my blankets but I couldn't, not if I wanted my yogurt. Call me crazy but I can't function properly without a good ol' pot of strawberry yogurt.

It wasn't that I was lazy, I just hated public and the thought of meeting my soulmate scared the life out of me. I knew that once I found them, it would be over for me. Being an introverted person by nature meant that I chose to be by myself rather than spending time with someone which would be impossible with a soulmate as they'd probably always want to be around me. It seemed like too much commitment to me at such a young age, giving my all to a possible stranger all because the universe gave us a matching pretty pattern on our wrists. It just didn't seem fair to me at all.

"Stupid Cole, eating my yogurt when he knows it's mine." I grumbled whilst getting into my car, the one my mother got me on my dads request, him using the excuse that she doesn't do anything for me which isn't really an excuse because it's the truth. The deal was though that I'd have to drive Cole to and from his friends' houses which isn't all that fun as he expects me to be some kind of taxi for him which I can't always be. I can't complain though, at least I don't have to rely on anyone else to get around anymore.

Driving on the roads of my town always made me nervous, like they were all watching and judging my driving when they really couldn't care less. Social anxiety isn't all that fun in reality. I found myself taking the back roads around the perimeter of town to the less popular stores, just to avoid too much social interaction with the people of my town. They weren't mean people, I just don't like talking when I don't need to.

Walking in to the small corner store and finding it empty, except from the old lady at the cashier, was like a breath of fresh air, being able to breathe and act comfortably without fearing humiliation in front of others. Making a beeline for the refrigerator aisle, I quickly hurried over, only to find that they didn't have the yogurt that I wanted. This meant that unless I asked the lady behind the till it she could check in the back to see if they had any, I would have to go to the more crowded store or just go without. Truthfully, i would have rather gone without.

"Excuse me, I'm really sorry to bother you but do you have any strawberry yogurt in the back?" I timidly asked after taking a good 5 minutes to pluck up the courage to ask. The woman gave me a kind smile whilst nodding, slightly turning her head before calling for someone to come to her in a disapproving and irritated tone. Yes, she definitely found me annoying.

"Yoongi-ah! Come find this girl some strawberry yogurt, we just got some new stock!" She called, turning back to me after a small grunt of acknowledgement came from the back. A roll of her eyes told me that she wasn't very fond of this Yoongi, instantly making me feel sorry for him as she didn't seem to treat him the best. I'd never heard someone talk to another person so disrespectfully before, except from Cole at me whenever I didn't take him somewhere. The kid had a nasty temper.

"Yah, no need to talk so rudely Hana. Have some manners, especially in front of customers." Yoongi said monotonously after coming out of the back room, yogurt grasped in his large hand. My eyes widened slightly as the landed on him, his soft features shocking me slightly. I had expected a mean looking man that towered over everything but he was the exact opposite. His face held this expression that gave off the aura that he didn't care, almost bored of the situation. Thought he wasn't too tall compared to other men I knew, Yoongi still managed to tower over me in a way that made me slightly in awe of him.

"Uh, you want the yogurt or not, doe eyes?" Yoongi asked, waving the pot of nutritiousness in front of my face to gain my attention. Flustered that I'd been caught basically drooling over him, I chuckled sheepishly and held my hand out to take it from him, not noticing which hand I was holding out before it was much too late. Hana, the woman behind the counter, seemed to notice before we did, her eyes widening in shock and an excited squeal leaving her mouth.

"What the fu-" Yoongi began before his eyes landed on my wrist, his own eyes widening slightly before he smiled slightly and looked up at me, noticing that I didn't look exactly happy with it. Before he could stop me, I quickly snatched my hand back and turned away, running out of the store and fighting with my keys to get into my car. No matter what, I couldn't let Yoongi get to me, not now he knew that we were soulmates. He'd followed me outside but he wasn't running, merely sauntering over to my car as I was still trying to get my keys into the lock with trembling hands.

Once I'd finally gotten the keys in to unlock the door, I wrenched the door open and threw myself behind the wheel, slamming the door shut behind me. It was then that Yoongi panicked a little, hurrying his steps until he was almost to my car, much too close for me to bear. The car started with a low rumble and I was immediately pulling out of the small parking lot, not taking one glance back as I knew that I'd feel guilty and want to go back and hear him out. Yoongi hadn't done anything wrong to deserve what I did to him, giving him hope of living a happy life with his soulmate and then running away from him before even telling him my name.

I don't even remember the journey home, probably having gone 50 on a 30 but I was panicking too much to care about anything else. I needed my dad, needed his reassurance that everything was going to be okay, even though I knew that this would come back and bite me in the future. I couldn't run from Yoongi forever but I was more than happy to do it for the time being, anything to prevent a connection from further forming. I could already feel it, the tugging on my heart becoming harder and harder the further I travelled from him as if it were trying to pull me back to him.

"Dad! Dad!" I cried as soon as I burst through the front door, immediately catching his attention from the living room couch. He was probably thinking the worse as I threw myself on him, breathing so quickly and deeply that it was obvious that I was having a panic attack. Everything was crushing down on me and I felt like I couldn't breathe, crying into my dads neck as he attempted to calm me down so that I could explain what happened and why I was so hysterical.

"I-I found him dad, my soulmate!" I howled, clinging to his neck harder, in search for comfort that he happily gave me. His hands rubbed my back soothingly as he reassured me that everything would be okay, he'd protect me from anything that tried to hurt me. That was the thing, Yoongi wasn't trying to hurt me or harm me in any way. This was something that my dad couldn't fix for me, I'd have to do it myself.

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