{25} Face to face

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Chapter 25 - Face to face

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Chapter 25 - Face to face

"How did I know I would find you here?" A voice suddenly interrupted my morning coffee, causing me to slightly flinch from shock. It was 7am, 2 hours before my first lecture of the day and I had decided to get out early so that I could see Mallory and have a coffee before a long, gruelling day of brain numbing learning. Just the sound of the voice that had spoken made me want to dig a hole right under my feet and fall through it to the other side of the earth.

"Because you're a stalker, obviously. Or, you're meeting your girlfriend here." I said sternly, looking up at Yoongi with nothing but a cold, emotionless expression on my face. I could tell from the way his eyes were wobbling that he was nervous but I didn't soften, waiting for him to began speaking once again. All the times we had been in similar situations had probably reassred him that I would forgive him but I wasn't going to put his feelings before my own like I always had.

"I don't have a girlfriend, unless you want to change that of course. And I'll have you know that didn't know you'd be here, this is fate taking one for the team!" Yoongi chuckled, hesitantly sliding into the seat across from me. Awkwardly, Yoongi decided to rest both of his hands ot on the table in front of him, fingers stretched out so that his palms touched the pristinely-kept surface. It was hard to keep my facade up but I knew from experience that if I showed any sign of weakness then Yoongi would use it to his advantage.

"Just get to the point already Yoongi, what do you want from me. Honestly at this point I will do virtually anything to get you off my back. And I think we all know fate is on your side because she certainly isn't on mine." I huffed, instantly wiping the soft smile that Yoongi had kept on him straight off of his face. As if awakened by the reality of the situation, Yoongi began to unintelligently ramble random words that didn't really make any sense to me before he took a deep breath as if to keep his thoughts in order. It couldn't have been easy for him I must admit, laying all of his feelings out to me without being certain that I would accept and do the same.

"W-We cold be on the same team, metaphorically speaking of course. That day was a complete misunderstanding and that is the truth, I swear on my grandfather's piano. Carla is my second chance soulmate and honestly, I didn't know how to handle it seeing as I still had you. She made me wonder if something was gong to go wrong between us but now I see that Carla was the one going to break whatever we had. N-Nothing serious ever happened I swear but w-we did kiss. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have but if I'm going to have any sort of chance then I want to do it with nothing on my chest" Yoongi quickly spoke, almost too fast for me to comprehend what he was even saying. The café around us seemed to carry on with its life but we were stuck in that moment, looking into each others' eyes as if we were scared to look away.

"I don't know if I can trust you not to hurt me again." I whispered in reply, biting my bottom lip with wide eyes that showcased my every insecurity and fear. I had never felt so vulnerable in my entire life. Seeming to be slightly discouraged by my reply to his impressive speech, Yoongi visibly wilted and sighed, a crease pinching between his brows and his lips turning downwards slightly. Truthfully, it did hurt me to see him so downcast but, still, I didn't make any move or attempt to try and soothe his stressing. In my eyes, he deserved everything he got.

"I know. Honestly, I wouldn't trust me either which is why I went to talk to your father. I knew that the only way to try and fix things would to fix things with your family first because I know how much they mean to you. Cole didn't really want to even look at me which is understandable but your father told me to not give up on you and I won't. If you can't trust me words then trust your father's. Would he really ask me to keep trying if he didn't believe that I meant everything I said? But please don't base your decision off of your father's forgiveness, it has to be your own choice whether we try again or not. Just, please think about it." Yoongi answered my question softly before retracting his hands from the table and onto his lip, giving me a strained smile before attempting to get up.

I don't know what made me do it, a strange force overcoming me and making me reach out to grab his wrist before he was out of range for me to do so. I was as shocked as he was when our skin came into contact, tingles shooting up my arm and a familiar warmth spreading across my chest that I hadn't felt since the first time I had properly touched Yoongi. Stupidly, I felt myself sinking into that touch and milking it, getting as much of it as I could.

"I-If we're going to do this, t-then we're going to have to start again." I stuttered unintelligently, not daring to look up at Yoongi's face when I spoke. The sound of a small chuckle coming from Yoongi's mouth which he quickly stifled, biting his lip as he looked down at me. Gently, Yoongi moved so that our hands were resting against each other and slid back into the seat he was sat in, a small blush spread across his cheeks. I couldn't help but let my own flare up. He just had that effect on me.

"O-Of course, anything you say," Yoongi replied eagerly, leaning forward slightly so that our faces were closer together. "I'm Yoongi, and you are?" He asked cheekily, a barely noticeable shine in his eyes that I had never seen before.

"Hey, I'm Sophie, cool soulmate mark, kinda looks like mine." I giggled, smiling shyly as I looked into his eyes. The future for us was yet to be written and maybe thay was the beauty of it - the unknown. No one knew what was to come but that was what was so exciting about it, the fact that absolutely anything could happen and we'd be powerless to stop it. All I knew is that if I didn't give Yoongi a final chance to prove himself then I would regret it.

I didn't want to end up like my parents, without their soulmates and regretting not sorting things out sooner when they had the chance. Yoongi is my soulmate and I'd be damned if I neglected that. After all, he was made for me and I was made for him.


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