{22} The Agreement

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Chapter 22 - The Agreement

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Chapter 22 - The Agreement

"You're playing a very dangerous game, Yoongi. Did you know I was with him when you called? Do you not care for anyone but yourself?" Carla yelled as Yoongi let her into his dorm, checking that nobody had seen them before shutting the door and rolling his eyes at how dramatic she was acting. The bag hanging off of her shoulder seemed to be vibrating non stop, probably her soulmate calling her to see where she had disappeared to so suddenly.

"Oh be quiet, you came didn't you?" Yoongi groaned, sitting himself on his couch and gesturing for Carla to do the same. When she refused, Yoongi simply shrugged and took a sip from the coffee he had bought at Mallory's coffee shop after he'd finished stalking me and Jungkook.

"Wasn't going to. Anyways, what did you want me to come for anyway?" Carla asked curiously as she stared at Yoongi intently, ignoring the pull that she felt towards him. Everything would become much too complicated if anything were to happen the two of them and they were smart enough to not try anything. They'd heard the stories, ones of original soulmate bonds being obliterated by a simple hug or kiss from a second chance soulmate. Carla was happy with her soulmate and Yoongi didn't want anyone but me.

"I want to come to an agreement with you, if that's okay. I don't want to see you, talk to you or even acknowledge that there could be anything between us. This whole situation has ruined everything that I was building. Sorry but this is for the best." Yoongi said bluntly, looking up at Carla with almost a bored expression. A twinge of pain was sent through Carla's heart but she ignored it, keeping a calm face as she nodded at Yoongi's words, not daring to speak as she feared that her voice would cracked.

It felt like the end of something for the pair, something that hadn't been given then chance to become great. Neither of them showed it to the other but they were in discomfort, not knowing how to feel after coming accustomed to talking and being with each other.

"I-I'll be going then, goodbye Yoongi, I hope everything maps out the way you're wanting it to." Carla said softly before seeing herself out, biting her lip as she closed the door behind her. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of her heels tapping against the floor as she walked away from Yoongi's dorm, no intention of returning anytime soon.

Upon her departure, Yoongi suddenly felt as if everything was too quiet. It was an eerie silence, the type that people lost their sanity to in horror movies. Sighing to himself, Yoongi grabbed his jacket from his coat rack and made his way through his front door, only stopping to lock it before running out of the dorms. He wasn't sure where he was going, just that he needed to get away from everything that was happening before he went insane.

I sat by the river side with Mallory, pondering my current situation whilst trying to see it in a more optimistic view. Yes, my soulmate bond was over and had failed but I was in college, the very beginning of my life. As if she knew that words weren't exactly what I needed, Mallory let her head fall onto my shoulder as she sighed, also seeming to be going through some stuff I felt like it was better for me not to ask. Who was I to?

People walked by us, talking and laughing in their groups but we stayed there, not wanting time to go on but it had to. No one likes change or wants things to end but it's exactly what we need to grow as people and to develop into better versions of ourselves.

"I feel like something just ended, but I don't know what." I suddenly said, also surprising myself as I hadn't intended to say the words out loud. Mallory hummed in agreement but didn't look at me, eyes stuck like glue on the horizon before us. Leaves fell all around us, the usual green having turned into the deep oranges of Autumn.

"The future isn't set and I think that's what is scaring me. Everything is moving along and I don't know if I want to keep up anymore, running to be with everyone else. Can't I just stay in this moment? Why is it so hard to let go of what has been in order to get to what is to be?" I ranted, the words pouring out of me as they had wanted to for a while. Mallory didn't interrupt me, waiting until I was finished in order to speak for the first time since we'd sat by the river.

"Because you're a creature of habit, Sophie. If we stay here, everyone will leave us behind. Once we're ready to finally move on, we may have taken so long that the people we know may have changed to become unrecognisable. Living in the moment brings joy and hurt but we have to embrace it. That's the point of life." Mallory informed, looking wise as she looked up at me with a breezy smile on her face.

Smiling back, I nodded and agreed with her words, knowing that she was right. I had to leave the past be and think of my future and who I wanted to be. Everything that had happened was for a reason, to shape me into the person I would soon be.

Yoongi was given to me to shape me into who I was meant to be. Maybe we hadn't had the most beautiful of endings but we had learnt from what we had, learnt from our mistakes.

"Do you think that I should give Jungkook the chance he is wanting?" I mumbled, not really knowing what to do. I should have known that she would answer with a cryptic response, so 'Mallory' that I couldn't help but roll my eyes fondly.

"I can't make that decision for you but yes." She giggled, pulling her coat tighter around my body. I nodded and giggled along with her, pulling her up to her feet after I had done the same to myself. The temperature had dramatically decreased to the point where whenever one of us breathed, a small cloud of condensation would also leave our lips. The sun had already set without me even noticing, darkness spreading across the sky which caused street lamps to cast areas of light on to the pavements and roads around us.

"Let's go get pizza then watch movies in my dorm!" I cheered happily, clapping my hands and dashing into the direction of the pizza place just off of campus grounds. Groaning, Mallory followed after me and linked her arm in mine, tapping it softly as we went.

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