{11} Unbothered

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Chapter 11 - Unbothered

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Chapter 11 - Unbothered

I refused to turn around and face him, I just couldn't do it. I willed the ground to open up and swallow me whole but it didn't, staying in its hard exterior that I focused my attention on. There were so many places i'd have rather been than there in the moment in place, anywhere even. Anywhere would've been better than there.

"Hey Joon, you drank too much buddy?" His smooth voice joked, making me want to slap and kiss him at the same time. Every bone in my body wanted me to hate him but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, my heart aching to have him in my arms. Stupid soulmate bond. Maybe if Cole had never eaten my yogurt that morning then none of this would've happened. Yeah, let's blame Cole for my suffering.

"Me? Drink too much? Do you even know who you're talking to? I'm more sober than Sophie is and she hasn't even had a sip!" Namjoon cackled, leaning over to brace himself on his own knees. Like clockwork, Yoongi's eyes were on me and I knew there was no hiding from him. It was too late. Why hadn't I just run when I had the chance?

"You seem really out of it Joon, let me drive you home. I know your mother won't be too pleased to find out you've been drinking your wage away." Yoongi said, acting as if he had no idea who I was. Now that hurt. How could he pretend that it was killing him inside to have me so close but yet so far? Had he too spent nights crying over the pain in his chest from not seeing me? Have thoughts of me tortured and tormented him endlessly? It didn't seem like it and that just made me even more depressed about it.

"B-But Sophie has no way to get home, i'm her ride. Do you think you can drop her off? Pretty please with a cherry on top!" Namjoon slurred drunkenly, now having collapsed the entirety of his weight onto Yoongi, bear in mind that he's like twice the size of Yoongi but he didn't seem to mind all too much. A sharp intake of breath came from Yoongi before he sighed and nodded, signalling for me to follow the two of them to his car, not speaking a syllable to me. As I walked past him, Jimin's eyes widened and his mouth hung open slightly as if he now recognised who I was.

"Hey Yoon, isn't that-" He began before I shook my head desperately, begging him not to say it in public, especially in front of everyone. I just didn't want everyone to make a big fuss out of it, it would just make things ten times worse for me.

Yoongi's car wasn't too far from the club which my legs were definitely thankful for, still aching from the extensive amount of dancing i'd been doing. He didn't look at me once, not even a slight glance. I didn't affect him like he affected me and I saw that my feelings for Yoongi were very one sided. Namjoon was barely keeping himself together, talking about everything and anything that popped into his head which somehow made me feel better which I was grateful for. If he hadn't been there I probably would've already broken down now but I refused to do so in front of Namjoon.

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