{21} I wish you well

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Chapter 21 - I wish you well

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Chapter 21 - I wish you well

"Did you have fun with your family? It's been boring around here without you." Jungkook joked as the two of us sat in Mallory'a coffee shop, said girl scurrying around hanging up tinsel and baubles on the panes of glass around the building. With it coming up to Christmas, everybody was doing their bit to get in to the Christmas spirit. I nodded softly, sipping on my hot chocolate and warming my hands around the ceramic cup.

"It was wonderful, finally getting to see them again after so long. My brother has changed so much since i've been gone and i can't say that it's for the better. I don't know what's going on with him but it doesn't seem like he wants to talk it either." I sighed, nibbling on my bottom lip anxiously.

There was definitely something bothering Cole but I hadn't wanted to pry and upset him on my visit, wanting the time to be filled with happiness and cheer rather than tense atmospheres and uncomfortable silences. Dad had tried to coax him into explaining but he was just too stubborn, running away to his room every time someone tried to say something to him.

"I'm sure he'll come around soon enough, don't worry about it. The worst thing you could do for him is pushing him and forcing him to explain. Take it from the most secretive teenager ever." Jungkook chuckled, licking the froth from his thin top lip that had appeared when he took a drink of his hot chocolate. I nodded again, wishing that things weren't so complicated.

Jungkook had texted me earlier that morning and asked to meet up as he knew that i'd returned from visiting dad and Cole. Not having anything better to do, I had happily agreed and quickly rushed to the shop as he had already been there when he asked me. It seemed that he spent a lot of time in there, probably because he was so close to Mallory.

"Enough about me, how have you been Kookie." I smiled warmly, taking another drink of my drink that hardly had anything left in it. As though surprised by my question, Jungkook didn't answer for a couple of seconds before clearing his throat almost hesitantly.

"My soulmate reached out to me a couple of days ago, just to ask if I was okay and stuff like that. It's only a small gesture but honestly, it meant the world to me. That only lasted 5 minutes though, she's awfully busy these days." Jungkook spoke softly, looking down at his hands. It was obviously hard for him to talk about her with me and I understood that, just as it was hard for my father whenever the topic of my mother came up in a conversation.

"I'm glad you finally got to talk to her, it can't be easy, being away from her and stuff. Please don't take this as a bad thing but why does she still reach out? Wasn't she the one who rejected you in the first place?" I asked hesitantly, immediately regretting my words and wishing I could take them back as Jungkook flinched but skilfully tried to hide it and act as if it didn't affect him at all.

"Well, she's always been the one that tries to do the right thing, only for herself though. By contacting me she makes herself feel less guilty for being the one that destroyed what we had before it had chance to develop. It stops her from feeling as if everything is her fault when in reality it was. If she would've asked for it, I would've given her the world. My only hope now is that fate takes pity on me and gives me a second chance at giving me love to someone." Jungkook sighed, looking around as if he felt too scared to look at me.

Before I could stop myself from doing so I reached out and held his hand in mine. It was strange to say the least, his slightly roughened skin feeling as if it belonged there as his own hand seemed to shift into mine so that they slotted together perfectly. Freezing for a split second, Jungkook's eyes widened and his cheeks reddened, a bashful look spreading across his face as he made eye contact with me and sheepishly grinned at me.

"A-Anyways, how's Yoongi doing? I haven't seen you two together and you haven't mentioned it, not that it's any of my business or anything. I can't help but feel like something isn't quite right." Jungkook stammered as he pulled his hand away from mine as tucking it under his arm that was resting on the table, his shoulders lifting up slightly which caused his scarf to push up further into his face. The mention of his name made the smile fall from my face, clearing my throat awkwardly as I crossed my arms in front of me on the table.

"I broke things off." I spoke softly, biting my lip to stop myself from saying too much or bursting into tears. A small gasp came from Jungkook, causing me to look up at him with a questioning look.

"B-But why? I thought that you guys were a strong couple. I thought the both of you had worked things out?!" Jungkook whined, seeming to be really upset. To say he hadn't been involved in our relationship or really known anything but what I had told him, Jungkook seemed to take the news that we were no longer trying to sort things out pretty badly.

"H-He found someone else, his second chance I guess." I laughed emptily, not finding it funny but needing to do anything so that I wouldn't cry. The last thing I wanted to do was start crying to Jungkook like some small child that couldn't handle being hurt.

"Second chance huh, what a load of bullshit. You out of all people deserved a successful bond, the fact that you've gone through so much pain makes me so mad! Who is Yoongi to do this to you? And why did you let him do it for so long? I guess that you thought you had to, in regards to your 'bond' but you were wrong! That mark can be the start of something beautiful but it doesn't mean you have to take the shit that they may give you!" Jungkook yelled but not too loudly, frowning heavily and sweeping his hair out of his eyes. I didn't respond, couldn't have even if I would have tried. He had hit the nail on the head and there was no room for argument.

"Like i've said before, the soulmate bond doesn't define us or what we are going to become. People have twisted the story behind it to make it sound prettier and more attainable. Fuck that and fuck this. If you want someone you have to rely on yourself, not a stupid mark," Jungkook ranted, seeming to be in conflict with himself before he looked up at me and he relaxed, hands no longer forming fists on the table, "And that's just what i'm going to do."

Before I could analyse his words, Jungkook's hand gripped my chin softly and his eyes trailed down my face until they stopped at my lips. Every cell in my body was telling me to move, push his hand away but I didn't, a blush covering my cheeks as a smile spread across my lips.

"Sophie," Jungkook rasped, still holding onto my chin, "Can I kiss you?"

Without thinking too much about it, I pushed his hand from my chin and leant forward as to push my lips against his, eyes closing whilst Jungkook's widened in surprise. Soon enough he relaxed into the kiss, moving his lips along with mine in a slow rhythm, one that I enjoyed a lot better than the one at the party. The cafe seemed to have suddenly gone quiet, no one daring to speak, even the machinery in the kitchen seemed to silence so that we could have our moment.

Jungkook was the first to pull away, hand still cupping my cheeks as his eyes searched my face, probably looking for any hints of regret or guilt that I may have been harbouring. There was none though as I didn't regret it. Should I have kissed Jungkook whilst not being sure of my feelings? Probably not but I was sure of one thing. There was something blooming between the two of us, something that even the soulmate bond couldn't compare to.

And there he was, stood in front of the window at the other side to the room of us, watching as I steadily slipped from his grip and fell into the arms of someone that truly wanted me. It was torture for Yoongi and it was then on that he swore that he would rather me be with anyone else but Jeon Jungkook.

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