{3} I don't want you

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Chapter 3 - I don't want you

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Chapter 3 - I don't want you

For the next two weeks after meeting Yoongi and being punched in the face by the realisation of the fact that I knew my soulmate, all I did was sleep the days away, my dad bringing my food and water up every so often, just to make sure I was kept healthy. Not much ran through my head in that period of time, my mind not being able to function, knowing that I'd treated Yoongi so badly but also not wanting to have a soulmate.

Since the beginning I had never wanted this, even when the idea of soulmates was introduced to everyone at school I stuck out like a sore thumb, swearing on my life that I would never have a soulmate. Everyone had looked at me as if I had grown an extra head on my shoulder and it didn't help that my mother and dad weren't together, an abnormality in itself.

It was rare that soulmates split up, especially after having children but my mother had left us when Cole was only newborn in order to gain money and power. Even after she got what she wanted she still wasn't happy, completely shutting us and dad ,who was her soulmate, out of her life so that she could build a new perfect one without us. As a kid i'd always questioned what I'd done wrong, what I'd done to make her hate me so much. It had always been money over the people she loved.

"Do you think he hates me dad? I mean, I'd hate me if I were in his shoes. I didn't mean to be so rude, I was just caught by surprise and went with my gut feeling which was to run. I'm a terrible person aren't I?" I sighed forlornly, really feeling terrible about how I'd treated Yoongi the first time we met. I felt like I owed it to me and him to go and see him, explain that I didn't even want a soulmate in the first place whilst also suggesting that we live separate lives.

"He definitely doesn't hate you Sophie, you know he could never do that but if you think that he's just going to let you walk back out of his life like you never walked into it then you've got another thing coming darling. The more you push him away from you, the harder he's going to pull you towards him. It's just the way it works." Dad chuckled, flipping through a sports magazine that had been randomly posted through out letterbox. Little things like that happened all of the time but Dad thought he was the luckiest man alive when they did.

"So, I should go apologise right?" I asked unsurely whilst looking down at my pot of yogurt, the thing that had caused all of this mess in the first place. If only dad would've gotten it for me, or Cole not have eaten it at all, then I would've still been wrapped up in my little bubble, oblivious to the fact that Yoongi even existed at all. Even if it wouldn't have been forever, I just wanted to stay peaceful and problem free for just a while longer.

"Yes and this time, try not to basically jilt the guy, you didn't even tell him your name. I bet he's going spare worrying about if he'll ever see you again." Dad fussed, thinking about my soulmate which only made me feel even worse than I already felt. Thoughts of Yoongi had been keeping me up at night, preventing me from sleeping which just made me feel even worse in the long run.

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