{15} Why did I bother?

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Chapter 15 - Why did I bother?

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Chapter 15 - Why did I bother?

That's the question I ask myself every time I think about what happened at that stupid party. Why did I even go? What had possessed me in order for me to even agree to attend as easily as I had? Maybe it was the trustworthy energy I received from Mallory that day in the coffee shop or maybe it was my thirst to be a normal college student and do what everyone else was doing. Or maybe it was the fact that I wanted to prove to myself that I didn't need Yoongi to feel completely. Hell, he was probably doing the same thing that I was but I couldn't help but feel guilty.

The events of the night were a blur except from one thing, his hands travelling up my waist until they cupped my cheeks, his lips ghosting over mine as we gasped into each other's mouths. This isn't what you're probably thinking, we only made out, but my skin felt itchy with regret and guilt, shame of stooping down to Yoongi's level. The minute i'd pulled away from whoever i'd been kissing was the very same minute that everything hit me and my mind immediately thought of Yoongi.

"Hey, you okay?" The guy I had been kissing asked softly, hands still cupping my face almost affectionately. I was so out of it that I couldn't even focus properly on him, constantly swaying to the right and if he hadn't been holding me up i would've definitely fell flat on my face. After I didn't reply to his question he swore softly under his breath and proceeded to move me, basically carrying me up the stairs. In fear, I struggled in his grip and fought against him but he chuckled softly, shaking his head at me.

"Don't worry cutie, only putting you in my room so that you can rest." The guy said, unlocking one of the many doors in that hall and helping me into his bed. Due to the window being open it was quite cold in there, so cold that every-time I breathed my breath came out in little clouds. Once he noticed this the guy chuckled and opened another door, revealing a full stocked closet in which he pulled out a grey hoodie before suddenly throwing it at me, catching me off guard. In my drunken state, the hoodie hit me so hard that I fell backwards with a grunt but thankfully I landed on a comfortable bed so I wasn't too fussed.

"I'll lock the door if you want, i'll be back later, need to show up to me own party for more than an hour." He joked, turning to look at me one last time before going out of the door, leaving me all alone in a strange room with the party still in full swing below me.

At some point I must've fell asleep because the next thing I remember was the guy coming back into the room with a glass of water and messy hair as if someone had been running their hands through it. It seemed that he'd had a bit to drink as he stumbled slightly but he wasn't completely wasted, I could easily tell. Once he noticed me looking at him he seemed to startle then catch his breath all in the same second, chuckling as he made his way over to where i was laid and handing me the glass of water.

"Sorry if I woke you, I didn't intend to make so much noise. My friends persuaded me to have a couple drinks and I'm known for being a bit of a lightweight." He chuckled again, a small smile making his way on to his face.

"You don't need to apologise, I should be the one saying sorry. I've gotten you lumbered with looking after me but you don't have to, my dorm is close by so I should be getting on my way." I mumbled, wiping the tiny bit of sleep that had built up in the corner of my eye during the small nap i'd taken. The guys mouth fell open in outrage, slightly making him look like a worried mother before shaking his head and pulling the blanket right up to my chin, tucking me in just like on too.

"Don't be silly, you can stay here for the night and then leave tomorrow when you're sober. I'd offer to drive you there but i'm in no state to drive right now." He admitted sheepishly, a soft blush dusting his tan cheeks and adding some colour to his complexion. He was very pretty I had to admit but he just wasn't Yoongi, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself that anyone was better than him. After a couple moments of silence, the guy straightened out and pulled a blanket from the chest of drawers in the room before putting it on the floor and laying on it, looking up at me with a small grin.

"This is your room, right?" I asked in which he replied with a small nod, already beginning to fall asleep, "why are you sleeping on the floor then? There's space in the bed, I'll keep my hands to myself I promise." I joked, moving right up so that there would be enough room from his large frame to squeeze in beside me. He owned a ridiculously large bed but something told me that he very rarely slept in it alone.

Blushing even harder than before, he got up and made his way into the bed, cautiously getting under the blanket and making sure not to touch me. The entire thing was cute and I couldn't help but giggle at him before quietening down and closing my eyes, dropping to sleep whilst Jungkook watched me, smiling at me before falling asleep himself.

"Hey, hey! You going to wake up or do I have to drive you whilst your still sleeping?" A voice asked quietly, disturbing my peaceful slumber and causing me to whine out of tiredness. One of my hands flew outwards, pushing away whoever was right next to me, possibly poking them in the eye as they made a short noise of pain. Then I remembered the events of what happened before I fell asleep and I instantly snapped awake, apologising profusely as the guy just laughed at me.

"I'm so so sorry random guy, are you okay?" I rambled, pulling his hand away from his eye where it had been so that I could take a look at the damage that my cruel hand had done to him. The white of his eye seemed pinker than it should have been but he didn't seem to mind, blinking his eye quickly as if to prove that he was okay. The sleep still had hold of my brain, causing me to groan and hold a hand to my temple. How much had I even drunk the night before?

"The name's Jungkook and i'm fine. Sorry to wake you up this early but I have somewhere to be real soon and didn't want to leave you here alone, no offense. Would you like a ride?" Jungkook asked politely, watching as I stood up and brushed a hand through my hair, looking around for my shoes and retrieving them from the corner of the room before putting them on. I thanked the heavens above that i'd chosen to wear flats instead of the high heels Mallory tried to get on my feet.

"If that's not too much trouble then yes please, thank you for taking care of me yesterday, not many people would have done that. Shall we go now?" I said, opening his room door with him behind me, descending the set of stairs and wincing at the state his living room had been left in. "That looks like it's gonna take a while to clean, I salute you and pray for you."

"I don't mind. It definitely won't be the first time that i've had to clean up after a party, it's cleansing I promise." Jungkook said, squinting at the mess and his face falling comically. I giggled and picked up a few cups that were discarded on the floor and threw them in the trash, earning a 'thank you' from Jungkook before we made our way out to his car. The ride was silent but in a comfortable way, nothing needed to be said so I simply didn't speak.

"Thanks again for everything Jungkook, you're a nice guy. We should hang out sometime, see you!" I said happily before getting out of the car and waving as he set off again, waving his hand out of the window to me in return. With a soft smile on my face, I stumbled up to my dorm and threw myself on to my bed, wanting to fall right back asleep. Just as I was about to return to my slumber, a notification scared me so badly that I jumped awake and shot my phone into my face.

Missing you <3

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