{13} Realisation

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Chapter 13 - Realisation

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Chapter 13 - Realisation

When Yoongi came to the realisation that Sophie was gone, his entire body stilled, breath catching in his throat leaving him oxygen-less for a couple of seconds. He didn't know what to think at first, his thoughts running through his brain at top speed and confusing him to the point where he was clutching his skull in attempts to soothe the pain it brought him. Then he panicked, shaking in his beloved computer chair as he worried about never seeing her again. The mark on his skin itched and burned in complaint, Yoongi being too far from Sophie, as the frail bond they'd managed to make before Yoongi ruined it, needing them to be close to one another.

It was the same cycle for a couple of days, Yoongi locking himself away in his funky little apartment so that nobody could see the pure torture he was enduring. It said something when Yoongi didn't even bother to go to work, the one part of Yoongi's day that he usually looked forward to. Work was only enjoyable because all Yoongi had to do was sit in the back and drink tea, very rarely coming to serve customers.

"You need to get out of the house man, 'hate seeing you waste away in here. All this over some chick?" Jimin scoffed as he ripped Yoongi's curtains open, earning a groan of protest from the elder who had previously been trying to ignore Jimin's presence and sleep. Popping his head out of the top of his blanket, Yoongi glared at Jimin with puffy eyes, causing Jimin to wink at him playfully before opening the window wide open, allowing the street noise and cold air to fill Yoongi's room.

"I hate you so much right now. Let me grieve." Yoongi snapped, pulling the blanket over his head to block out the sun that was pouring through his now opened curtains and the annoying noises of the outside world. Jimin just scoffed at Yoongi and rolled his eyes, stalking over to the bed and elegantly ripping the blankets away from Yoongi and throwing them into the corner of the room.

"No way! Look, you're my best friend and I care about you which is why we're going to go out and have fun. Come on, what happened to the Yoongi that could actually have a good time? I want that guy back, please?" Jimin whined cutely, pouting his lips like a child and putting his famous puppy eyes on just to soften Yoongi up even more. Growling, Yoongi sat up and eventually pulled himself onto his feet, pushing past Jimin and going into the kitchen to down a litre of coffee.

"That guy died a long time ago when he found his soulmate. Life isn't just about having fun anymore Jimin and if you had a soulmate then you'd know the feeling but you don't. Need I remind you that it's your fault that i'm in this mess in the first place, snitching on me to Sophie and basically telling her i'd never cared about her when she's all i'll ever care about it! So thanks but no thanks, you know where the door is." Yoongi spat nastily, such a different tone of voice than he would usually use with his best friend. Jimin wasn't going to lie, he was pretty hurt by Yoongi's words and everyone knew that Jimin tended to say some things he didn't mean when he felt hurt.

"My fault? You're the one that was still messing around with other girls whilst you had her so how is it my fault? No one is ever good enough for you Yoongi, you'll always want more, even more than your soulmate because that's just who you are. I've been by your side since we were kids, I know how you work. In a week or two you'll forget all about Sophie's existence so spare me the theatrics and snap out of it already!" Jimin yelled, tears beginning to build up in his eyes as they always did whenever he argued with somebody. It was just something that he always did no matter how hard he tried not to, call it an instinct or reflex.

The things both men were saying were completely meaningless but emotions were running high and neither of them wanted to admit they were wrong, the argument ending in Jimin vowing that he would never speak another word to Yoongi if he could help it. That was what always happened when they fought but Jimin would always come back after a couple of days, eyes red and puffy and his lips full of apologies. It wasn't the healthiest friendship but it worked for them somehow.

"Good fucking riddance." Yoongi mumbled over his breath as he heard Jimin slam his front door, sighing as he sipped the freshly brewed coffee. It tasted bland, flavourless but then again everything had since Sophie had left so he didn't mind too much. He'd gotten used to it. The apartment was too quiet for his liking but then again it always had been but for some reason everything seemed silent, no sound from the traffic outside of the people walking by irritating Yoongi as it usually did. Things were changing but Yoongi couldn't decipher whether it was a good thing or not. Neither did he care by that point.

"Who needs friends anyway." He scoffed to himself as he heavily sat down in front of his piano, fondling the old keys with a different type of softness. Yoongi had grown up with that piano, having used it ever since his grandfather taught him how to play. Min Wooyoung had been an inspiration to his grandson and Yoongi had wanted to grow up to be just like him, right up until the point where he disappeared without a trace, not a single letter of explanation to be found.

His fingers gracefully moved across the keys, eyes scanning his notes as he played a melody he'd been working on for a while. The passion Yoongi had for music was something else, no other feeling ever coming close to how he felt when he was making his art with the sounds of the old piano. In college, Yoongi had wanted to majored in music and took slight interest in production but his dreams had fallen apart when he didn't pass the entrance exams, the college rejection letter still screwed up in the corner of Yoongi's room. After that Yoongi hadn't even bothered to apply for other colleges, basically giving up which caused him to get the job at the little store that was basically deserted 99% of the time.

That's when it came to him, an epiphany sent from above to finally open Yoongi's eyes as to what he had to do. He instantly stopped playing, gasping in realisation as he finally learned what god had in store for him. Yoongi gasped and stood up, running his hands through his hair as his brain worked overtime. He was going to do what he'd set out to do in the first place before he'd lost his way, no matter what it took or what he had to do.

Yanking his laptop out of his bag that set next to his desk, Yoongi typed in his password as fast as he could and watched in impatience as his home screen finally came onto the screen. Quick fingers typed to bring up the tab he needed, a soft blush covering the apples of his cheeks as his eyes skimmed over the list of subjects that there laid out before him on the college's sign up page. He had been on it before and the experience had been very similar that very one, the same feeling of excitement bubbling in his chest as he finally found the music and productions webpage.

This time, Yoongi decided that there was no way he was going to take no for an answer. This time around he was going to get what he wanted and there was no possibility of failure, Yoongi was so sure of it. Without Sophie he felt lost but that was the step he needed to take to finally pick himself up again. Little did he know how much of a positive impact that very decision would have on his situation.

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