{4} Waiting around

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Chapter 4 - Waiting around

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Chapter 4 - Waiting around

After giving my phone number to a beaming Yoongi before leaving the store and racing home, all I could do was wait for Yoongi to text me, call me or do whatever he needed to do in order to contact me. I'd never behaved like this, checking my phone every two seconds to see if I'd somehow missed the sound of my phone notifying me of a text and switching my phone from loud to silent just in case I hadn't done it right the first time. I'd already locked myself in my room and told dad not to come in, just so that I wouldn't get distracted whilst talking to Yoongi.

Hours passed though and soon enough my eyes began to get droopy, closing ever so slightly until I scared myself awake, refusing to miss the chance to talk to him. This chance I'd given him almost felt like my own chance to get closer to him, even if i'd been extremely hesitant in the beginning. Just from spending an hour with him I already felt so attached to him and I feared it, scared of just how much i'd come to love him in the future. This whole soulmate business was no joke.

"Pathetic, swearing against having a soulmate then sitting by the phone waiting for them to call? What happened to being your own person Soph?" Cole suddenly scoffed whilst standing in the doorway. I'd been so immersed in my phone that I hadn't even heard him open my door and close it again. I didn't blame him for being so sour with me, he was right, but I'd never given the thought of having a soulmate a chance and now that I had one it changed my whole perspective.

"You'll understand when you're older Cole I promise. Besides, how did you even know I'd met my soulmate, I can't remember telling you?" I replied, not even looking up from my phone in case I missed a text from Yoongi. Now that I look back, I hadn't even specified that I wanted Yoongi to call or text me, I'd just expected it to happen. I mentally groaned at my own stupidity.

"Don't give me that shit and did you really think that dad wouldn't go shouting it from the rooftop at the top of his lungs. As soon as you left to go to the store this morning dad sprinted to my room to tell me the news. It's sickening and gross. Does that mean you'll be bringing him home and stuff because I don't want to be hearing that thank you very much." Cole sighed airily, not even paying attention to me or what I was saying anymore. Choking, I gasped for air and coughed, getting up off of my bed and pushing him out of the room with my cheeks flared a bright shade of red in embarrassment.

"There will be none of that don't you worry." I reassured him loudly before slamming my door closed and throwing myself onto my bed, sighing in boredom. My phone showed me nothing new as I refreshed it another two times, causing me to put it down and wander around my room whilst I waited.

As it was the main room I spent my time in, I'd put a lot of effort into making my bedroom as comfortable and personalised as I possibly could. A variety of different fairy lights were strung up along the perimeter of the area, sending a soft glow around my room and making it feel awfully welcoming. Pots upon pots of cacti were arranged on my windowsill in size order, pleasing my OCD in ways I didn't deem possible. Pillows were stacked up on my bed until it was nearly overflowing but I just couldn't help buying more whenever I had the spare cash, paired along with fluffy blankets and throws that I snuggled up with during the day. All in all, I had one of the most comfiest rooms in history.

Suddenly, my phone began to vibrate on my bed, causing me to basically dive onto it to retrieve it. Unknown number, just what I was waiting for. After waiting a couple of seconds to make myself look less desperate than I actually was, I answered the call and hesitantly held my phone up to my ear, biting my bottom lip nervously.

"H-Hello?" I spoke hesitantly, mentally slapping myself for being so awkward.

"Hey Sophie, it's Yoongi, if you didn't already figure that out by the sound of my voice." Yoongi chuckled, shuffling sounds in the background of his voice telling me that he was moving around. Like a school girl with a pathetic crush, I blushed at the sound of his voice and had to stop myself from making an unnecessary sounds: screaming, giggling, rambling.

"Oh hey Y-Yoongi, how are you?" I asked lamely, not really knowing what to say to him. You'd imagine that it would be easier to talk over the phone than face to face but it wasn't, feeling awkward speaking into my electronic device rather than to him personally. Something about the way his eyes softened when he looked at me made me comfortable and at ease whilst talking to him.

"Nothing much, what are you doing right now? My shift finishes in like 10 minutes so, wanna go out?" Yoongi asked softly, a hint of exhaustion behind his tone causing my brows to furrow in concern. He'd been at the store since this morning, why the hell would he still be working this late at night? It didn't seem ethical to me at all, especially with how warm it was getting due to summer coming to an end, heat rendering most civilians completely powerless to its cruel touch.

"Wait, why are you still at work? You were working this morning when I came to see you, surely your shift doesn't last that long!" I exclaimed, dodging his offer to going out as I didn't want to leave myself flustered and shy, especially now that we were actually getting somewhere. A soft chuckle notified me that Yoongi wasn't taking me seriously, probably used to taking longer shifts which I didn't really like to think about.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about me, Sophie. These shifts aren't so bad, stores pretty empty this time at night so I just sit here and talk to a pretty girl to pass the time." Yoongi chuckled, still not taking my
worry to heart which only concerned me even more. It was a trait that I favoured most about myself, the fact that I maybe cared too much but as I always say, it's better than to care too much than to not care enough.

"Oh so you're waiting on a call from a pretty girl huh? Maybe I should go, I'm just holding you back from talking to your girl, bye now!" I said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow in disapproval even though I knew his words were only an attempt to flirt with me. Homeboy was going to have to do better than that to leave me blushing.

"W-What- No t-that's not what I-I Sophie y-you're the pretty g-girl- talk t-to me!" Yoongi panicked, causing me to burst out into a fit of giggles, laying back on my bed as I laughed loudly at him. This experience would be a lesson for him to look back on in the future: never take me seriously - unless i'm crying.

"Wow, you really got me there huh? I'll have to keep an eye on you, more than I already intend to hm? Come on pretty girl, meet me at the store, free ramen on me?" Yoongi offered and who was I to say no to free food? Dashing out of my room whilst throwing my dad some lame excuse about needing a new set of pens, I basically threw myself into my car and raced over to the store, humming happily at the thought of good food and good company.

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