{5} Spicy Ramen

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Chapter 5 - Spicy Ramen

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Chapter 5 - Spicy Ramen

"Twice in one day? I must be lucky!" Yoongi joked as soon as I step foot through the store doors, the slight breeze of the air con welcoming me into its walls. The store was basically empty, just an old woman seeming to be looking at the very scarce selection of washing powders that the store had to offer. The wrinkles on her forehead seemed to increase as she leaned in closer to a particular brand, reading the fine print on the bottom before smiling happily and picking it up, proceeding to pay before shuffling her way out into the parking lot. What kind of grandma goes shopping for washing powder at 10pm?

"Ah but i'm not here to see you, that's the trick you see. Sorry to tell you but Hana is the one I've set my eyes one, can you ever forgive me?" I pouted, earning a yell of protest from the back room, probably Hana but I didn't care too much to check. A grin made its way onto Yoongi's face before he pulled me over to a small table in the corner of the store where people made their ramen, producing two pots of spicy ramen from the shelf that the table stood on front of. My favourite flavour, must be a soulmate thing.

"You do like spicy ramen right? Because if not i'm afraid that i'm going to have to ask you to leave and never come back ma'am. Spicy ramen is life and if you don't like it, you're a moron!" Yoongi stated happily as he poured already boiled water into the pots, not even waiting for my answer but I didn't feel like I need to give him one. The way his eyes lit up as the mouth watering aroma of the ramen wafted throughout the store made my heart jump happily in my chest, his small smile making me want to grab his cheeks and kiss him.

What was happening to me? I don't even know.

"So passionate, it really is admirable, the way you seem to love spicy ramen more than anything else. Anyways, what time do you get off exactly?" I asked as I sat down on one of the chairs across from Yoongi, watching him closely as he stirred the ramen with a plastic fork, brows furrowed in concentration until I began to speak, then proceeding to hang off of my every word as if I were reciting the holy book of his religion. His cat-like eyes watched me so intensely that a blush emerged against my cheeks, staining the skin a deep red that caused a smirk to make its way onto his face.

"I finished just after you got here actually, give or take 10 minutes. After this I'll happily escort you home if you'd like me to? Oh, you probably brought your car, nevermind." It was cute how nervous Yoongi seemed whilst trying to initiate affection and show that he cared, even if it wasn't skinship, it was hard to express his feelings with other people. Growing up in his family, Yoongi had learnt from a very young age that if he didn't hide his true feelings then they would be used against him. Smiling softly at the offer, you took the pot of ramen that Yoongi slid over to you and blew cold air onto the concoction, humming to the tune of the store's radio.

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