{16} Texting you, Missing you

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Chapter 16 - Texting you, Missing you

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Chapter 16 - Texting you, Missing you

Missing you <3

Why now? It's been weeks since I left.

It's not like these feelings appeared overnight Sophie, as much as i'd wish them to have. I think about you constantly, you're the only thing on my mind. I made a big decision the other day and it made me miss you ever more.

What big decision?

I decided to reapply for a college that I chose last year but didn't get into. You've inspired me to go after my dreams again and after so long of having given up, I feel like life has been breathed into me again.

Good for you Yoongi, I'm glad you're putting yourself out there. I hope that you get in :)

Thanks, that means a lot to me, coming from you. Anyways, enough about me, how's college life treating you? Any boys that I need to have a talk with? :,)

I've had the best time in my life, honestly. The atmosphere here is just so enchanting and mesmerising. I don't think that I ever want to leave this place.
And as if i'd tell you about the boys

Are you seeing somebody??
Did you really move on from me that quickly?
Am i that replaceable to you?

No! How dare you accuse me of something like that when you have no solid evidence! Even though we're soulmates it doesn't give you the right to control the people I see or spend my time with.
You certainly didn't give me that right.

That again? Is that all you're going to use against me whenever we talk? I made a mistake and I know that but when will you stop holding this pathetic grudge over me, it's childish!
I'm trying to make things right between us Sophie, I care about you so much.

I've come to learn that you're very good with words, Min Yoongi. You always say the right thing when it comes to it but your actions never meet up to what you say they will be. Sure you've said sorry but what have you actually done to show me that you're sorry?
I'll give you a hint - Nothing.

Why did you have to choose a college that isn't even in this fucking country? If you were close then right now i'd already be in my car and making my way over to you. What do you expect me to do when your probably a million miles away from me having the time of your life and forgetting all about me! It hurts me so much that you want nothing to do with me. I care about you so much Sophie why don't you believe me!

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