{8} Unwelcomed Guest

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Chapter 8 - Unwelcomed Guest

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Chapter 8 - Unwelcomed Guest

No matter how hard I tried to, I just couldn't fall asleep for longer than ten minutes without snapping awake for no reason at all. My mind was racing with thoughts of Yoongi and I hated it, my exhausted brain becoming even more delirious by the second until the point which I couldn't even tell if I was dreaming or not. The moon had been shining through my window for hours and it was only now that I really regretted having sheer curtains, the light being reflected from the beautiful part of nature being another reason as to why I was so sleep deprived.

It was 2am when I heard pebbles being thrown at my window, lightly as not to break the fragile glass of the panes. Disgruntled but not too mad as i'd already been awake when whoever it was had disturbed the silence, I got up out of bed and opened my window to stick my head out, only to have a pebble hit me right between my eyes and send me backwards out of instinct.

"Jimin what the hell! How many times are you going to hurt her today, that's my soulmate you know?" I heard a familiar voice speak, causing me to forget about my pain and roll my eyes in anger. How dare he show up out of the blue at this time in the morning and expect forgiveness? With a half mind to close the window and ignore my soulmate and the stranger he'd brought with him, I stuck my head back out of the window and glared at them both darkly.

Visibly, even from my view, Yoongi's gaze softened once it laid on me whilst his friend, who I guessed was 'Jimin', opened his mouth in shock. For a couple of moments that's just how it stayed, the three of us locking at each other with completely different expressions on our faces until I got bored and cold and shut the window, achieving pleas from Yoongi which was very unlike him. The only time i'd heard him so expressive was when I'd tried to reject him but he begged for a chance, the chance he'd messed up really.

Sighing softly and hoping that dad or Cole wouldn't be woken by Yoongi's begs for my attention, I made my way downstairs and opened the front door, just in time to catch both boys retreating down my path. At the sight I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest, raising my eyebrow at Yoongi especially.

"Giving up so easily, what he said must've been true, you really don't care about me as much as you claim to." I muttered tiredly, having to hold back a laugh as both guys stopped in their tracks, Jimin letting out a little scream of surprise before turning around to face me.

"Wow. Who knew you could get such pretty girls Yoo-" Jimin gasped before he was cut off by Yoongi punching his arm, a stern look being sent the younger's way which effectively made him stop talking. Yoongi could be quite scary when he wanted to, I decided to keep a note of that fact for some reason. The anger id felt before seemed to slowly melt away from me, leaving behind only disappointment as I shook my head at Yoongi then looked away, not able to look at him for any longer than I had been.

One thing I hated more than anything else was people that pretended to be people they weren't, hiding who they really were to seem more appealing to people. I was the type of person that accepted a person for all of their flaws and chose to concentrate on the person they were now, just as long as they were honest about it. To think that Yoongi had really been able to deceive me and make out that he was a good guy made me fear what else he'd lied about. Once trust is broken, it's incredibly hard to rebuild.

"Ignore Jimin. Actually, ignore everything Jimin said before because it isn't true and you know that Sophie, please don't let it ruin what we've already built together in this short amount of time. I know that I wasn't completely honest with you and that's my fault but I didn't want you to detest me for who I was even more than you despised me for even being your soulmate. Please understand my reasons and know that i'm sorry." Yoongi pleaded, reaching out to take my hand as he stepped closer to me but I just took a step back, not even allowing him to get within arms reach of me. The words would've meant something to me if Yoongi had been honest with me from the start.

"I was right about the whole soulmates thing," I began, trying my hardest to keep my emotions at bay so that Yoongi wouldn't be able to use them to his advantage, "I was finally beginning to trust you Yoongi and you really don't know me at all if you thought for even a minute that I would've judged you for the person you used to be. How can I be sure that you won't just suddenly switch up and change all over again? Yes, you're my soulmate but that doesn't mean you'll be good to me forever. Have you been seeing any girls since you met me?" I finished, the tears finally dripping down my cheeks as I turned to look away from him.

I'd watched my mother do the same thing to my dad every time she needed something from him and I wasn't going to let myself be hurt like that. Yoongi had played the game well and he'd truly tricked me, having somehow managed to make me abandon my opinion on soulmates and trust him. How stupid I was.

"I-I... Sophie please forgive me." Yoongi gasped, his face crumpling slightly but it was nothing compared to the hurt I was feeling. I'd already watched one bond crumble to pieces that day and it was enough to make me never want to interact with anyone ever again and then i'd found out that my soulmate had been hiding things from me. What else did he expect? That I would just forgive and forget. I might have been able to forgive him if he'd have told me himself but he didn't and that was what I cared about the most.

"Goodbye Yoongi, it's late, you shouldn't drive whilst tired." I sighed, ending the conversation abruptly before closing the door and leaning my back on it, my face falling as I sobbed silently. Yoongi didn't say anything else after that and only a couple of minutes later I heard his footsteps go back down my path before his car drove away, taking him further and further away from me. I didn't want this to be the outcome but it was the only thing that could've been done.

Maybe it ran in the family, for our bonds not to form properly or match us with people that only meant to hurt us. As a child i'd always feared my bond and the day that I would come across the person who was meant for me as I just knew that it would end up in flames, just like my parents had before me. It took everything I possessed to get myself off of the floor that night, stumbling to my room as if i'd been shot or wounded. A part of me was withering away, a feeling much like when my parent's bond had been severed but much worse which didn't make sense as I hadn't rejected Yoongi. Maybe he'd rejected me.

Just before I closed my eyes to go to sleep, I checked my phone for some unknown reason and was surprised to see a text from Yoongi, probably to tell me that he was glad we were no longer bonded.

Yoongi: I will wait for you,

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