{10} - Just Dance

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Chapter 10 - Just Dance

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Chapter 10 - Just Dance

Just as he'd promised, Namjoon showed up at exactly 8am, softly knocking on the front door as he knew, from experience, that my dad went spare when people knocked too loudly. Dad had opened the door and let him in, greeting him heartily as it had been a long time since he'd seen my old best friend. At one point there wasn't a day that went by without Namjoon coming to the house, basically living here on the weekends.

"Well hello there stranger! What brings you here my boy?" Dad cheered, pulling Namjoon into a tight hug in which Namjoon melted into, smiling happily as he patted his back. By then I was standing at the top of the stairs, unnoticed by both men but I decided to let them have their moment. What? It was a wholesome sight.

"Sophie and I are going out tonight, didn't she tell you? Messaged me out of the blue and i'd grab any chance to hang out with her again, i've missed her these past couple of months." Namjoon sighed softly, pulling away from dad and crossing his arms over his chest which made him look a lot more mature than I remembered him to be. The way Namjoon admitted that he'd missed me made me blush softly, happy to hear that I'd not been completely forgotten about.

"No she didn't, she doesn't speak all that much these days. The poor girl is going through a lot right now but i'm glad she took my advice and is putting herself out there again. I'd hoped that my bad luck with soulmates wouldn't pass down to my children but apparently not. Have a good night Namjoon, i'll let Sophie know you're here." Dad said, patting Namjoon's shoulder affectionately before turning around and noticing that I was already there, biting my lip softly due to nervousness. A look of confusion flashed across Namjoon's face, almost as if he wanted to ask dad what he meant but I didn't give him chance, rushing over to him and hugging him tightly.

"We should get going, my friends are already at the bar." Namjoon said softly into the crook of my neck, sending shivers down my back, an unfamiliar feeling of course. I nodded and waved to dad who only wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively, earning a warning glare from me which didn't really hold any meaning to it.

"Don't get my daughter drunk!" Dad called playfully before shutting the front door, leaving me and Namjoon i'm comfortable silence as we both climbed into his car. It was a newer model, not the one he'd had at the beginning of the summer but I was happy for him. Not that many people knew but Namjoon's family had always been tight with money, only just getting by with what Namjoon's mother and father could scrape in each month. I had a sneaking suspicion that Namjoon had got his own job over the summer but it didn't feel right to question him on.

Halfway to the club, Namjoon broke the silence by fiddling with the radio of the car, trying but failing to put any music on which I couldn't help but giggle at. In the end, he decided to leave it, chuckling softly and shaking his head at himself.

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