{24} Make it Right

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Chapter 24 - Make it Right

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Chapter 24 - Make it Right

"What the hell are you doing here? You've got some nerve showing your face here." Dad mumbled darkly as he stared down at Yoongi who wasn't even looking up at him, head hung so low that his hair covered his face. In his rush to get away from the college, Yoongi had quickly decided that he was going to go to my dad's house for some strange reason.

"I-I don't know what to do." Yoongi had replied, the only words he was able to muster up in his state. Every cell in Yoongi's body was telling him to push past my dad and shoot to my room, lead by the scent of my perfume that seemed to be stronger than ever. Almost as if he knew how Yoongi felt, my dad's expression softened slightly but there was still a deadly glare on his face, showing Yoongi that he wouldn't be forgiven so easily. After thinking it over for a moment, Dad opened the door wider, letting Yoongi enter the house almost reluctantly.

Not giving Dad the chance to change his mind, Yoongi slipped past him and took a deep breath, migraine clearing once he inhaled what was my scent. Though I hadn't been home in over a week, the scent of wild flowers and lavender still lingered throughout the house and it helped to calm Yoongi. Dad joined him in our living room after closing the front door and sat in a chair, crossing one leg over the other. Distracted, Yoongi was looking around the living room as if in awe, eyes wide to take everything in.

"Why did you come here Yoongi?" Dad asked softly, a concerned expression on his face as he looked at the man. Yoongi didn't answer him for a couple of seconds, still looking around the room in awe before he snapped out of it by shaking himself slightly.

"I know that I have no right to come here but i've made a mistake. Please believe that I love your daughter with every single cell in my body and I don't want to give that up. Ever since she came into my life it's been better. After giving up on everything, Sophie is the one that gave me my motivation back and actually made me want to put in effort to the things I love and want to pursue later in life. I know that maybe i should be saying this to Sophie but I can't just yet, I don't deserve the chance yet. I came here because I thought that I would need to start with you, apologise to you I mean. I can only beg for your forgiveness and blessing to pursue your daughter though I have not earned it. The pain i've put her through is appalling and I regret it. Can you find it in your heart to allow me this one chance to put things right, for the last time?"

Dad was stunned, so shocked that his mouth was hanging open slightly. His dark eyes were wide open and looking down at Yoongi who was making direct eye contact with him, even though it must've been so hard for him to do so. Sighing, dad put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and patted it comfortingly, a soft smile on his face as he did.

"Son," dad began, causing Yoongi's breath to catch in his throat, "I would be honoured for a man like you to take my daughter's hand. All I ever wanted was for her to find someone that was willing to fight for her, even if there was slim chance of victory. You may not have been the best soulmate Yoongi but nobody is perfect and Sophie is more than familiar with this. If you're willing to put the effort in Yoongi, then you'll win my daughters love. But heaven knows that if you hurt her again I'll have your neck." Dad warned fondly, chuckling as he ruffled Yoongi's hair.

A blossom of hope bloomed in Yoongi's heart but he knew that it was only the beginning. Getting my dads blessing was nothing compared to getting mine and he knew that. Seeing my father was only the beginning but Yoongi was now confident that he could do it, that he could win me back and correct all of the wrong things he had done to me. It was all he could do.

Neither of the men noticed Cole who was stood in the kitchen glaring at Yoongi. Though he'd never personally met him, Cole had come to detest Yoongi for what he had done to me after hearing the stories from dad. A scoff made its way out of his mouth, attracting the attention of both of them.

"I didn't know that we were operating a shelter for the homeless dad. If Sophie knew you were sat here giving him false hopes of happiness she'd be so angry. And Yoongi, don't turn up to the house of the soulmate that you've neglected and hurt more than anyone else has in her entire life. My sister deserved the best and I can never understand why she ended up with you." Cole spat, not holding back or even attempting to make his words sound nicer or calmer.

Yoongi flinched slightly at his words, the hope in his chest dampening as reality hit him in the face. I wasn't going to take him back so easily and I may have even moved on.

"I never meant to hurt her, I don't know what's wrong with me." Was all that Yoongi could say, eyes turned downwards as he didn't have the nerve to look Cole in the eye, despite being his elder. The truth was that Yoongi was ashamed by his actions and disgusted by himself for all that he had done to me. There was no taking back the things he had done and said but he had to try and make things right, even if it meant never talking to me again.

"You're a terrible person, that's the answer to your question. Funnily enough, you remind me of our mother, a waste of space. She's trying to fix everything now but the damage is beyond repair. I can only imagine that it's a similar case with Sophie." Cole snapped, ignoring the way dad pursed his lips at the mention of our mother so that he could release his pent up anger on to Yoongi who didn't even attempt to defend himself. "Leave my sister alone, she deserves a lot better than you could ever give her."

Yoongi sighed and shook his head, intertwining his fingers on his lap.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Cole. I love Sophie and i'll be damned if I give up now after everything that's happened. Though I may not be worthy right now, you better bet your ass that i'm going to do everything within my power in order to be. Love does things to a man Cole, you will realise this when you find the girl you're willing to risk it all for."

Cole just glared even darker at Yoongi, nostrils flared slightly as his hands clenched into aggressive fists. The words Yoongi was saying just didn't make sense to him, though they seemed to make sense to dad.

"I already have, Yoongi. I will risk anything to keep Sophie safe so you better watch your back. You think you're going to manipulate my sister into believing that you've changed? You'd better think again!" Cole growled before leaving the room and exiting the house, slamming the door so hard that the house shook slightly due to the force.

The house was silent for a while after Cole leaving, neither dad or Yoongi knowing what to say to each other. All they knew was that if anything, Cole was right, I wasn't going to give Yoongi another chance if he didn't show me that he deserved it.

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