{14} The Butterfly Effect

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Chapter 14 - The Butterfly Effect

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Chapter 14 - The Butterfly Effect

"One of the most misunderstood concepts known to the modern society is the soulmate bond, can anybody tell me why?" The stern looking professor at the front of the lecture hall boomed, his voice scaring many students ,that had previously been asleep, awake. At first nobody answered until I cautiously stuck my hand up, almost instantly gaining his attention with an arched brow. "Yes, go on."

"Well, a soulmate has many different meanings. How can you have one set explanation for something as worldwide and common as this? Especially when nobody knows exactly where it stems from. Many people tend to forget that soulmate bonds aren't perfect and that sometimes they won't work." I said as loudly as my awkward self would let me, trying but failing miserably to not turn bright red as I could feel the stares of my fellow classmates on my head like a weight. The professor nodded in satisfaction, slightly smiling at my answer before clapping once, turning to his board and writing one phrase on the chalkboard.

The butterfly effect

"The butterfly effect is the theory that if a butterfly flutters it's wings at an exact time, it can have catastrophic effects such as earthquakes and tornados. Things like what you choose to wear on a morning and wether or not you decided to take the bus can be applied to the butterfly effect. Now i'm not just mentioning this randomly, this subject fits into the soulmate bond sector very nicely. Say if you chose to not catch the bus one day and walk instead. Your soulmate could've been sat on that bus or maybe have been been the driver but you'll never know and that chance will pass you by. As Miss Lee said, the soulmate bond is not all sunshine and rainbows which many people are ignorant to, believing that the bond is stronger that anything but it's not. This week I would like you all to write an essay about the pros and cons of the soulmate bond and I don't want to see just pros! Class dismissed, see you guys next week!" The professor finished abruptly, just before the doors opened to he lecture hall and people began to pile out of them, chatting loudly about insignificant things that I really didn't care about.

Once outside I felt out of place, unfamiliar with my surroundings as I was not yet used to the vast space of the college campus. I could barely drag myself to my lectures on time with seconds to breathe, never mind find places to hangout. At times I wondered if maybe i'd picked the wrong college, too far from home so that I couldn't work efficiently. Stupidly, i'd talked to dad on the phone the night before and honestly it was hard, hearing him cry and tell me that he missed me being home when all I wished was that I could go back home and never leave again.

Sighing softly, I decided to try and track down a coffee shop to get my daily fix, my hands slightly shaking from the dramatic decrease in caffeine i'd had since starting college which was weird as i'd imagined that it would've increased. The crunch of leaves beneath my feet as I walked down the busy path was what I decided to concentrate on as I walked in the direction that a questionable sign told me to, promising a small coffee shop. Multiple people around me were talking loudly with their friends and enjoying themselves, something I hadn't yet managed to do. No matter where I was it always took me longer to find friends than it did anybody else.

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