{17} Can't Compete

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Chapter 17 - Can't Compete

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Chapter 17 - Can't Compete

"Ah, can't get rid of you can I? And who's this handsome stranger." Mallory teased as both me and Yoongi entered the coffee shop, fingers intertwined in the cutest way. I couldn't help but blush and chuckle, holding up our hands as if to say, 'yupp, this is my soulmate' As if she'd understood my gesture, Mallory squealed and jumped over the counter to make her way over us, cupping my face in her cheeks and kissing them before turning to Yoongi and looking him up and down as if judging whether he was good enough for me or not.

With a raised brow, Yoongi looked down at the girl and chuckled nervously. Even though she's quite short, Mallory is one of the feistiest people I know and really shouldn't be underestimated. After seeming him worthy, Mallory smiled brightly and cupped his face too, kissing both of his rosy cheeks before sliding back over the counter so that she was stood in front of the register.

"Something tells me you just broke so many health and hygiene rules." I joked, pulling Yoongi closer to the counter so that we could order. They seemed to have a new type of cookie for sale so I ordered it out of curiosity, rolling my eyes as Yoongi warned me that I probably wouldn't like it due to my strong hate of coconut. Like a three-year old, I held my free hand up and mimicked the movements of Yoongi's hand with it, causing him to swat at me fondly and scold me just as so.

"What the boss doesn't know won't hurt her, one coco cookie, one basic ass blue berry muffin and two hot chocolates coming right up!" Mallory exclaimed before disappearing into what I assumed was the kitchen. My favourite booth was empty as always so I quickly tugged Yoongi over to it, nearly causing him to trip on a chair leg that was stuck out at an odd angle.

"This is a cute place, I see why you enjoy coming here so much. It's nice to spend time with you like this, no worries or arguments, just us." Yoongi breathed, playing with the tips of my fingers whilst blushing softly. That was another thing i'd learnt about Yoongi since we'd been spending so much time together. Whenever he was confessing something if felt embarrassed he'd focus his attention on something else and his cheeks would turn the most adorable shade of red.

"I found it just after I started my first classes and I agree, it's lovely to spend time with you when we're not screaming in each other's faces. Was your first music lecture as boring as you thought it would be?" I asked as I read one of the cute menus that was in the middle of the table with one hand, allowing Yoongi to play with my fingers freely. As an answer, he held up a hand in a horizontal position and shook it slightly, telling me that it wasn't as bad as he thought. All that morning he'd been texting me complaining about how he chose the music course to play piano, not learn about musicians that died centuries ago.

"Could have been better I guess. It's good to be doing something I love rather than working with Hana in the damn store. You should've seen the look on her face when I told her I was quitting to go to college. That sack of potatoes she calls a soulmate didn't even make it through high school never mind college. Did you get you grade back from that soulmate evolution paper you wrote?" He asked, occasionally looking out of the window behind me as if looking for somebody. Before I could answer though, the loud bell of the door opening pierced through the calm atmosphere of the coffee shop, causing both me and Yoongi to look at whoever had opened the door so forcefully. My face paled at the sight.

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