{18} There's always something

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Chapter 18 - There's always something

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Chapter 18 - There's always something

"I didn't know you'd met your soulmate already." A stern voice said from behind me, almost causing me to drop my coffee on to the pavement in front of me. I quickly connected the dots and realised that it was Jungkook who was in fact speaking to me, a frown making its way on to my face as he hurried his steps so that he was walking right next to me.

"Uh, I didn't know I had to tell everyone that I have a soulmate, I'll remember next time." I joked stiffly, feeling creeped out by the way that Jungkook had just appeared behind me and by the way he was looking at me. Jungkook didn't even react to my words, brushing them off and ignoring them, continuing to search my face as if he were looking for something that i'd taken from him.

"Did you know about him whilst you were kissing me and spending the night in my bed?" He seethed, seemingly more hurt that anything else. I'd never taken into account how Jungkook would feel after that night but then again he'd acted as if it didn't matter the next morning so I hadn't caught up on the thought. I didn't answer for a while, just avoiding his gaze and fumbling with my fingers.

"I-I did, but we weren't on good terms at that moment if i'm being completely honest. Is there something wrong Jungkook? I'm very sorry if I did something to make you upset with me." I rambled, finally looking up at him as he took a deep breath in through his nose and let it out through his mouth in an exaggerated exhale. Then he did something that I wouldn't have expected in my wildest dreams.

One of Jungkook's hands quickly wrapped around my wrist whilst the other slightly pulled my sleeve down, exposing my mark. A look of disappointment flashed over his face as he allowed his sleeve to fall down too, revealing the set of similar piano keys to mine but very different at the same time. As mine did, the keys began large at the base of his wrist before gradually becoming smaller until they turned into what looked like small strands of hair but I couldn't really tell. The initials of his soulmate were missing though, meaning that his fate was undecided or that he bond had been broken. For his sake, I wished that fate was just trying untangle the mystery that was Jeon Jungkook.

"I had been so sure..." He mumbled to himself, shaking his head and dropping my wrist in a soft manner before turning round and disappearing the way he had came. To say that I was confused was an understatement, watching as Jungkook quickly walked away from me as if he'd never even spoken to me at all. Why did he care if I had a soulmate or not? It's not like it made any difference to him. If Jungkook had mistaken our marks for being the same then that honestly made sense to me as the piano keys made them almost identical if it weren't for the fact that mine descended into vines.

Sighing softly, I began to make my way over to Yoongi's dorm as I had been doing before Jungkook stopped me. Seeing as Yoongi was becoming increasingly busy with studying and classes, we'd both decided that we would accompany each other whilst studying so that we weren't going long periods of time without seeing each other. The temperature of the campus was dropping slowly but surely, shivers racking down my body as the wind invaded the layers of coats and jumpers I'd wrapped myself in before leaving my dorm. Hurrying my steps as to get there quicker, I raced down the paths as fast as I could, not caring of anyone that would see me.

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