{23} Forever in my heart

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Chapter 23 - Forever in my heart

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Chapter 23 - Forever in my heart

"So, what do you think I should do?" Jungkook sighed, slouching over and running his hand through his hair which messed it up. Not that it looked bad or anything, that was very much impossible for someone as good looking as Jungkook. This is Jeon Jungkook we are talking about. The man he was talking to shrugged softly, not really knowing how to help his friend as he had never been in his situation, always having fond love to come easy once he learned to love himself.

"I don't know man this isn't really my area of expertise if I am being completely honest with you Kookie. I didn't find it hard to confess to Jimin and look at us now, all in love and stuff! Still going strong 2 years later!" Jin fawned, eyes softening at the mention of his beloved boyfriend. It was actually quite sickening to the people around them just how in love they were with each other, seeming to be stuck in the honeymoon phase like love-drunk teenagers.

"You two are soulmates Jin, it isn't really the same situation." Jungkook whined childishly and laid his head on the table in front of him, his lips pouting as he pondered on what he was going to do about the predicament he was in. On one hand, he could confess to me but on the other he could ignore the feeling that there was something pulling him to me. Either way, Jungkook was scared shitless, not wanting to make the wrong decision.

"Do you think she'd want another relationship so soon though, after her last I mean? Not that you could really call it a relationship between them though. I'm overthinking this I know but what if she's still in love with her soulmate?" Jungkook rambled, eyes unfocused as he chewed on his bottom lip to the point that it was bleeding slightly.

Not knowing how to comfort his friend, Jin patted Jungkook on the back and tried to reassure him that everything would play out in a way that would benefit them in the end. The situation made Jin happy that he had found Hoseok without any complications, able to love and cherish the boy without anything holding him back. Jin didn't want this to turn out the way that it did with Jungkook's soulmate, not wanting to watch his best friend go through such hard times ever again.

"Girl troubles Kookie? Simple, get a boyfriend instead!" Hoseok joked as he joined the two in the cafe, sliding into the seat beside Jin before leaning in to kiss his cheek lovingly. The blush that covered Jin's cheeks made Jungkook envious, envious of the strong relationship that the two of them shared.

"Don't be silly Hoseok-hyung, I'm not into guys. I think I really like this girl and I don't want to fuck things up like I did with...her. Do you think I should ask her out?" Jungkook asked, fumbling with his fingers as he looked up at the elder who smiled down at him, an almost fond expression that Hoseok seemed to specialise in. As if jealous of the attention Hoseok was giving to Jungkook, Jin rested his head in the crook of Hoseok's neck and began to kiss the skin softly, causing Hoseok to roll his eyes at his behaviour.

"Not in public Jin there are children in here," Hoseok scolded his lover, earning an almost sly grin that he could only shake his head at before turning back to Jungkook, "If you really like her Jungkook then you should show it. You'll most likely regret it if you don't."

"Really? You think so?" Jungkook mumbled, eyes wide which made him look so innocent that Hoseok wanted to coo and pinch his cheeks. When Hoseok nodded, Jungkook immediately stood up and ran out of the cafe, leaving the couple slightly confused but happy for their youngest friend.

"Go get your girl Jungkookie." Hoseok giggled to himself, swatting Jin away as the man had began to nip at his skin softly. The man was genuinely happy for his best friend having known how his soulmate had turned out. It was nice to hear him finally feeling something for someone again as all of Jungkook's friends had thought that he would never fall for anyone again.

Knowing exactly where he was running to, Jungkook made his way straight to my dorm as he knew I would be there. Street lights and people all blurred but the path in front of him didn't, his mind focusing on getting to me without anything type of distractions. Maybe it was made in the heat of the moment, the decision to confess to me, but in that moment Jungkook had never felt so sure about anything in his entire life. The stares of disapproval Jungkook got from elder people didn't bother him at all.

"Fuck..." Jungkook muttered as he collided with a frail shoulder in a way that made him cringe, his body knocking to the side. A small whimper came from the frame that he had almost taken out, the person hanging their head as their hand clutched the spot on their shoulder in which Jungkook had ran into.

"I am so sorry, are you okay? It's totally my fault I should've been looking where I was going I-" Jungkook rambled, placing his hand on the person's shoulder which caused them to look up at him, eyes wide in shock and awe.

Jungkook's blood ran cold, his veins shrivelling up and stopping any blood flow to his brain as he panicked.

"M-Mia? Is that you?" Jungkook spluttered, his mind completely forgetting about what he had been previously about to do. Maybe meeting Mia at that exact time was fate telling us that me and Jungkook just weren't meant to be. The coincidence of their meeting led to greater things, things that were bigger than we could ever be.

Meanwhile, me and Mallory were sat in my dorm, bawling our eyes out over our now favourite film of all time - Five Feet Apart. All throughout the film we were howling, from learning the stories of the main characters to the reality of the plot, and the tears refused to cease until our eyes were puffy and skin blotchy.

"B-But why did he have to d-die!" Mallory cried exaggeratedly on my shoulder, tears dripping down on to the woolly jumper I was wearing. Unable to answer with words, I had shrugged my shoulders whilst dabbing my eyes with a wad of tissues, blowing my nose after. The whole area that surrounded us was covered in tissues and kernels after Mallory just had to make a point that kernels travelled very far distances once shot from ones mouth. It's safe to say we never really recovered from the heartbreak that was five feet apart.

"My b-baby!" I sobbed, blowing my nose loudly into the tissues, joined by Mallory who did the same. We both got runny noses whilst crying which was disgustingly cute behaviour from the two of us. The credits were rolling but neither of us made any move to turn them off, loudly crying like there was no tomorrow.

The digital clock on my wall told me that it was 10pm, 2 hours over the time Mallory had said that she needed to leave. Obviously time had escaped us and I didn't want the moment to end but everything has to eventually come to an end, sooner or later. That was what I had learnt throughout my time knowing Yoongi.

"It's been fun Sophie, it really has. I'm really glad that we are spending more time together." Mallory said sweetly as she pulled on her coat whilst walking to the door, smiling softly at me with a scarf around her neck. I smiled in reply and hugged her, rocking from side to side playfully which caused us both to let out chuckles at each other. Waving goodbye, Mallory let herself out of my dorm and closed the door behind me, leaving me in the unbearable silence that had began to manifest whenever I was alone.

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