Oh No: Part One

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Cancer reached up and taped the notice to the wall.  "Last one," she smiled.

"Whatcha doing?" asked Pisces, walking up to her.

"Oh, I'm taking up notices for the school dance," explained Cancer.  "I need more community service hours."

"A dance?" blinked Pisces.  "I thought the cafeteria still had that hole in it from the acid."

"They fixed that yesterday.  Anyways, the dance isn't for a couple days."

"Cool."  Pisces paused.  "Wait, is it lunch now?"

"Yeah.  Let's go eat."

Cancer and Pisces walked to the cafeteria, and sat down at their usual table, with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Saggy, Capricorn, and Aquarius.  They weren't quite sure why they all sat together, but they did, and it worked.

"Hi guys," mumbled Taurus through her sandwich.  "Wassup?"

"Nothing much," shrugged Pisces, sitting down next to her.  Cancer did the same.

"Guys!" yelled Aries, pointing at the floor.  "They fixed the hole!"  Saggy slow clapped.

"I wonder why," mused Libra.

"There's a dance in a few days," explained Cancer.  "They kind of had to."

"Ooh, a dance!"  Leo's eyes lit up, and he got down on one knee.  "Aries, will you be my date to the dance?"

Aries raised her eyebrow.  "Leo, what are you going to do if I say yes?"

"Flee the country?" offered Leo.  Aries hit him with her lunch tray.

"It's a type of costume dance," explained Cancer.  "Everyone comes wearing a mask so you can't tell who's who."

Gemini blinked.  "Oh, I thought that was just a Shakespeare thing."

"It might be," admitted Cancer.  "I'm just saying what I read.  I spent half of free period taping flyers around the school."

"So that's where you were," said Scorpio.  Cancer jumped.  It was really unnerving the way Scorpio  kept appearing out of nowhere like that.

"Um, were you looking for me...?" asked Cancer nervously.

Scorpio shrugged.  "I just like to know where people are."

Okay.  Not weird at all.

"I bet no one knows where I was," grinned Gemini.

"Beating your mile time," shrugged Scorpio.  "No biggie."

"Oh."  Gemini frowned, he's been hoping to tell everyone himself.  "Well, yeah.  But I did, like, a really good job at it!"

"You beat it by six seconds," scoffed Aquarius.  "I was in the room, you know."

"Hmph," grunted Gemini.

After lunch, Cancer made her way to math class.  She had math with Aries, Virgo, and Libra.  She usually talked with Libra, not because she had anything against Aries and Virgo, but they were always so loud.

"Virgo!  Is this how you complete the square?"

"Aries, we're supposed to be finding the area of this parallelogram."

"Oh.  Can I borrow your pencil sharpener?"

Sigh.  "Here."  A brief silence.  "Aries, what are you doing???  You don't sharpen erasers!  Give me that back!"

"Haha, you're so easy to annoy."

"Look what you did to my eraser!"

"Virgo, you're usually so chill," commented Libra.

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