Between Storms

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Alright, heads up that this chapter is a little Leo-centric, but I would advise reading it anyways cause it's important to the plot.  Enjoy!

Taurus noticed Pisces walking into the living room, and turning on the TV. It flickered to life, and a TV weatherman was saying "...massive storm coming to the area..."

"Huh," frowned Pisces.

"What is it?" asked Cancer, glancing up from her book.

"This isn't the channel I left it on," he explained. "I don't think anyone else has used it since then."

"Weird," noted Taurus, without looking up from her book. Wierd, but not the weirdest.

Gemini looked up, alarmed. "Oh no!"

"What's wrong?" asked Cancer, a little apprehensive.

"The TV," explained Gemini, with a concerned expression on his face. "In this kind of story there is only one reason for a TV to be featured."

"And that is...?"


Taurus glanced up. "What?"

"I'm serious!" protested Gemini. "The only reason for a TV to be talking about a storm coming to the area is if it's going to be featured in the upcoming plot arc!"

Taurus stared for a second. Then, she said "That's genius."

"Hey, thanks."

"I love that, dude."

Gemini jumped to his feet. "Foreshadowed means forewarned means forarmed! I'm heading out to the store to go buy lots of ice cream. Taurus, wanna come?"

"Ice cream? Of course!" Taurus climbed off the couch and she and Gemini walked off.

"Are they being serious?" frowned Cancer.

"No idea," shrugged Pisces, flicking to the PBS channel where they were showing a special on aquariums.


Gemini could possibly have been right, because it was one heck of a storm. That night the wind was howling like some kind of howly-thing, and trees were swaying back and forth, limbs falling all over the yard. Fortunately no one was outside when it hit because Virgo forced everyone to come inside once he got a phone alert (although there was a close call with Aries involving some kind of pole-vaulting competition). No one really slept that night, the sounds of the wind, the rain, the lightning, and tree limbs falling like rain were more than enough to keep anyone from falling asleep. More than a few people were convinced that some of the windows on the downstairs floor had broken open, but were too nervous to go down and check.

When the morning finally came, however, the house was intact. The yard was littered with branches and the powerlines were down, but there was no structural damage. So, weirdly enough after that kind of night, they had to go to school.

Three days pass...


"Leo," whispered Gemini.

Leo blinked his eyes open. The teacher was drawing something on the board that looked like a potato but was probably supposed to be a hexagon, judging by the fact that they were studying polygons. But then, who knew?

"How long was I asleep?" whispered Leo.

"Nearly an hour," whispered Gemini.

Good, that meant school was almost over, in about ten minutes. It was a long day. A friday too. Leo was more than ready to go home, relax, maybe take a nap for a minute or two...

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