Elemental War Part One: What have the fire signs done now

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Taurus: *Wakes up in the morning* *Goes back to bed for 5000 years* *Finally gets up and walks out of her room* *Gets hit on the head with a bucket of water* What now? *Picks up the bucket* *The bucket has a note on it*

Note: Happy morning! Love, the fire signs (earth signs are stupid)

Taurus: ...

Taurus: Wow

Taurus: I see how it is

Taurus: *Eats a chip and then walks out of her room* *Heads towards Leo's room* *Walks into Leo's room*

Leo: *snoring*

Taurus: *Flips Leo out of bed*

Leo: *Falls out* Wha-?

Taurus: *Does finger guns* Love, the earth signs! *Eats a chip* *Leaves*

Leo: ...what?


Cancer: *Yawns and gets out of bed* *Steps in something squishy* Ew! *Looks down* *There is a tub of mud below her bed* What is going on...? *There is a note attatched to the mud*

Note: Hi Cancer! Love, the fire signs (Water signs suck)

Cancer: Um, okay. *Gets up* *Walks over to Pisces's room* Hey, Pisces?

Pisces: *snoring*

Cancer: Pisces?

Pisces: *Jumps up* I wasn't asleep! Wait. It's only eight. What's going on?

Cancer: The fire signs have issued an official challange. And they pranked me. *Holds up the note*

Pisces: *Reads the note* Hm. I see.

Cancer: Exactly.

Pisces: We need a plan.


Gemini: *Wakes up* *Climbs out of bed* *looks in the mirror* *screams* *Gemini's face is covered in sharpie* MY FABULOUS FACE!!! *runs over the the mirror* *inspects his face* *written on his face is a message*

Message: You once asked what I thought was wrong with you. It's written all over your face. Love, the fire signs (Air signs are losers)

Gemini: Well then.

Gemini: *Goes back to bed*

*Meanwhile* *In Aries and Saggy's tower*

Aries: Haha! This will be hilarious!

Saggy: Yeaheah!

Aries: The fire signs are going to rule the world. Or at least the house.

Saggy: Wait.

Aries: What?

Saggy: Should we have told Leo about this?

Aries: ...whoops

*There is a banging sound on the trapdoor*


Leo: What is going on???

Aries: Oh, it's Leo. *Opens the trapdoor* Hi Leo!

Leo: *Panicked* The earth signs are a cult!!!

Saggy: ...what?

Leo: *nods furiously* Taurus just went into my room and flipped me out of bed and said "from the earth signs". I'm telling you, they're organized!

Aries: Of course they are. Virgo and Capricorn are incredibly organized.

Saggy: *Elbows Aries* That's not what he meant. He meant that they're a cult.

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