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Jordan looked down at his phone. He had texted his friends to try to meet up with them, but they were all busy. Disappointed, Jordan threw his phone onto his bed and left his house. He walked to Subway and just sat there, wondering what his life had become. He watched people from the window and was envious of how happy they looked. Jordan had a reason to miserable though. He had found out last night his girlfriend of 2 years had been cheating on him with his brother. Jordan didn't want to think about it, instead, he got up and headed to the nearest off-license and bought a bottle of vodka. As soon as he was out of the store, he started chugging it. Jordan had no intention of remembering tonight, no. He wanted to drown his feelings instead of confronting them. Jordan had never felt more alone in his life; Friends didn't want to hang out anymore, his family was far, far, away and he had no significant other. Jordan looked up at the sky, it was a hazy orange.

Jordan retreated to a fountain the park where he drank and drank, cried and cried and died on the inside. "God, why does everyone hate me", he asked himself, taking another slug of vodka. He looked behind him and saw his reflection in the water. Jordan punched the water, watching the ripples settle. Jordan was twenty-four, 6'3, had brown, spikey hair, blue eyes and was cleanly shaven. Now drunk, Jordan decided it was a good time to start heading back to his house for the night. He took the back street he always took, but this time, something didn't feel right. Jordan looked behind him, no one there. Confirming that no one was there, Jordan continued to clumsily walk back to his house. Feeling very uneasy, Jordan stopped and looked behind him again, this time someone was there. Scared, Jordan didn't move, the fear sobered him up a lot. "Hello?", Jordan shouted at the figure, "Who are you?". The figure didn't speak, it just edged closer. "Stop right now", Jordan warned, "Don't come any closer to me". The figure stopped and just stood there, which was creepy as hell. "Who are you?", Jordan shouted again, gripping the vodka bottle a bit tighter. The figure did not answer, only lifting its head up. Jordan started walking again, but the figure didn't like that. It raced ahead of Jordan and blocked his path. The backstreet was dark, so it still hid the identity of the figure. "Just leave me alone", Jordan pleaded. The figure stepped into the slither of light, all that showed was an arm that was full of tattoos. "I won't report you", Jordan said, "Just leave me alone and you can walk home a free man". The figure didn't even flinch. Jordan tried to power through but the figure didn't like that and before Jordan knew it he was on the floor. When Jordan looked up, he saw the figures face. He was shocked when he saw the face. It was him.

"Are you gonna kill me?", Jordan asked, struggling to feel his arms as the copy of him was pinning him down. "No", the copy said in a deep voice. "What do you want then?", Jordan asked. The copy got up and let Jordan get the feeling back in his arms. "I only wanted to find you", the copy said. Jordan was now really confused. "Why did you want to find me?", Jordan asked, sitting up. The copy looked at Jordan and smiled, "I just needed to find you, is that okay?". Jordan knew he wasn't going to get any further with the topic so just accepted it. "Now, if you don't have any more questions I will introduce myself", the copy said to Jordan. The copy took a breath and said, "I am you from a different universe". Jordan just looked even more confused. The copy sighed, "I'm you from the universe if you were a bad boy. An alternate universe if you get me". "Ah, okay", Jordan said, getting it. "Is there something else I can call you apart from copy?", Jordan asked, getting up. The copy laughed, "You can call me Jay". "Okay, Jay", Jordan said, "Just one last question". Jay sighed and let Jordan ask the last question, "Why such the creepy intro?". Jay started laughing hystreically, "Because I wanted to scare you".

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