2. Questions

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Now Jordan was kind of informed on who his double was, he invited him back to his house. "So, Jay", Jordan started, "What does my life look like compare to yours?". Jay looked around the house, he knew it was a lot better than his but replied with a, "We're nearly identical". Jordan nodded, sitting down on the couch in front of the TV. Jay sat next to him, putting his feet up. "How did you get here?", Jordan asked, turning on some junk TV as background noise. Jay looked at Jordan, "Really, this many questions on the first night I'm here", Jay said. Jordan nodded, "I want to know", Jordan pressed. Jay sighed and sat up, "I traveled through a device that is not yet in this world. A device called a planet transporter". "Like a time machine?", Jordan asked. "Yeah", Jay said, "But instead of time it's planets and universes". Jordan followed, wanting to know more he asked another question, "What do you want with me?". Jay looked at Jordan, he knew what it was like to be in Jordan's role, but he just couldn't answer. "Look", Jay said, turning to Jordan, "All that will come in time, okay?". Jordan nodded, accepting that he wasn't going to finding out anytime soon. "So", Jay started, "Now that the interrogation is over, how about we eat?". "Okay", Jordan said, getting up and heading towards the kitchen. "Step away from that stove", Jay said, holding his hand out. Slightly scared, Jordan did as he was told. "Tonight", Jay began, "We go out for dinner at the local Chinese!". "But I don't like Chinese", Jordan said. "Don't care", Jay said, "C'mon, let's go".

The two reached the Chinese and ate. Jay was surprised by how primitive Jordan's world was. "So", Jordan said, watching Jay eat chow mein like it was his last meal, "What is your world like?". Jay looked up to see Jordan staring at him. He stopped eating and answered, "My world is like yours, but with cool tech and is in chaos". "In what way?", Jordan asked, picking at his prawn crackers. Jay lowered his head and then looked up, "My world is at war with robots", Jay said, "Not nice robots that have killed my world and is coming for yours-". Jay suddenly stopped, he got up and walked outside. "Wait what?", Jordon shouted, following Jay. Jordon got outside and had lost sight of his copy. Jordon cursed and looked up at the sky, a drop of rain went into his eye. He headed back inside the Chinese and paid for the food and then started to walk back to his house. Jordon avoided the backstreet where he had met Jay and took the long way back to his house. The long, wet, walk back.

When Jordon reached his house, he half expected to see Jordon sitting on the sofa. No dice. Jordon was back to what he had before; No one. Jordon sighed, he took off his shoes and turned on the TV, watching a bad movie until he fell asleep. Jordon woke up to see Jay up in his face. A strong smell of alcohol reeked from him, nearly knocking Jordon out. "You awake?", Jay asked, yelling in Jordon's ear. "I'm right here!", Jordon said answering, looking at the time; It was 2 in the morning. "Why are you so late back?", Jordon asked, stretching. "I lost you", Jay explained, "I went to the bar and spent my night there. I did get into a bar fight so I fled and returned here". Jordon moved over to let Jay sit down. "Well, now you have returned", Jordon said, "Why did you leave mid-sentence from the Chinese?". Jay looked frustrated, "I couldn't keep my big mouth shut, you weren't supposed to hear that". "So now you have said some of it, can you say the rest?", Jordon asked, a bit of hope in his voice. "It doesn't work like that", Jay said, laughing, "Now, shove over. I'm tired". Jordon did as Jay said, getting him a pillow and blanket. By the tie Jordon returned with the pillow and blanket, Jay was fast asleep. Jordon left the stuff at the couch side and went to bed. Maybe tomorrow would be less confusing.

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