22. Gearing Up

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When Roy was finished telling them Rian needed to die for the rest of them to live, Rian ran away. Jordon understood why he ran away and felt bad for him. Justin joined Jay in trying to find him while Jordon hung back with Roy. Tyler had his gun and stood on the lookout. They all knew Locke and the rest were dead as no one could survive taking a steel pipe to the eye. "I didn't think he'd react like that", Roy said, sighing. "He's really really hurt", Jordon started, "He just wanted to live like everyone else. But since he's a robot he can't". "He was a very sensitive individual when I found him", Roy said, looking down to where his left leg was, "He was only five and I basically destroyed everything inside his brain and made him into a cyborg. That is why he longs to live". Jordon looked down at his feet, he was trying not to tear up at the thought of Rian dying. "Will we survive even if Rian dies?", Jordon asked. "He will reverse all of this", Roy explained, "He was the first misplaced thing in the universe. Robots and humans aren't supposed to mix. I stepped over those boundaries". Jordon nodded, he was taking everything in as this could be the last time.

Rian was huddled up in an abandoned car in the back seat. He refused to believe he was the key that could turn all this back. He couldn't cry but he could feel like it. His head was between his knees, Rian wanted to live, not to die. The right passenger door opened to the back. Jay and Justin got in beside Rian. "Rian", Jay said, "We aren't going to make you do anything you don't want to". "I'm not dying for this shitty universe", Rian said, "They can go away with that idea". "We won't make you do it", Justin said, "They don't understand what you've been through". "It's all my fault", Jay admitted, "I ran away to this planet and crossed the worlds". "It's okay", Rian said, still tucked between his knees, "It's been a pretty interesting adventure anyway". The three sat in silence. The cyborgs wanted the humans to die and the humans wanted the cyborg to die.

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