19. Complicated

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When Jordon woke up from being knocked unconscious, he saw he was on the floor yet again. He lifted his head a little bit off the off-white floor to check and see if anyone was around. He saw a big man that looked like he was out cold. Jordon took the opportunity to stand up and see what had happened. The place he was in was still in ruins from the planet, cables everywhere, sharp, protruding pieces of metal and glass everywhere. Jordon saw an opening and t walked over to it. He saw he was only a few feet off the ground and decided to jump down to freedom. After taking the jump and looking back at where he had been held, prisoner. Jordon started walking away through the chaos of another planet crashing into his own. He hoped that Jay and Rian were okay, but he knew those two wouldn't get caught. Jordon found an abandoned cafe where he could camp out for a little while he waited for Rian and Jay. He saw a face that looked like Jay's at the window. Jordon raced up and tapped on the window to let him know that he was here and safe. The man that looked like Jay looked scared when Jordon tapped on the window. Jordon let the man in and pulled up a chair for him. "Thank God for your okay", Jordon said, putting his hands behind his head in relief. Them man gave Jordon a confused look, "I'm sorry, who?". Jordon stopped smiling and put his hands down, "Your Jay unless you're from the other planet". The man shook his head, "No, I'm not this Jay you speak of". The man took a breath, "I'm Justin". Jordon smiled, walked away from Justin and fainted. This situation had become too complicated.

Jay and Rian had managed to stay standing when the other planet had crashed, Tyler hadn't. Tyler ended up falling and stabbing his hand on a piece of glass. "We aren't gonna make it out of here without killing ourselves", Tyler said, shaking the falling blood off of his hand. Jay looked down the corridor they were in for people, he assumed all of Locke's soldiers had died or ran away in fear while the man himself was nowhere to be seen. Tyler pulled him back. "Okay", Tyler started, "We maybe have like a five-minute window where we can get out of here". "But what about Jordon?", Rian asked, concern in his voice. "He made it out", Tyler said, "I saw Locke dragging him away and there is not a chance that Locke made it to his destination before that hit". That gave Rian and Jay confidence that their friend was safe. "Let's do this", Jay said, Tyler leading the way down the white-walled corridor, Rian and Jay following. This is what the cost of living was, jeopardizing a whole other planet for them to see what living was like. Funnily enough, Jay and Rian wouldn't change it.

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