6. Radar

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After Jay explained who Rian was and everyone had calmed down, Jordon welcomed Rian. "I won't cause any harm", Rian said, "But my colleagues will". This caught Jay off guard, "Colleagues?". Rian nodded, "There's five of us looking for you", Rian said, "Including me, I'm nice, the others not so much". "So, do your colleagues know where you are?", Jordon asked, nervous. Rian shook his head, "No, but my commander does". "Okay", Jay said, "So how do we make your commander not know where you are?". "You have to destroy my tracking chip and my radar". Jay was freaked out by this, he went to the bathroom, locked the door and didn't come back out. It was up to Jordon. "Can you do it, Jordon?", Rian asked, slightly hopeful. Jordon nodded, "Let's do it".

Jordon found his toolset and Rian sat on the sofa. "I'm no engineer", Jordon warned. "I don't care", Rian said, "I just want to live normal". Jordon nodded, he grabbed a screwdriver but saw no screws to undo. "Where's your tracking chip?", Jordon asked, unsure what to do. Rian reached the back of his neck and pulled off his prosthetic skin. "Just rip it out", Rian said, "I don't feel anything, please, just do it". Jordon found what he guessed was the chip and just ripped it out. The wires sparked for a minute but eventually stopped. "Great", Rian said, "Now it's just my radar". "Where's that?", Jordon asked. "It's in my brain". Jordon had to suck it up and rip Rian's head open. He did this and found what he guessed was his radar and ripped it out. There was silence. Jordon thought he killed him but then heard sniffles. "I'm free", a voice said, "I'm free from my misery". Jordon was relieved and happy for his new friend. Hopefully whoever was tracking down Jay would stop and return home. But it wasn't always that simple.

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