4. Lies

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Jordon woke up to find Jay still asleep on his couch. Jordon was relieved he was still here after that disappearing act yesterday. He left Jay to sleep and went to work at a local sandwich shop. Jordo had decided not to go to college and straight into work, his family disagreed with this, but let their son got on with his life. Jordon's brother, Adam had gone to college and was studying to become a teacher. Jordon wondered how Adam was doing and that stopped him dead in his tracks. If there was another version of Jordon, there would be another version of Adam. This curiosity grasped Jordon and he spent the day thinking about the various versions of his brother. A customer snapped him out of his daze as the man placed a very complicated order. Jordon made the man's sandwich and let him eat it. Then Jay came into the shop. Jay walked up to the counter, sunglasses on and started talking to Jordon. "Excuse me, sir", Jay started, "Can I have a sandwich?". Jordon wanted to kill Jay but he had to serve him. "Yes", Jordon said through gritted teeth, "What would you like?". Jay took off his sunglasses and said, "Actually, I don't want anything. Good day". With that Jordon walked out and went to annoy someone else. Jordon had no time to dwell on it as another customer came in.

Jay flicked the rest of his cigarette away and went exploring his new home. There wasn't much around in his new home; A few coffee shops, bars and places to eat, but no shops. Jay wandered around aimlessly and eventually sat down on a bench and waited for Jordon to finish work. This time gave Jay to think of what he had made with his life; Nothing. He had thrown his life away by getting busted for stealing a car and holding a hostage. Jordon was doing something with his life, unlike Jay. Jay looked up at the sky and watched the clouds. Maybe if this whole thing blew over, he would turn his life around and do something. He looked back down and nearly had a heart attack; Someone from his planet was here. Jay tried not to look suspicious as he got up slowly and walked into a coffee shop. Jay got a coffee and sat down, keeping his head down. He just sat there and drank his coffee, reading a magazine that was in the shop. The magazine was full of theories about how the world was going to end. Jay laughed about ow absurd some of the theories were but was startled by how many were close to what was going on now. He looked out the window and saw the person was gone. Jay let out a sigh of relief, but nearly fainted when he saw he was in the coffee shop. Jay went to the bathroom and escaped through the window. He ran back to Jordon's house and hid in the closet. It was time to tell Jordon the truth. No more lies.

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