14. Hidden

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Rian was scared, but Jay was kept his head-on. Since he had been on the run for a few days, this just seemed like a new step to his plan of freedom. To Rian though, this was the scariest experience of his life; Jay had killed his team-mate that he had known since he started the academy. Jay saw a bright light from the sky, he stood as close as he could to the wall, Rian copied him. The helicopter light went on, Jay and Rian started walking again. "I need to find a bathroom", Jay said, "Gotta wash this blood off". Rian saw a toilet sign and pointed it out to Jay. Jay entered the bathroom and proceeded to scrub his clothes with the pump-action soap and cold water. He got frustrated and slammed his hands onto the sink. He looked at himself in the mirror and wondered what he had done. Sure he made a huge mistake about killing someone, but he had only done it out of boredom. But this made him worry as he killed that guy without any hesitation. Sure he was a cyborg that had no feelings, but that must have triggered some sort of human reaction. Jay stepped out of the bathroom, misty-eyed and feeling defeated. When he stepped outside Rian was nowhere to be seen. "Rian?!", Jay called, "Where'd you go?". Jay heard rusting in the bushes and proceeded to start running. Rian had been taken, he was next.

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