13. Capture

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Kodak was wandering the streets when he saw two sets of legs sticking out from a cardboard shelter. "Possible target", Kodak said into his radio, "Stand-by". Kodak got closer and got to the two sets of legs. Low and behold it was Jay and Rian. Kodak shone his light at the two and this made them wake up. "Get up!", Kodak shouted, drawing his gun. Jay got up first, Rian second. "Okay, you got us", Jay said. "Jay Parker", Kodak began, "You are under arrest for the murder of a human by the name of Tom Quinn". Kodak then turned to Rian, "How dare you turn on us and run away on this planet you don't even know". While Kodak was distracted, Jay took him by the neck, grabbed his gun and shot him in the head. Rian was in shock, Jay had green stuff all over him. "Your buddies are gonna be here soon", Jay said, "So let's not hang around". Rian took Jay's advice and started running.

Jordon couldn't sleep. He let his temper get the better of him and kicked two fugitives out, who were probably scared. He looked out his window at the rain. It was too dark to start looking for them, so it would have to wait until tomorrow. Jordon sat on his bed and thought about the last hour's events. Before he could even start crying for what he had done. His door was kicked down and 3 big guys came in, waving guns. "Get on the ground!", one of them shouted. Jordon complied and got on the ground. "Where is Jay Parker and Rian Kavanagh?!", the guy that had his gun barrel pressed on Jordon's head. "I don't know", Jordon answered, "I kicked them out an hour ago". "Yo", one of them shouted from the bathroom, "I found something!". The guy took his gun away, "What is it?". The one from the bathroom handed the leader a sim card looking thing. "This is Rians", the guy said, "He has been here". "I told you, I kicked them out an hour ago!", Jordon shouted. The biggest guy went over and knocked Jordon out. "Let's go", Tyler said, "They can't be far". The three left, in search of Kodak, Rian and Jay. Jason, Tyler and Corey left, dragging Jordon with them.

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