10. Complaint

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When Jordon arrived back at his house, he found Gus outside his door. "Hey Gus", Jordon said, "What's up?". Gus looked pissed, "Your friends didn't abide by our rules", he said in an angry tone. "Oh", Jordon said, slightly disappointed by Jay and Rian, "Were they too noisy?", he asked. "Noisy?!", Gus shouted, "They were blasting Billy Joel and dancing around your house! All the other tenants are disturbed and want to kill your friends!". Jordon was scared by Gus's outburst. "You can stay", Gus sighed, calming down, "But you need to get your friends out. Or someone else will". Jordon sighed and thanked Gus for letting him stay. He entered his house and found his whole record collection out. "What happened?", Jordon asked, watching Rian and Jay dance to the music. "Oh shit", Jay said, stopping. Rian stopped too. Jordon pulled the pin off and the music stopped. There was a tense silence. "What the hell, guys?", Jordon asked, mad. "Erm, we were just seeing what those black discs did", Jay said, smiling. "That's great", Jordon said, folding his arms, "That's great because you just got yourselves kicked out". Jay's smile turned to disbelief. "What? Why?", Rian asked. "You were too loud and the neighbors complained", Jordon said. "You can't let us leave", Jay said, "We have nowhere else to go". "Well, find somewhere else", Jordon said, "Now go". Jay and Rian walked out the door and into the streets. They had no money and nowhere else to go. They would have to camp out in an alleyway.

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